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  1. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    So my cat Ali was diagnosed with feline diabetes in December-we have been having success regulating her diabetes with diet. However, I noticed she was breathing funny the other day (breathe around 40 breathes per minute). Took her to the vet on Thursday, they did a blood test, and chest X-Ray. The X-Ray should fluid around her lungs-they tapped her lungs and drained the fluid and sent the fluid out to a pathologist. The pathologist results came back inconclusive. No evidence of cancer cells or infection. The vet put her on an antibiotic -which she has shown some improvement-more energy but her breathing isn't where it should be. The vet said the next step would be to do an ultrasound. We haven't done it yet in hopes the antibiotic would clear up her lungs. Her last vet bill was 650 the ultrasound would be around 500. Could her diabetes have caused this? Anyone had similar problems? She is acting normal-eating, drinking, urinating, grooming all fine.
  2. Larry and Kitties

    Larry and Kitties Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I have never heard of diabetes casing fluid accumulation. My Mitten has an enlarged heart and fluid accumulation around her lungs. She is on Lasix for the fluid.accumulation.
  3. underdawg

    underdawg Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    Just checking for an update on your kitty.
  4. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Just got back from the vet-they did an ultrasound. They are pretty sure she has FIP which is incurable and fast acting. I am devastated. I don't even know where she got it from as she stays indoors 98% of the time. Can't stop crying not ready to lose her.
  5. Christie & Willie (GA)

    Christie & Willie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2010
    ((hug)) I am so, so sorry. I've read that FIPV creates inflammation in cats and that is where many of the problems stem from. I would talk to your vet about a high quality fish oil supplement for her (omegavia is a great brand) to help reduce the inflammation. Prayers going out for a definitive diagnosis, a clear action plan, and time for you both.
  6. underdawg

    underdawg Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you are able to make her comfortable. I think you need each other now more than ever. Take care.
  7. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Do they have her on anything? Prednisolone may help. It helps suppress the immune system. It is very hard to treat as you know near impossible but not 100 percent impossible. We deal with this a lot with the feral rescues I help with. Here is a web page that may help.

    I am taking you directly to the treatment page but surf around the site. It is scary but there are things you can do. However you have to act now. You need vet that is really with it and up to date.
  8. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Thanks everyone-I'm not happy with her vet. It was actually me who suggested it might be FIP-he had no idea. I scoured online and from her bloodwork and FIP seemed to fit. I don't feel like I should be the one telling my vet what possible diagnoses there are. She is being spoiled-4 different kinds of wet cat food out and tuna. She had to fast before the ultrasound and I felt so guilty-never has her food bowl not been out and I could tell she was so confused. She still brought us her "kills" (i.e. her feather toys) during the night and laid them by our bed. How much does interferone cost? Is it a shot, liquid or pill? I opened up a fish oil capsule that I take and mixed it in with her food and she ate it. Thanks everyone again
  9. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Hi Wubby379, and, of course, you too, precious Ali,

    If it is truly FIP, there are palliative ways to care for her...

    Ali doesn't have to know she's sick. That is sadly, a heavy weight on your heart... Just post and we'll be here for you...

    Please know we are keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers. And, please know each and every day is a gift.

    Love and hugs for you both,
    Deb and Nikki -- and, Giz, forever dancing in my heart...
  10. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    I don't feel like I should be the one telling my vet what possible diagnoses there are.>>

    You know your cat more then anyone else. Vets are human and they makes mistakes. FIP can be hard to diagnose. However, if you are not happy with your vet you may want to ask around and change. I wish I would have changed before I did. It is about 100 dollars a bottle from this link but you can check pet meds etc. You will need a presription to get it. You can get it is smaller doses. one bottle will treat four or five cats. Most vets don't even know about using infereon for FIP. It is mostly used for Feline Leukima. If I recall about 1/3 of the cats that use inferino get better. It is more commonly used in Europe where they are leagues ahead of us in veterniary care. Here is some more info on it. ... page1.aspx

    I would also be careful of giving your cat any supplement. If it is FIP, Fip over stimulates the immune system. That is what causes the problems. The fish oil should be okay but research it.
    The immune system goes into over drive. So sometimes what we would normal do for our cats to make them feel better to boost their immune system you do not what to do. With FIP it is the blood cells the get inflammed not the organs. That is putting it simple it is much more complex then that but just be careful what you give you cat. research the use of it with FIP before you give anything extra. The fish oil should be okay but I would double check first.

    There is also a chance it is not FIP there is no test for FIP. It could be something else. Something more treatable. So make sure that you vet checks every avenue before you just accept it is FIP.

    The best info on FIP on the web is the site I gave you last night. It will give you more info then most vets have. Read it and re read it. I know there is a lot of info there but it could be helpful to both of you.

