5/6 Oberon AMPS 271, +6 208, PMPS 157, +4 39; oncologist update

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Lisa & Oberon, May 6, 2024.

  1. Lisa & Oberon

    Lisa & Oberon Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
    last post: https://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/5-2-oberon-amps-313-6-260.289539/

    Seems like he settled into a nice pattern over the past few days, but I suspect we're about to disrupt it because (a) we're going to start doing the pred twice a day (½ tab) instead of 1 tab once a day and (b) he got his first chemo treatment today and I have no idea how that's going to affect things.

    We saw the oncologist today and he laid out all the options; basically it was what I'd already read online. Standard of care for lymphoma is the CHOP treatment, rotating through several different drugs (and continuing the pred). Second option was an oral med (forgot the name) that's ok for cats who can't tolerate the CHOP meds, but it's less effective. Third option is palliative care- pred only. We're going to try the CHOP protocol and see how he does with it. The one dicey thing is that it can cause nausea and diarrhea, which could affect BG, but they sent us home with Cerenia and Metronidazole just in case. Also gabapentin for before his next visit; apparently the IV/restraint was stressful and they'd like him to be calmer. All of this will hopefully get us at least several more months; apparently some cats do actually go into remission for a couple of years but it's very rare.

    He's still acting fine overall... chasing the other cats, getting into trouble, etc. (A couple of days ago he ate an entire baby spider plant and hacked it up. I suspect either hairball or just general tummy upset.) Ruling the house, as usual.
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  2. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Wishing you all the best with Oberon’s treatment. I am praying for a safe and positive outcome and no bad side effects.
    Sending much love and positive energy :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Lisa & Oberon likes this.
  3. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Love the Oberon report - he doesn't know anythings different. Hoping he sails through the treatments. :bighug:

    I helped a friend take her dog through CHOP protocol for lymphoma - and even took him to some of his appointments by myself when she was out of town for a family emergency. The oncologist said that cats tolerate chemo much better than dogs do. The different drugs seemed to cause different levels and types of side effects and have different nadirs, when the effects were more noticeable. Since you cycle through the drugs, take note of what happens when.

    As for take home meds, I'd really push for ondansetron for nausea. It's been studied and proven to be better for chemo induced nausea. Cerenia is great for vomiting and helps somewhat for nausea. They do target different nausea receptors so OK to give both. I'd also stay away from metronidazole as much as you can. It disrupts the gut biome.

    What was the reason for going to pred twice a day? I've always heard on the lymphoma group that it made no difference and is just one more pilling session. By the way, you can get pred compounded into chew treats, which is how I give it to my kitty.
    Lisa & Oberon likes this.
  4. Deb and Tiger

    Deb and Tiger Member

    Dec 16, 2023
    Hi Lisa, glad to hear he’s feeling well and being frisky!

    I went through lymphoma with Tigers sister. She had a flavored liquid prednisone. The B12 also helped her.
    I know about the litter box too, stinky!
    We did several different chemo treatments but I don’t remember their names…
    Sending you hugs and well wishes that Oberon responds well to the chemo and beats it in a speedy manner!
    Staci & Ivy and Lisa & Oberon like this.
  5. Lisa & Oberon

    Lisa & Oberon Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
    Thank you!

    Yeah, he said some cats don't really have side effects at all. He only wants us to use the Cerenia/metronidazole if there are issues. (He also said that continuing with the probiotic can't hurt, so we'll keep doing that.) I'l ask about ondansetron.

    I think he wanted the pred twice a day just to even out any effect it's having on BG. I may stick with once a day for now until I see how today's chemo might affect things. Pilling him is going fairly easily now; I can usually do it on my own without someone holding him for me. But so far I'm the only person who can really do it, so twice a day will be tougher.
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  6. Lisa & Oberon

    Lisa & Oberon Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
    Thanks! B12 and steroid are definitely helping. Fingers and paws crossed that chemo works even better!
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  7. Lisa & Oberon

    Lisa & Oberon Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
    Good grief, dude. Really? It's like he knows my day is packed tomorrow. Send :coffee::coffee::coffee:
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  8. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    I'm glad Oberon is still doing well overall. I hope the treatments go well. Sending prayers. :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:

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