3/14 Blackie

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by Ele & Blackie (GA), Mar 14, 2010.

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  1. Ele & Blackie (GA)

    Ele & Blackie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Here's the 3rd B report today (Bix & Buddha before us).

    We've been going the “fearless” route and have been shooting 3.4 for 3 cycles now. Yesterday, when I shot 3.4 into a 219, I told Robert, “don’t be scared”. And then I explained what I was doing. He went down to 173 midcycle last night, so it wasn’t a bad thing. But two mornings in a row, Blackie has hacked up a little hair. This am it was right before his ps bg check and we got a 456. I didn’t panic and just gave the 3.4 and he was down to 263 at +8.

    Those hairballs are a sure sign of Spring. I hope you are all seeing better signs of Spring than hairballs.
  2. Joanna & Bix (GA)

    Joanna & Bix (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    lol, pretty gross sign of spring!!!!!!!!!!

    You know now that Bix is back on the juice, I've remembered the fear factor! It's so easy to say stuff like that ("no fear!!") when your kitty gets pretty blue readings and you don't have to shoot much insulin. The first night I shot BID this round I couldn't sleep, worried he would go low (he went no where close, I undershot).

    Glad you are seeing some blues though! That 4-something would freak me out, good job taking it in stride. Looks like he is up to his longer duration tricks again (?) this cycle... he likes to keep you on your toes, doesn't he!!! I almost caught myself saying "maybe you should try a sliding scale" LOL and then remembered just the other day I said stick to one dose!!! He really is a puzzle sometimes with those #s. Hopefully now that the nasty hairballs are gone he will sail in the yellows & blues more consistently.
  3. Michelle & Prudence

    Michelle & Prudence Member

    Feb 21, 2010
    Hey Ele, Looking at Blackie's SS, 3.40 to 3.0 is a huge jump. Maybe try adjusting by 0.1 each time. Looks like when he's in the mid 300's 3.2 works well. Then jumping to 3.00 at night throws him off.

    Hugs to you & Blackie!
  4. Ele & Blackie (GA)

    Ele & Blackie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I thought the ab was kicking in - wishful thinking obviously. I was still happy to see the great drop yesterday. And on the 3.2 this morning he went down 50% by +6, so maybe the abs are kicking in, just slowly.
  5. Sarah and Buzz

    Sarah and Buzz Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2009
    Go Blackie, make your mama happy! Buzz sends her sympathy on the hairballs; she's had quite a few of those recently.

    I hope Blackie keeps up the good #s and I hope your fearlessness keeps paying off. :)
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