I need help trying to understand new BG trend

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by Heather and Gizmo, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Heather and Gizmo

    Heather and Gizmo Member

    Jan 11, 2019
    Ok. First of all I am not complaining about the new trend. I am just trying to understand it. Gizmo's numbers have been steadily decreasing since last night's PMPS. His number at the PMPS was 381 and keeps going down in the second cycle and I have two more hours until the third cycle. Usually his numbers are high at the AMPS but usually higher at the PMPS. This is the first time that his numbers have steadily gone down in a 24 hour period. Trust me, I am happy about it. That means a longer period of time that he is out of the 300-400 range. I just don't know what to expect with this evenings cycle. Any advice or insight on what this trend means?
  2. Kris & Teasel

    Kris & Teasel Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2016
    It's a good trend and shows that at this point in time he's responding better to the 2.75 u dose. They can drift in and out of phases where they respond well and then not as well. Sometimes there'll be an overall downward trend in the good dose. It's hard to be certain of the reasons for these changes. Insulin is a hormone that acts in a variety of complex processes so his response can vary over time. That's why we say kitty leads and you follow.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2019
  3. Heather and Gizmo

    Heather and Gizmo Member

    Jan 11, 2019
    I am slowly getting used to him leading. It hasn't been easy. Thank you Kris. I pray this trend sticks for a while to give his body a break from those high numbers.
  4. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    Oh lord is that the truth.
    Kris & Teasel likes this.
  5. Heather and Gizmo

    Heather and Gizmo Member

    Jan 11, 2019
    :banghead:. Ok. Now we are back to the high numbers. I am assuming this was a bounce. I am still trying to figure out this bounce thing. His PMPS numbers was 159-171. Two hours later he was at 473. Ugh! So frustrating.
  6. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    That's quite a jump
  7. Djamila

    Djamila Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2015
    Yikes. That's quite a food spike! Did you feed him birthday cake and ice cream for dinner? ;) Makes me wonder what happened between +4 and +11 during the AM cycle...? I wonder if he had a dip in there that might have motivated that big jump. Regardless, it's just one test and one cycle. The overall trends are still looking better. You've had three blue PMPS's in the past few days which is great, and the AMPS are showing more yellow. Gizmo is on the right track, so try to stay focused on the bigger trends and shake it off when he has a bad cycle. Those happen. :bighug:
    Rachel and Kris & Teasel like this.
  8. Heather and Gizmo

    Heather and Gizmo Member

    Jan 11, 2019
    He may have enjoyed the birthday cake and ice cream for dinner!!! The morning cycle gave me a 98 at +4.5. I am seeing a beautiful pattern of blue numbers at the end of the morning cycles. I am praying that one day Gizmo's SS will look as beautiful as Sam's does!! What is the secret at keeping him so regulated?
    Djamila likes this.
  9. Djamila

    Djamila Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2015
    Honestly? Luck.

    I mean, yes, there is certainly some skill to dosing, and I am pretty picky about his food which does make a difference. But at the end of the day, Sam is just a pretty easy cat to keep regulated. His numbers go up with the pancreatitis. And then they go back down again. But overall, he's just pretty steady. If you look back at the early days of both his first and second diagnosis, he was never really all that bad to begin with which helps. He's also never been prone to diving or to bouncing. His worst cycles are high and flat, which doesn't look all that bad on a spreadsheet.

    So yes, I'm doing my part, but his steady numbers are just because that's how he is. And I am thankful for that every single day. I wish I could tell you the magic trick, but it's mostly just luck of the draw.
  10. Heather and Gizmo

    Heather and Gizmo Member

    Jan 11, 2019
    I am glad that Sam is doing well. I hope to see Gizmo close to being as well regulated as he is.
    Rachel and Djamila like this.

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