    Wishing you the best. I know how hard it is. I have just been were you are. Not with the FIP but with a very sick cat.
  11. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    I keep hoping that she has been misdiagnosed but I know (at least from the message boards) that everyone who gets diagnosed with FIP hopes it is wrong. She had blood test done in December-this is when she was diagnosed with diabetes. Her globulin level was high (which indicates FIP) on her antibody tiers for FIP she was positive at 1400 but negative at 1600. She had a chest xray last week when they saw the fluid on her lungs-they tapped it and sent it out to a pathologist and the tests were inconclusive which I don't get since FIP usually has a clear reading on chest fluid. I suggested FIP to her vet then and he said it might be a possibility but since she is the only cat, we are fastidious about keeping ehr litterbox clean since she wont use it unless it is spotless and doesn't go outside that she she didn't fit the profile. When we took her to get her ultrasound they retapped her lungs and said that it was most likely FIP. I don;t know if they just said that because they don't know what else it could be or if because they were looking for it because I suggested it or if because she really does have it. She eats fine, is grooming herself and wants to go outside. She rests more then usual and her breathing still isn't "normal". We have her on a antibiotic "orbax" and am going to call her vet today to talk about interferon. I just don't want to make her suffer and be alive so that I won't miss her but if she can get better I don't want to give up on her.
  12. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Dear Wubby379 -- sorry Ali, parent talk...

    I was privileged to be raised in a family that always put our kidimals quality of life first. This is my humble way of explaining how I understand your heart's dilemma...

    Personally? I'd let Ali tell you what she wants. Cats have a way of letting us know when it's time... There's no immediate rush, so far, because there's no conclusive diagnosis.

    Treasure each day and hold hope in your heart... And, I will do the same for both of you, okay? I promise.

    Love and hopeful, healing hugs for you both,
    Deb and Nikki -- and, Giz, forever dancing in my heart...
  13. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Here is some info you can print out for your vet. ... feron.html

    This is a long shot although one of our local shelters we work with, with the feral cats that takes the kittens that aren't feral yet has had a some good success with it. I think they might get the inferon from another country though because it is cheaper. However they use it a lot more then most would. Most people believe that FIP is a incurable and in many cases it is as you know. I don't want to give you false hope but there is a chance with this drug. Even if it doesn't cure it, it can add quality time to your cats life. In most cases up to two years. Depending on the type of FIP they have I think. Wet or Dry. Ask your vet to check into the other meds also on the first site I gave you if the inferon won't work. They are not a cure but I believe they can make it easier and give a long quality of life.

    They can do a lot more now then they used to for FIP. However few people know this.

    I do believe though it may be a little more difficult with a diabetic cat. I hesitated to say anything at first because I don't want to give you false hope but if you don't know about it then you can't make any choices and it could work. it has in the past.

    I do believe it matters what type of FIP the cat has wet or dry. I personally can't wait for them to do more research and get the word out about the Inferon. Most people don't know about it. Working with City feral cats we see FIP to often. Only a very few get a chance at treatment. I believe the one shelter her was using before it was "legal" in the US. It has been in use in Europe for some time now. Not sure how long they have been using it in the US I don't think long at all.

    The one thing I am glad I did with my cat was take LOTS of photos. I even have a video of her playing with some feathers. Before she left me I spent a lot of time with her. I am glad I did now. We did special things together. I did all this just in case. You are where I was a few weeks ago. I didn't know how it was going to turn out with Suzie. You don't know how it is going to turn out either so enjoy you cat. Make some memories and hope for the very best. Give her the biggest hugs and spoil her rotten!

    I will keep you and your cat in my prayers.
  14. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    PS you could also think about getting a second opinion on your cat if you really think it is not FIP. Even if you think it is. I did and I think I am glad I did.
  15. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    I am thinking about going to another vet. I just feel bad because it stresses her out so much. After her last visit, I told her I wouldn't make her do it anymore. If it comes down to it, I know a vet that does home visits but I am sure it would be hard to diagnose without equipment-he also does home ethunasia which is nice so she can be at home and not in a strange scary place if she does get too sick. Thanks for your support everyone-it is appreciated. I know some people think we are crazy having spent 2,000 in the last few months on her but she is our family. I always say she is our baby-our baby in a fluffysuit.
  16. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    I know some people think we are crazy having spent 2,000 in the last few months on her but she is our family. I always say she is our baby-our baby in a fluffysuit.>>

    I dont think you are crazy at all. She is your baby. People spend a lot more then that on silly stuff. A life that has loved you cuddled with you is worth all you can afford to give it. Some people just can't do that but some can. She is your baby and you need to know you have done all you can.

    With Suzie I wish I would have gotten her to another vet sooner. I regret I didn't. I can't tell you if you should take her to another vet or not. I can tell you think I wouldn't want you are any one else where I am now. I wish I would have gotten her to another vet sooner. There were many reasons I did not one was that she just didn't like going to the vet. it stressed her out. It also stressed me out. I waited to long. Again I can't tell you if you should or should not take her to another vet but I can tell you that it would be better for you to decide then go back and forth on it. it will be easier for you to cope if you make a decision one way or the other if you can. If you should or shouldn't. I hope I am making sense to you.

    You will be surprised what vets that come to your home can do. Perhaps you can compromise and just have them visit your home see what they say and go from there. that way you are getting a second opinion but the cat doesn't get as stressed. They don't need to run tests that already have been run. Just get copies from you vet of what they have been doing for your cat. They can also get the copies. Only you know what it right for you and your baby. Go with your gut! it is usually right.

    keeping you and yours in my good thoughts.
  17. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Hi again, dear Wubby379, and, of course, you too, sweet Ali,

    Hugs. Big huge hugs. As many hugs as you both can even imagine...
    Deb and Nikki -- and, Giz...
  18. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    I keep hoping that she has been misdiagnosed but I know (at least from the message boards) that everyone who gets diagnosed with FIP hopes it is wrong.>>

    I don't want to give you false hope but it is mis diagnosed a lot. One of the reason I keep following this thread is because of the work I do with Ferals. FIP sadly is a big part of Feral rescue. If a cat comes in with a high Titer score they usually put them to sleep which is very sad because the Titer score if very unreliable. However some get lucky and get treated. However I want to point out that Titer scores are not all that reliable.

