!3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133 PMBG-128 +4-229

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by steviep, Mar 4, 2011.

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  1. steviep

    steviep Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    I know Lantus likes consistency but apparently so does Leonard, being so low in the mornings that I don't feel comfortable shooting. His curve tomorrow should be interesting!

    AMBG - 110
    Fed 1 cup of Merricks
    +1 - 133
    PMBG - 128

    03/04 - condo
  2. Sonia & Tom (GA)

    Sonia & Tom (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Re: 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110

    Wow. Now, are you around this weekend to shoot twice a day? Looks like Leonard needs just a little help but consistently.
    I know how it is, I skipped a lot of shots with Tom as well when I just could not be around to monitor.
  3. steviep

    steviep Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    Re: 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110

    Yep I'll be around this weekend so I can test him out much more frequently and see what's going on in there!
  4. Miriam and Putty (GA)

    Miriam and Putty (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110

    Hi....I am not sure if I have posted in your condo before so welcome.

    I am wondering if the dose was lowered to 0.25 would it make it easier to shoot twice a day.
    Let's see what other's think about that. :smile:
  5. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110

    I agree with Miriam. I think you may need to lower the dose in order to be able to shoot twice a day.
  6. Angela & Blackie & 3 Others

    Angela & Blackie & 3 Others Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2010
    Re: 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110

    I also agree with lowering the dose down to what the others suggested. Leonard's still getting insulin, which he needs. I've given what is called a BCS (big chicken shot) before which means that it's a lowered dose, but still a dose just the same. That way, kitty's not deprived of the shot. (if that makes sense). I had to do that on a few occasions when I new I wasn't going to be home to test.

    Hope that it works well for you both. :)
  7. steviep

    steviep Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    Re: 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133

    I fed him right after his AMBG and tested at +1 - 133. Not a big rise.

    I'm going to try a 0.25 dosage tonight and see how that goes. I'm glad I'll be around this weekend to test him more frequently and find out what's going on with my little buddy.

    I'm glad I'm not dosing the vet recommended amount of 2 (then decreased to 1) because my little man would probably have gone into hypo by now! Eep!

    Oh, also his symptoms of diabetes have gone away. He's no longer drinking excessive amounts of water, his amount of urine output is normal (no longer covering the litterbox) and he's walking fine, which makes me very happy so far even though I know I'm going to have to monitor and make sure he gets all he needs still.
  8. PeterDevonMocha

    PeterDevonMocha Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133

    Good morning guys .. nice start to the day .. Doing a reduced dose twice a day sounds like a good idea to me too .. but I really like the fact that leonard is starting to look and feel much better .. that's what it's all about! Have a great weekend guys!
  9. Laurie and Mr Tinkles

    Laurie and Mr Tinkles Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2010
    Re: 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133

    I'm glad to hear that Leonard is feeling better! Reducing the dose to 0.25u so you can shoot BID sounds like a good plan to me as well.

    This is a great example of why home testing is so important. I'm glad you are testing so you can see how the insulin is working! :D
  10. steviep

    steviep Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    Re: 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133 PMBG-128

    He's still too low for me to feel comfortable shooting! After the 0.5u last night he hasn't had any insulin - this am his AMBG was 133 and now his PMBG is 128. I could shoot with 0.25 but I'm not entirely sure how comfortable I feel with that. He's also putting up a big fuss today about his testing. I'm going to try testing him again in the next hour since he's eating his dinner but I'm a bit at a loss at the moment.
  11. Sonia & Tom (GA)

    Sonia & Tom (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    Re: Advice yet again! 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133 PMBG-1

    He is eating now? I would shoot a reduced dose. Give him a little help. Maybe even less then .25 Please wait for someone more experienced to advise.
  12. steviep

    steviep Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    Re: Advice yet again! 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133 PMBG-1

    The little guy sure likes to throw me some curve balls every day! I feel like he hates the the ear sticking so much he's willing his BG down ;)

    I may do the .25 but yes, I'll wait for more advice. Thank you so much!
  13. Laurie and Mr Tinkles

    Laurie and Mr Tinkles Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2010
    Re: Advice yet again! 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133 PMBG-1

    Hi Stevie,

    He is throwing curve balls! :lol: You have a few options: You could shoot the 0.25u, if you do that you will need to monitor pretty carefully for at least the first part of the cycle to see what he does with it, you could need to monitor for several hours just to warn you. You could shoot a reduced dose (0.1u) and do the same thing. The other option is, since you have already fed, do a food test. You would test in 3-4 hours and see whether he is higher or lower...the value of that is that it will tell you whether or not Leonard's pancreas is working. It's really your choice...how tired are you? Do you have enough test strips and high carb food in case you need it? It would be good to shoot if you feel up to it, but it's up to you.
  14. steviep

    steviep Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    Re: Advice yet again! 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133 PMBG-1

    I think I'll skip the dose for now and check him at +4. I'm too scared to shoot him so low at the moment and tonight will be tough to monitor him as closely as I would want to if shooting a low so early in his insulin delivery! I'll see where he is at +4 then tomorrow morning and shoot a 0.25 or lower if appropriate as I will be around all day to test the little guy!

    I hope this is just the switch to a high protein diet having a great result and he just keeps improving from here! Of course that would be a dream! I really think the Merricks has been great for him so far.
  15. Laurie and Mr Tinkles

    Laurie and Mr Tinkles Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2010
    Re: Advice yet again! 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133 PMBG-1

    That's fine, sounds like a plan. I think the diet change has been good for Leonard, Merricks makes good food IMHO. I'm going to try some BG with Tinkles one of these days....he can't eat their other foods, they affect his BG too much.
  16. Libby and Lucy

    Libby and Lucy Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: Advice yet again! 3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133 PMBG-1

    Leonard is looking great! I'm looking forward to seeing the +4 tonight.
  17. steviep

    steviep Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    3/4 - Leonard AMBG - 110 +1-133 PMBG-128 +4 229

    His +4 was 229 so a rise from his PMBG at 128. I really stressed him out with this poke - had to poke him so many times and chase him down a couple times as the blood really wasn't coming out. I don't know if this could use BG really quickly but I'm going to assume not. He ate around 6:40 so I am a little early with the +4. I'm going to try to test him again later. Now that he knows what I'm up to he's really putting up a big fuss.
  18. mybuddybinks

    mybuddybinks Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2010
    i'm no help with advice but...ROCK ON, LEONARD!!!

    celi & binks
  19. Sonia & Tom (GA)

    Sonia & Tom (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    I think you can give him a break. And some cuddles. Now you know, his pancreas needs a little help. Lets see what happens this weekend.

    You guys are doing great!
  20. steviep

    steviep Member

    Feb 28, 2011
    I posted today's condo and he's still really confusing me with his readings and was sick last night.

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