Need alternate test site

Discussion in 'Caninsulin / Vetsulin and N / NPH' started by Krisy, Jul 29, 2012.

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  1. Krisy

    Krisy New Member

    Jul 29, 2012

    I will give you a little history. Maxwell & I have used this site before when he was a diabetic 5 years ago. Thank god he brought himself out of that state & he is now almost 15, but he recently became really sick, unrelated to diabetes, and now the vet is treating him for an autoimmune disease and some form of parasite since whatever is going on is killing his red blood cells. He is prednisone/cortisone sensitive but giving him prednisone along with antibiotics was the only thing that saved his life. This has put him in a diabetic state again. Testing on his ear was not new to either of us but unfortunately with this blood disease, everytime I prick his ear he gets a small hematoma in that spot. I need an alternate testing site that would be good for my cat. This site was very helpful to us % years ago and it was the only site that I know of that had knowledgeable feline diabetic owners. You helped me with him before and I know you will be able to help me with him again.


    Krisy & Maxwell
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  2. Just-As-Appy

    Just-As-Appy Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Hi Krisy,
    As you can probably tell, this particular group on the board isn't too active.

    I'm guessing that you are holding pressure on the test site on his ear after poking. Are you warming before testing? Would it help not to warm the ear? Is holding ice on the ear after a possibility?

    As for alternate sites, some people use the paw pad - I've nnot tried this myself. My concern would be dveloping the same problem as you have with the ears.

    You could try reposting your message on the main Health forum - you will undoubtedly get more help there than on this forum.
    Nad9 likes this.
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