    I found a website that might help you figure it out. You might have already found it yourself but in case you have not. Here it is. I know you have a very sick kitty. I know you are going through a rough time. I know the decisions you have to make are not easy. it is hard playing God with our cats lives. Should I or shouldn't I. I was just there and it was agonizing. I really do feel for you.

    Any way here is the website. ... urate.html

    here is some of the info I am putting it here so other read it also. So many people are mis=informed about this very scary virus.

    More cats are euthanized due to a misdiagnosis of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) than due to a correct diagnosis. If your cat is diagnosed with FIP, it is your responsibility to find out if the diagnosis is correct. Many cats are put to sleep or allowed to suffer from an unrelated disease because of a misdiagnosis of FIP. Use these tips to assess whether the diagnosis of your pet is likely to be accurate. If there is even one sign which does not line up, getting a second opinion can save your kitty's life.
    things you'll need:
    your kitty's blood test results


    1) POSTIIVE FIP TEST (TITER > 1:160) - Most misdiagnoses occur because of the FIP/FCoV Test. A positive score on an FIP test does NOT mean your kitty has FIP (the only true way to diagnose FIP is through biopsy). The misnamed "FIP TEST" actually tests for antibodies to the common Feline Coronavirus which 50-90% of cats in multi-cat households have. FIP is a mutated form of this virus and tends to effect kitties with low immune systems. This test is really only accurate by itself when used on a healthy cat to distinguish if it is carrying Coronavirus before introducing it to a cattery or as a breeder. It is 1 of the signs that your kitty COULD be carrying the mutated form of the CoronaVirus - FIP.


    2) HIGH GLOBULIN LEVEL > 5.1 gm/dl - Cats with FIP commonly have high globulin levels. This is one of the critical indicators that you can check by looking at your kitty's blood test results.


    3) LOW LYMPHOCYTES - Check your kitties lymphocyte level. Low lymphocytes are an indicator of FIP.


    LOOK AT THE STATISTICS: If your kitty does NOT meet EVERY single one of the three above criteria (POSITIVE FIP/FCoV, HIGH GLOBULIN, LOW LYMPHOCYTES) there is a 98.8% chance that your cat does NOT have FIP.
    If your cat does meet all of the three criteria there is an 88.9% chance that your kitty is correctly diagnosed with FIP.


    LOOK AT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If your cat does not meet the three criteria, get a second opinion immediately to find the correct cause of your kitty's illness. If your kitty DOES meet the criteria, there are more indicators you can look at. First is the ALBUMIN-GLOBULIN RATIO. If the albumin to globulin level is less than 0.8, there is a 92% statistical chance that the cat has FIP. If the ratio is greater than 0.8 there is a 61% chance the cat does not have FIP.


    ADDITIONAL SCREENING TESTS - Most cats diagnosed with FIP are diagnosed based on a positive Titer score (which we know is not reliable). If your cat's diagnosis appears to be correct due to his blood tests as well, you may want to get a second more reliable test as a confirmation. In the resources section is a link to an online FIP support group. They will have recommendations regarding additional tests. One little known test is Rivalta's Tests. A negative Rivalta's test is 97% accurate in ruling out FIP. A positive test is 86% accurate in ruling in FIP. Another option if your cat is diagnosed w/ wet/effusive FIP is to get chest fluid drawn/tested. A different option is Immunofluorescent Coronavirus Staining of the Effusion. This is 100% accurate if positive, unfortunately if it is negative, there is only a 57% chance that your cat does NOT have FIP (so high percent of false negatives).


    STAY CALM AND INFORMED - When your veterinarian tells you your loved kitty has FIP it is natural to feel devastated. Arm yourself with information, so you can make the best choices for your kitty. No matter what happens, FIP is not your fault! A lot of people are going through your situation. Use support groups to your advantage! When my kitty was diagnosed with FIP, I had over 20 loving responses within the night on 2 cat forums. Good luck. I hope this article has been helpful and I wish the best for you and your family!

    Read more: How to Tell if Your Cat's FIP Diagnosis is Accurate | ... z1Jahs5M2T
  19. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Ali seems to be doing okay. Her breathing still isn't the best but she is eating fairly well and grooming herself. She seems calmer as well. I took her bloodwork to my mom's cat's vet and got a consult. He said that anytime there is fluid on the lungs it is never good. I have a friend that does energy work and he came over and did it for Ali-not sure about it but I figured at this point anything is good. Keep hoping that she bounces back from this but who knows
  20. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Dear Wubby379, and, of course, you too, sweet precious Ali,

    Eating fairly well? Huge! Grooming and being calmer -- especially for a furry girl? Enormous!

    Please hold hope in your heart and I promise to do likewise...

    And, please do treasure each day. Each day is truly a gift.

    Much love and countless hopeful, healing hugs for you and your precious furry girl,
    Deb and Nikki -- and, Giz, watching over us all...

