Tiger is driving me crazy again..

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by Mandy Mansfield, Dec 22, 2017.

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  1. Mandy Mansfield

    Mandy Mansfield Member

    Sep 23, 2017
    Had a perfect day yesterday, low hundreds all day. Had to wait an extra hour to give his pm shot because he was low. Today; totally different! He started high, went very slowly lower, and instead of going back up, he is still dropping! I've fed him supper, which I know will raise his numbers, but I don't understand why he drops like that, instead of curving. I can't stick on a dose when he varies so much. I want to bring him back to his 9/9 times, but now we are at 11pm, and I have to test him again to see if I should shoot. Argh!!!!!!
  2. Mandy Mansfield

    Mandy Mansfield Member

    Sep 23, 2017
    Just tested him at +13, he is at 145. I've chickened out, going to skip tonight. Bet he's in the 400s in the morning. Sigh..
  3. Djamila

    Djamila Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2015
    I think there are a couple of different ways you could go with this. One option is to lower the dose to 2.25 for a few cycles and see if that helps to balance out the AM and PM cycles.

    The other option is to try giving a dose on those mid- to high- blues. Maybe just 1u the first time and see what happens. You'll have to get a mid0cycle test in around +3 or +4 if you do that though. When you start to shoot on the lower numbers (cautiously and with testing in case he goes lower), that's when everything starts to move down a bit into healthier ranges. But it does require some care so that you don't give too much on those lower numbers.
    Kris & Teasel likes this.
  4. Mandy Mansfield

    Mandy Mansfield Member

    Sep 23, 2017
    I knew I couldn't test him during the night, so I didn't risk it. I should've done - he's at 404 this morning. Dosing him at 2.25 when he is this high wouldn't be enough - anything under 2.5 seems to do nothing. I know low numbers are what we actually want, so I'm going to have to stop panicking and aim for the lowest safe ones I can get. He doesn't follow the 'rules', he seems to make them up as we go along..
  5. Djamila

    Djamila Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2015
    I know it's hard to look past a red number, but we figure out the dose in large part by looking at the nadir and duration as well. Right now the duration is going pretty long which is why I recommended cutting back just a little so that you'll have a PMPS you can shoot. It's really not good to only give one shot/day, so we need to find a way that you can safely do both shots, and slight reduction might help with that.
  6. srk4cats

    srk4cats Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2017
    If I skip a shot altogether, that seems to result in bouncing. I usually give a half dose on blue numbers.
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