? Confused again And frustrated

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by Misterbeesmom, Nov 8, 2016.

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  1. Misterbeesmom

    Misterbeesmom Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2016
    these past couple days. Today is awful again. I dont understand. I feel like i'm neve going to understand. I wasnt freaking out yesterdday but tonight i am feeling that hot frustration and confusion again, and mr b is drinkign a ton and peeing oceans and i'm losing my mind. Why is he so high STILL?!

    I dont know what dose to give him and he is due right now
  2. Sue and Oliver (GA)

    Sue and Oliver (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I'd stick with 4, Jen. There is no way to know whether he dropped low today and tonight is a bounce, or with the 4 units on 280 which could have also caused a low and then a bounce. I know we sound like a broken record, but you can't get all hung up on one number - 'especially if it is likely a bounce.

    Try to look at the spreadsheet from a distance - you've been getting nice yellow preshots and some blues.
    Kris & Teasel and Misterbeesmom like this.
  3. Misterbeesmom

    Misterbeesmom Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2016
    You're right i know. This dance really gets to me soemtimes. Its hard for me to see a patten
  4. Kris & Teasel

    Kris & Teasel Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2016
    I agree with Sue's advice about looking at the SS from a distance. I even squint at Teasel's to see trends that I'd miss if I looked at individual numbers. You're definitely getting more yellows and blues the last couple of weeks.
    Misterbeesmom likes this.
  5. Misterbeesmom

    Misterbeesmom Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2016
    Thank you both. I get wo weepy and frustrated sometimes. I thought i was building up tolerance to the dance but i guess not.
  6. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    Hey Jen, can you get some night time test in? With that 280 last night, Mr. Biddles could have gone into some blues and is bouncing. I know it's not fun getting up in the middle of the night ( guess I am lucky because I always have to get up a and pee and can grab a test) but without those numbers at night ( which are usually the lowest numbers in a 24 hour period ) it will be hard to know what is exactly going on. And you could be increasing dose on daytime test only when we should be considering the night time test as well.

    Can you hold this dose until you get some night time numbers and let's see what is happening?
    Misterbeesmom likes this.
  7. Misterbeesmom

    Misterbeesmom Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2016
    I will try. Its hard because if i get up i have difficulty getting back to sleep, especially if the number is bad.
  8. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    I understand, I had that same problem. But, knowledge is power.
  9. Squeaky and KT (GA)

    Squeaky and KT (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2011
    Jen, worth $1 to try...I hang this little headlamp around an upper cabinet door knob which makes it hang below my eye level. I put out bowls/spoon/food can right under it when I go to bed. Doc walks on hubby who wakes me 2am-ish..I shuffle to the kitchen, push that button, open and scoop/give food and shuffle back to bed in 3 mins now. The low light is plenty to do that, the light is below my eyes so I don't wake as much, I fall back asleep within 3-4 mins. If I turn on an overhead light, I'm awake for much longer. I got this at Walmart....and if I told you this before, just blame my gray hairs... :)

  10. Misterbeesmom

    Misterbeesmom Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2016
    Stayed up late because of election. +4 is 387 so at least for tonight i see no likelihood of a perceived low. At this rate i'd be shocked if we got out of the pinks before seeing red for amps. Its hard being optimistic. This is a bad run.
  11. Misterbeesmom

    Misterbeesmom Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2016
    I have a headlight like that. Works wonders. Thanks.
    Squeaky and KT (GA) likes this.
  12. Kris & Teasel

    Kris & Teasel Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2016
    Still bouncing a bit but I'd try 4.2 u because the blues of two days ago weren't that low.
    Misterbeesmom likes this.
  13. Misterbeesmom

    Misterbeesmom Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2016
    these 4's are quite fat but yes I will be bumping up a little very soon.

    sorry I was freaking last night, people. It was all very dark. I was surprised and relieved to see a yellow ps this morning. this bouncing really makes me crazy! I get scared when he's high because I don't know if its because somehow i'm giving him too much insulin or something, so then I don't know what to do.

    I've got a rotten headache - off for some advil.

    thank you again and apologies for the hysteria.
  14. Kris & Teasel

    Kris & Teasel Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2016
    Let me reassure you, Jen - so long as you're giving him a dose that's in a reasonable range of what he needs, high numbers aren't your fault. Mr. B.'s physiology is just doing its own thing. Exogenous insulin helps a diabetic but can't possibly exert the fine control that a non-diabetic's system can do for itself. It's a crude tool at best that we have to use in a way that works for us and for kitty wrt scheduling (every 12 hours), dosing (not too high or too low), etc. So we monitor, log the data and just keep slogging onward ... o_O
  15. Misterbeesmom

    Misterbeesmom Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2016
    Thank you! That helps.
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