    PS: Maybe sometime you'll tell us about being called "Wubby"... The reason I'm asking is because long ago and far away, Gizzie completely commandeered a beautiful rust-colored afghan my mom lovingly knitted for me. The morning after Giz made it known it was hers, I started calling it her wubby... And to this day, have absolutely no clue why...
  21. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    How old is your cat? I am just curious because fip is most common in cats under 3.

    here is something else you can try
    if it is fip I am not sure how much it will help. research it. also check out another thread here on fdmb called velvet elvis has fip. anyway the transfer factor if it isn't fip it should help a great deal.
    here is a link that will tell you more about the transfer factor

    you can by it at several places on line if you need help finding some just yell and we will help you find some
  22. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Thanks Traceyg I will look into that. I have done more research on FIP then anything else which is saying something because I am in grad school.
    Deb-I use to draw these little fluffy like cartoons when I was little and call them wubbies. My husband thought it was cute when he found out and started calling me wubby.
  23. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    I have done more research on FIP then anything else which is saying something because I am in grad school.>>> That means you have done a LOT if reasearch. That is pretty much all you do in grad school, researh. I recall my years in grad school many years ago it seems. I know how expensive grad school is. It can't be easy to have a sick cat on top of all that. I really feel for you. I hope you can figure something out that will help your cat.

    I don't know all your cats details etc but only 1 percent of the cat population some stats say a little more are affected by FIP. I am hoping that some how you will find out it is not FIP and something more treatable. Keep that in mind when doing your research. Not to give you false hope of course but I have seen cats that were said to have FIP more then once that it turned out they did not. It is a hard virus to pin point in many ways. However, vets tend to use it as a catch all when they just don't know. Some cats I know that were said to have FIP are still around to tell about it many years later.

    I would be curious to know if you came up with anything in your research that corralates fip and diabetes. Just curious as I have seen a few threads on cats that have been diagnosed with fip on this diabetes board. Perhaps since FIP (if it is FIP) is "caused" by a mutation of sorts the same cats might have a weakness that leads to the diabetes.

    Anyway good luck. I will keep you and your cat in my prayers.

    if there is anything I can do to help just let me know, tracey
  24. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Dear Wubby379, and, of course, you too, precious Ali,

    Thank you!

    Holding you and your precious Ali close in my thoughts, prayers, and heart...

    Much love and as many hugs as you and yours can handle,
    Deb and Nikki -- and, Giz, probably catering a picnic involving catnip tea with Pixie and Myrtle on her fluffy, beautiful, rust-colored wubby at The Bridge as I type...
  25. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Ali is still doing good. She is eater more and has gained a little weight (she never lost much to begin with). She is only 9lbs though so a little goes a long ways. I have been changing her wet cat food everyday (Newmans, Fancy Feast etc.). I am hoping if I keep her food novel then she will be more encouraged to eat. Was giving her tuna to get her to eat more-got concerned about how much tuna though. I found chicken in water (organic) and gave her that tonight and she liked it. She has more energy wants to play more. She has adopted our guest room bed as "her" bed so me and my husband have been taking turns sleeping down there with her. She gets lots of extra rubs that really get her purr motor going. I have read somewhere that the sound frequency of a cat's purr can promote healing. This is why cats tend to purr when they are happy but also when they are sick or injured. Don't know if it is true but it never hurts. Her breathing seems to be slowly slowly improving. Still not normal but better. Still holding out hope that it is not FIP. If she does have it, it is obviously the "wet" form. From what I have read the wet form moves very fast sometimes in a matter of days. Ali however has been showing symptoms for around 3-4 weeks and it is getting better not worse (though there was a period of time when it got bad). Got some recommends for some homeopathic vets. Also bought salmon oil from petco to help supplement her diet-I just squirt it into her wet cat food and she doesn't notice. Thanks for all of the love!Kind of concerned because we are trying to plan a vacation in July. Scared to leave her even though it is months away. We never board her but pay someone to come twice a day to feed and play with her.
  26. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    I am glad to hear kitty is doing a little better and that she is being spoiled rotten. I believe that helps more then anything. keep feeding her the best food you can find. good nutriention is import. you also may want to check into a daily vitamin. Will keep you in my good thought that you and kitty will spend many more years together. thanks for posting and letting us know how it is going.
  27. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Ali is still hanging in there. She looks like she has gained some weight and her breathing is slightly better. This high stress level is getting to be weary. Every slight thing that looks like an improvement means the world and every little thing that looks like she could be getting worse hurts so much. I think she is getting annoyed with me because I watch her so much. I wish I had a definitive diagnosis. A friend told me her cat was diagnosed with diabetes but it later turned out to be cancer. Wondering if this is the case with Ali? Her FIP and diabetes diagnosis came so close together. I hate leaving her alone and the drive home from work is always so tense.
  28. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    I feel for you. It is so hard. I know how hard it is. I just went through this with one of my cats. It is an emotional roller coaster we love them so much. If it helps know I will be thinking good thoughts and sending them your way. I will say a prayer for you and your cat. It never hurts. Who knows perhaps there is something to it and it will help.

    Every slight thing that looks like an improvement means the world and every little thing that looks like she could be getting worse hurts so much. I think she is getting annoyed with me because I watch her so much.>>
    I did the same with my cat. The not knowing, the walking on eggshells. The wondering what will I find when I come home. Will she still be there? It is very hard. For me there was so many things do I do this or that. Should I our should I. I just about drove myself crazy and my cat also at first but we worked it out. You will also. I think my felt my tension I wish I could have relaxed more. It is so hard. . . we are used to being able to make it right for our babies . . . we get tired we get weary of the will she won't she be okay. Sometimes we feel guilty because we just don't know how long we can do it ourself. We aren't suppose to at least we think that but it is the human condition. it doesn't mean we love them less if or when it happens. It just means we are tired and scared ourself of the uncertainty.

    Take time to enjoy your cat. Take one deep breath and take it one day at time. Spoiled her rotten talk to her. They understand more then we know.

    talk to people on the board. It helps with the stress level. That will help you and your cat.

    Keeping you in my good thoughts. keep us updated.

    A friend told me her cat was diagnosed with diabetes but it later turned out to be cancer. Wondering if this is the case with Ali? >> Someone else would have to answer this that knows more about diabetes but I think there would be other signs or they could tell by the blood work if it were cancer.
  29. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Dearest Wubby379, and, of course, you too, precious Ali,

    I'm glad she's hanging in and showing signs of improvement.

    Please remember to take care of you, too, Wubby...

    Keeping you both in my hopeful, healing thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted when you can...

    Much love and keeping those hugs coming,
    Deb and Nikki -- and, Giz, forever dancing in my heart...
  30. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    thanks Debs and tracey!
    Tracey I feel the same way. I drive myself crazy because I feel like she is doing okay but than I think well cats are really good at hiding pain/sickness what if she is suffering? What if I am not doing the right thing? I also think Ali can tell I'm stressed-my husband however is handling this in a more relaxed manner and I think that helps both me and Ali. She is still a little lovebug-it breaks my heart because I know she isn't feeling good but she makes an effort to come sit by my husband and me when we are in the kitchen-she has always loved to be around people and has always had a special affliction for men. Most cats that I have been around prefer women but not Ali. She loves my husband and all his friends even when they are loud and pet her like she is a dog. There are some birds making a nest on our balcony-at least once a day she will go out and look at them (while the birds squawk at her) and come back inside her eyes wide and meow at me-as if to say look mom! look what is out there!
  31. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    I drive myself crazy because I feel like she is doing okay but than I think well cats are really good at hiding pain/sickness what if she is suffering? What if I am not doing the right thing? >>

    I drove myself nuts with Suzie that way guessing and trying to do the best for her. I really wish I would have been a little more relaxed. It is so hard playing God. It exhausted me which wasn't good for either Suzie or me. However I think it is human nature. Especially for women we are used to being care takers, we are used to being able to solve things. It is built in to our genetic system to be care takers, saviors of sort. . . . just talk to ali and tell her. Okay Mom may seem a little tense and worried right now but don't worry about it no matter what happens I will be okay.

    I think cats understand and that gives them more permission to be who they are and show things they may hide from you. Does that make sense. Cats understand us sometimes I think better then we understand ourselves.

    There are some birds making a nest on our balcony-at least once a day she will go out and look at them (while the birds squawk at her) and come back inside her eyes wide and meow at me-as if to say look mom! look what is out there!>>>

    That is so adorable! These are the moments that make life worth it. I have a video tape of my old cat ladyz playing. She died many years ago after 21 years worth of love. I am so glad I have that video tape because now many years later I can recall some of the good things about this great cat. The sad times have faded for the most part. She had renal failure for 2 years.

    Now I recall most of the good times. Like the one time she was young and got herself into a paper bag. She couldn't figure out how to get out of it so all of a sudden the bag was zipping all over the apartment. I was chasing it. She finally got stopped by the wall. She wasn't hurt at all and it was quite funny after I knew she was okay. She really was something else. she New all the best fast food joints etc. I was so glad and still am to this day that I had this wonderful cat in my life. It is the little moments like the one you talk about here that just grab you heart and live with you forever!

    It is my birthday today. At my age it isn't a big deal but I thought about you and your cat first thing this morning when I woke up. I read your update last night but was to tired to post. Anyway my birthday wish is for you and your cat to have many, many of those moments to come in the future.

    Keep us updated, I will be praying the updates are all good news. if there is anything I can do to help let me know. Tracey
  32. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    That means a lot Tracey! I hope you have an amazing birthday! Sending birthday love your way from wubby and Al
  33. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Just wondered if you have considered having an echocardiogram? Cats with heart issues can have fluid in/around their lungs. Hoping your little girl will be ok....
  34. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    They did an ultrasound of her heart and said that a slight murmur was heard but overall her heart appeared healthy. Her breathing is still labored but she has regained some weight (after finding a new obsession with baby food) and her energy has increased. She chased her laser pointer up and down the stairs. She also has resumed sleeping in our room (something she almost always has done except when she hasn't been feeling good). Debating whether or not to bring her back to the vet to get her lungs re-tapped to drain the fluid. After her last vet apt, when they diagnosed her with FIP and said she only had days to live, I told her that I wouldn't ever make her go back to the vet. Now it has been almost a month and a half and she is still kicking so I don't know.Yesterday was a really good day for her, she ate A LOT went out on the balcony all day, played with her mouse and laser pointer, slept in our room - it was her normal self except for her breathing
  35. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Dearest Wubby379, and, of course, you too, precious Ali,

    I'm not personally familiar with this procedure. Is it long or invasive? It sounds scary. Then again, I'm a wimp...

    It's such a fine line we walk and dance with our beloved furries. Quality of life dictates our every step, be it paw or foot...

    My heart smiles thinking of Ali out on the balcony watching the birds -- hey, it's spring! -- and playing with her mouse, chasing her laser pointer up and down the stairs, and watching sports (guessing...) with the guys pretending she's a dog. Most of all, it smiles thinking of her sleeping where she feels good...

    Ali has a great spirit, doesn't she? Then again, look at her mom...

    Keeping you both close in our hopeful, healing, thoughts, prayers, and hearts.

    Much love and our continued countless hopeful, healing hugs,
    Deb and Nikki -- and, Giz, who taught me that each and every day is a gift...
  36. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    It is a pretty basic procedure but painful I imagine. They stick a long needle into her lungs and drain the liquid out of them. The vet said she tolerated it pretty well the first time, she didn't have to be sedated. However, it does make her sore as you can imagine and she also hates going to the vet. She starts shedding uncontrollably and is extremely panicked. Her first owners left her at the pound and I think whenever we take her to the vet she is afraid that she is being left again, it breaks my heart. Today was a harder day. She peed outside of her box numerous times and her urine was bright yellow which is a sign of jaundice and liver failure (from what I read). Have already come to the conclusions that much of our carpet is going to have to be replaced since we first became aware of ali's diabetes because she kept urinating outside of her box. I know it is not her fault and I never get mad at her but the constant cleaning of urine can get frustrating. Iam currently getting my masters in counseling and am doing a internship working with abused and neglected children. It is emotionallyexhausting doing that all day and coming home to that. However, just as I wont give up on the kids iWork with I won't give up on Ali. All of your kind words and thoughts really do make a difference and I appreciate reading them
  37. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Dearest Wubby379 -- sorry, precious Ali, this is mom talk,

    This time I'm sending hugs just for you -- along with my hopes that tomorrow will be a better day...

    Remember to take care of you too, dearest Wubby...

    Much love and continued countless hopeful, healing hugs,
    Deb and Nikki -- and, Giz, forever dancing in my heart...
  38. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Just checking in to see how you and your kitty are doing? as far as taking he back to the vet only you can judge that. However just because you promised her you won't don't feel bad or like you are going back on your word if you do.

    She sounds like she still wants to be around. Sometimes as people we have to do things we don't want to do to be around. Sometimes that will be the same with your cat. Trust you gut not your mind, not your heart but your gut you will know what to do when to do it.

    The hard days or tough. It gets tougher as there are more but then the good moments before so much more valuable and wonderful treasures. We get reminded of what is important.

    PS for most of my life I worked in children's rights lobbing in Harrisburg and Washington. Just thought I would let you know that we share another common interest.

    Anyway it has been a busy week but I have been think very much about you and your kitty I hope she had a good day today. Whatever kind of day she is having know that you kitty loves and is grateful that you are the one walking this journey with her.
  39. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    That is awesome Traceyg! Sorry it took a second to reply. I am in the middle of comprehensive exams for my degree-horrible! Ali has had better days since her last bad day. They come and go. I am to the point where I don't think that she will get better-it is just how fast she is going to get worse. At this point, her decline has been slow and vacillates between some upward improvements and than some downward decline. My only concern is trying to take a vacation this summer. Decided on somewhere relatively close that way if she rapidly declines, hopefully myself or my husband can return in time. She has been sleeping most of the day today as it is rainy. The previous two days have been sunny and she ventured out onto the balcony to bath in the sun. She comes upstairs to see me periodically (I've been up here working on exams) and lets me know she wants more wet food. We live in a townhouse that goes up rather than out so we have multiple stairs-so it is a good sign when she ventures up-shows that she has energy. She got a new bed-which she uses as a pillow (i.e. laying on) instead of laying in. She also got a new water fountain which isn't really working lol. Needless to say she is still being spoiled even if the result is 12 hr work days. One quick "good memory" story. When I was working on my undergraduate thesis, I was glued to my computer. Needless to say this made Ali very unhappy. She would hop onto my desk and sit right in front of my computer staring at it. Blocking my view so I couldn't work and concentrating on the computer as if to try and figure out what was so enthralling
    P.S. How was your birthday? I feel bad that I haven't asked before but how many cats do you have? names?

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  40. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    more pics just cause..I'm sure my husband is gonna love that I put that picture of him on here but i love it-it is a picture of my family

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  41. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    WONDERFUL LOVELY AWESOME CAT. She Really takes nice photos. You have a lot to brag about there. It is still wonderful that you are still building memories together. I hope and pray there will be many more. I am glad to hear she is still being spoiled. those are the things that will always warm your heart.

    I sat down last night and wrote you a nice long reply. Telling you to keep with it and that even though I am just some letters on a page that you are reading I do think about you and your cat and hope for the best. I know what you are going through it hard. The not knowing, the hoping, the wishing, the loving. The stress. I also recall how hard it is to do anything else with your life when you are in school. I said a lot in the note I sent you. However, my one cat jumped on they keyboard and all of a sudden my computer was rebooting itself. Everything was gone. Kind of funny now but boy was I tired so I gave up for the evening.

    I know Deb here on the board helped me a lot when I was going through stuff with Suzie. Even though it was just words on the page it helped to know even if I didn't "know" that person that someone did care. Someone understood at least partly.

    I think your idea about staying close to home is a good one. If something would happen and you can't get back to her that would be something you would carry with you for the rest of your life. You don't want to do that. Some would say it is just a cat but you know better then that. it would be best for both of you.

    Hopefully she will be able to stay in your home with someone with her. Boarding her may be to stressful. perhaps someone her can help you with some suggestions.

    I have four cats. One with heart disease, one that can't see, one that is semi-feral, and JJ she is the "normal" one. I usually keep the ones that have problems and find homes for the healthy ones but I decide when I rescued JJ after a few weeks that I was going to keep her. Right after that Missy died a special needs cat that had a hard life before she came her. She died of cancer. Then there was my sweetie Suzie. Love of my life. She died about a month ago. She had a lot of problems. Not sure how helpful I was in the end. She has so many problems I didn't know what issue to handle first. I miss her dearly!

    I will get another one in the fall perhaps. Even though losing Suzie and Missy was hard the love and good stuff they gave me was worth all the stuff we went through in end. The bad and good go hand in hand as you know but there is so much more good then bad these wonderful fur people give us.

    Anyway I hope things are well with your cat. I hope someone else looks at the photos because it is a great looking kitty! She ought to be in pictures : )
  42. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Thanks for all of the support traceyg- it is nice to know that someone out there doesn't think im crazy. Ali's breathing has gotten slightly worse-though she is still eating well and wanting to explore. She just ate a plate of tuna/water and babyfood/water. Still don't know about the lung tap- i wish i knew how much time it could buy her and if that time would be "good" time. I still don't think this is FIP-I think it is something bad-cancer etc but I don't feel like it is progressing fast enough to be FIP and the fact that she is 7 doesn't add up. Yes, we have never boarded her. We have a friend come (I watch her cats when she is away and she watches Ali when we are away) my mom also comes-so Ali usually gets visits three times a day. She is sleeping in my room right now-she likes being talked to and sung to-her little tail starts to wag and move when you speak to her- i tell her how much she is loved-that she is safe-that if she has to leave i understand-i tell her all the happy memories i have of her. I hate how prolonged this is and I hate not knowing. But I am grateful that I have the time to tell her these things and to spoil her.
  43. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Dearest Wubby, and, of course, you too, gorgeous Ali,

    Tracey is very special. Her love for Suzie and her stories are forever embedded in my heart...

    My humble suggestion, along with my hopes and prayers, is to treasure each day because every day is a gift. Sometimes palliative care is the kindest. Only you know because you know her best. My heart is with you whatever you decide.

    Please keep the photos coming! She's a photogenic beauty, for sure! My favorite is the one where she looks like she's proofreading your thesis...

    Treasure each day, dearest Wubby...

    Much love and keeping you both in my heart and countless prayers and hugs,
    Deb and Nikki -- and, Giz, forever sharing catnip tea with Suzie...
  44. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    I am sorry to hear the breathing has gotten worse. You have been an angel to your cat. I can tell by the way you talk about what you do. We all could use some good news on these boards. So, I am still hoping she gets better.

    it is nice to know that someone out there doesn't think im crazy.>> there are a lot of people out there that do not think you are crazy. Many people do not understand that animals are living beings with feelings, heart, personality. If they don't understand that then they are going to think you are crazy. If animals didn't have feelings they wouldn't get depressed or jump for joy when they see some they love. It is not just a reaction it is a feelings they are expressing. If they didn't have heart they wouldn't put their lives on the line for us as they often do. If they didn't each have their own personality we would not fall in love with them the way we do. After all then they would be more a less a plant. So you are not crazy at all. You cat loves you and deserves to have someone as wonderful as you to walk the full journey.

    You are just perhaps a little higher in the understanding of life forces then the people that think you are crazy. A little higher in the ladder of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. See when you get to the self-actualization you can only do that when you understand how the living world of others both humans and animals work around you. So you are not crazy at all quite the opposite. You understand that she is more then a "beast" or just and "animal" she has a soul not like our perhaps but some sort of soul.

    I still don't think this is FIP>> It doesn't make any sense to me either that it is FIP. However I am not there and I am not a vet.

    Still don't know about the lung tap- >> It is so hard to know because you can't predict the results. Perhaps you can get a second opinion. That doesn't mean you don't trust you vet it only means that you want the very best for your baby girl. Forget about your promise about not taking her to the vet again. If it is best for her that is what a mom does. They do understand. The second opinion is also good for you because then you really know you did all you can.

    so Ali usually gets visits three times a day>>

    that is wonderful. Nothing like having lots of friends coming to visit : )

    i tell her how much she is loved-that she is safe-that if she has to leave i understand-i tell her all the happy memories i have of her. I hate how prolonged this is and I hate not knowing. >>

    It is a *itch. There is no other way to say it. I was exhausted after Suzie died I still am. However, I knew I had to do everything I could for her. I had to take the journey with her. Neither of us knew how it was going to end or when. it was agonzing. Never knowing what I would find when I got home etc. . . I dreamed about her last night that she was lost and know matter where I looked I couldn't find her. I think that is some of the left overs of the not knowing we went through. However I would do it all over again. I love her as you love your kitty so we just do it.

    I really do feel your pain. I am told what doesn't kill you will make you stronger perhaps that is the truth I am not sure. However, I know I am a better person for Suzie allowing me to go on the journey with her.

    I hope you both are doing well. I think of both of you several times a day and send a few good wishes when I do.
  45. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Her breathing is defiantly getting more labored but she is not open mouth breathing and she still wants to play, go outside, and will come up flights of stairs to wake me up when she wants something. Hard to know when the time to say goodbye might be. When she was first diagnosed they said she would be gone soon. I took time off work and made sure someone was always around her. Now, two months later it is hard because the I can't be around her all the time. Just as the DSM IV has a "catch-all" of diagnoses (i.e. Depression NOS), I feel like her vet gave her a diagnosis of FIP because he couldn't figure out anything else it might be-it was a catch all not a definite diagnosis. I took her paperwork (blood work) to another vet and he said that FIP fit. I tried to go to another vet as well but after sitting in the exam room for 45 minutes waiting (with an appointment) I got up and left. I keep wishing so hard that when she goes it is with us there and peacefully in her sleep.
    I think it is amazing that you do so much work with feral cats. I have been doing some light reading to help distract me from my internship. I just finished reading Homer and Oogy-both good easy reads- Homer is about a blind kitty and it inspired me to look at different shelters for special needs kitties. However, after going through this with Ali, I don't know if I could do it again or get a cat with medical problems right away. It has been so taxing (as you know). Again, I appreciate the support and continuous kind words. I always sing to Ali when she is sleeping-her favorite (or at least the one that makes her tail wag the most) is You are My Sunshine-the lyrics are more fitting now-
    You Are My SunShine
    My Only Sunshine
    You Make Me Happy
    When Skies are Grey
    You'll never know
    How Much I love you
    Please Don't Take my sunshine away
    The other night dear
    as I lay sleeping
    I dreamt I held you in my arms
    when i awoke i was mistaken
    so i hung my head and cried
  46. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    First I want to say you are doing a good job. As hard as it is you are doing a good job.

    I feel like her vet gave her a diagnosis of FIP because he couldn't figure out anything else it might be-it was a catch all not a definite diagnosis>>

    I think this may be the case. For everything we do know there is a lot we don't know. If you are going to try anything else I would think about a holistic vet. They have a better understanding many times and less ego then some other doctors. I have seen them do incrediable things. They also have a better understand of your relationaship with you pet. Perhaps that is because they are closer to nature. They use wisdom over knowledge.

    Be it a vet or a people doctor. We look at vets to fix things, everything. We expect great things from them. I think because of that sometimes that just can't say yes there is something wrong but we just can't tell you. They feel like they have to give it a name.

    It is so tiring though I really do feel for you. You live you life worried about when the shoe is going to drop. There is always an edge there which becomes emotionally draining. There is still the glimmer of hope that she will not die but the fear that she will. Then there is a the I should be able to fix this why can't I. I still kick myself about Suzie. It is a human reaction. However, hopefully some of it will give us some more wisdom.

    We understand and give ear to people that have this happening with children, husbands etc . We pay very little attention to it when it is an animal. I believe those people haven't evolved yet. That don't help support us so we have what we need on the inside to go through this journey. Their wisdom (note I don't use the word knowledge) about love and the heart is lacking. They don't understand the emotional drain this can be. That we aren't doing it to ourselves and that we love are pet and need to let them have their journey also.

    Then sometimes there is still a little part of that which says am I crazy draining myself like this for an animal. However it is far more then an animal it is a love. Love goes both ways. Yes animals can feel and can love. That is why it is so draining. . . but you are doing a really good job. Treat yourself if you haven't to something you like. Be good to yourself. Keep yourself strong so you can be there for your kitty.

    Ali, I don't know if I could do it again or get a cat with medical problems right away. It has been so taxing (as you know). << It is hard. I know myself I am kind of shy after Suzie. Not sure if I would do another diabetic cat because I feel I screwed that up. However, I think because of Suzie even more I would do another special needs. At first I thought not. I do have one now that has heart problems, one that can't see, one that is semi feral and a normal one. I do want to in the fall or winter perhaps look for a special needs kitten in honor of Suzie.

    When it comes time for you to have another cat you will know who belongs to you. just as your wonderful Ali belongs to you now and your to her. This is a special bond there and you know it now and will in the future.

    I will keep you in my good thoughts and please keep us posted on how you and ali are doing.

    I am sure there are some lurks out there watching this discussion and keeping you and ali in their prayers and good thoughts.
  47. traceyg

    traceyg Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Before I leave for the weekend for a show I want to get back on something

    You Are My SunShine
    My Only Sunshine>>

    You know I used to sing that song to my first cat. She lived a long time 21 years. I never thought the would be another sunshine but there was. Different perhaps they didn't catch my heart quite as much as she did but because of Lasyz I left my heart open to many more sunshines. My life has been better for that.

    I hope your sunshine and you are doing well on this holiday weekend. Keeping you in my prayers. You have never met me but some how I hope it helps : )
  48. wubby379

    wubby379 Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Of course it helps and it is more appreciated then you will ever know. Ali is still having good days then bad days. The bad days are horrible and i have started to research different euthanasia options. However, her bad days are always followed by good days. I have become calmer with her if only because it was physically impossible to maintain my level of anxiety for much longer. It is warm now and she is loving it. She is sleeping in our room on a closed laundry basket that is next to a window. The basket is high enough that it is almost level with the window and we keep the blinds up and the window cracked so she can see the birds and smell the air. It comforts me to wake up at night and look over and see her happy sleeping face. She is still eating and drinking regularly, going up and down the stairs, occasionally wanting to play and wanting to go outside on the patio. Her breathing is still yucky :( I hope your long weekend went well! thanks for the continued support- this battle has been longer then i imagined it would be but i am grateful for everyday that i have with her.
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