Very sick kitty-just need someone to listen

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Karla and Sassy, May 30, 2010.

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  1. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Hello everyone. My 8 year old cat, Sassy was diagnosed with diabetes last August. She has had a terrible time being regulated and is quite often sick especially with UTI's. Last Monday, I had to take her to the vet because she had terrible sores around both ears that were not healing. That morning, when I got up to take her to the vet, she had vomited twice (something that she does on a regular basis) and one time there was a good deal of blood present in the vomit (something that I had never seen before). The vet gave her an injection of cortisone for the skin infection and for some reason or another, had to keep her overnight in order to get a urine sample. Of course, she had a UTI again and he then gave her a shot of Convenia. She came home Tuesday and started to behave very strangely. She would lie in odd places that she never laid in before. By Wednesday, she had stopped eating and drinking and was barely moving around. She also went behind the couch and screamed a blood-curtling scream as she vomited. Took her back to the vet first thing Thurs. morning and they found blood when they took her temp. He said that we should do a full work up and x-rays and I agreed.

    He called me back to say that the liver enzymes were not good but that was to be expected with an infection as well as the high white blood cells. He said that her BG was really high but that was to be expected with the infection and the antibiotic. He also said that she was constipated and gave her an enema. She started eating and they gave her a second enema later in the day. He had to give her some fluids as she was dehydrated. She had to stay overnight again and when I called Friday morning, they said that she was no longer eating or drinking again. I went to see her and she was terrified and covered in poo, not to mention completely listless. A different doctor had come on and she wouldn't talk to me when I went over there. They told me I could come pick her up Saturday morning and I waited over an hour to talk to the doctor, but she still wouldn't talk to me. I never saw her bloodwork, didn't know if she had went to the bathroom, how much she had ate or anything else. The vet just told me that she wasn't eating or drinking much and sent us home with a laxative with no clear directions on what to do. Never once talked to the vet.

    I had her home last night where I really thought that she would die during the night. Her breathing was labored and she would not eat or drink or move around much. She never went to the bathroom while here even though I don't know when the last time was for her. She just looked like she was slowly dying but didn't cry or appear to be in a great deal of pain. After she wouldn't eat today or go to the bathroom, I decided to drive 45 minutes to the vet ER about 11:00 a.m. She usually doesn't do well in the car but she was very quiet today. The ER vet had to do all new bloodwork and x-rays. Her BG is well over 400. She has ketones (I have to admit I am not that familiar). Her potassium levels are 8.5 which is enough to kill her. Basically, every single aspect of her blood work was very, very negative. She has so much fat in her blood, that they can't adequately test it. Her x-ray looked ok, other than her bladder was huge. She sedated her and expressed the urine from her bladder and ran an IV. They had tried to get a good blood sample around six, but no go. Another vet was coming in tonight who is supposed to specialize in internal ped medicine. She said that her heart might stop and that is a pretty good possibility. She did tell me that she was resting comfortably.

    I have the very strong feeling that she is not going to make it. I had this feeling the other night and I had it again when I left. I felt pretty good about the place because it was very clean and the doctor took me back into the treatment room where I could see her where all the other animals were. My vet won't even let you go back to see the boarding facilities. It was very quite and calm in the room so hopefully she won't be so scared.

    I'm sorry that this is so long and I don't know if anyone will even bother to read all of this. I'm really upset that I may have made the wrong decision. I am trying to help her to see if she can get better but I'm afraid that she is in pain and suffering. The vet said that she didn't think that she was in pain, but she probably felt really rotten. She has been really listless and just out of it but she kept looking up at me with her pleading eyes today and it broke my heart. I am not a person that cries in front of others, but I could barely talk to the vet I was so upset. I just keep thinking that her eyes were begging me to just let her go and instead I just keep subjecting her to more sticking and prodding. I know that she would rather be here in her home but the vet said untreated, it would not be a pretty death. Basically, I could treat her or I could put her down.

    I expect that I will get a call sometime tonight. This is not me being overly negative, it is just the feeling that I have. I just want her to know that I love her and not that I abandoned her and she had to die alone in a strange place. I just wanted someone to listen to me that would understand the love that I have for this wonderful companion of mine. She has been with me through a lot of difficult times in my life and is the one thing that has stuck around.

    Thank you for listening to me. My heart is truly breaking.

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  2. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Oh Karla, I'm sitting here in tears after reading your post and my heart goes out to you. Sassy is adorable and has all my prayers being sent that she will turn around. I am so glad you took her to an ER place where everything can be monitored. I also think that if you want, you can go there at any time to see her. Around here in MI you can call day or night to get an update also. Ketones can be deadly......they can also make a cat very, very sick acting......but they can turn around. My Mishka battled DKA where the blood is acidic and she pulled through, several times over, but only because she was treated at a 24/7 ER clinic. There are all kinds of meds to help whatever is out of whack in her system. Please let us know whenever you feel like posting how Sassy is doing.......updates please as you receive them.......they can look so bad but with proper treatment recover. As for your vet......I would never go back to that place again. If they had known what they were doing, had spoken with you, had treated her correctly, she wouldn't be so sick right now. Prayers, white light, everything coming for Sassy.
  3. OptOut

    OptOut Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    What a beautiful little girl!

    I'm so sorry. Your post is simply heartbreaking. You have a very, very sick baby and she definitely needs round-the-clock care. We have a couple of vet techs on the board - hopefully one will stop by. From the reading, it sounds like she might be in DKA as well as have fatty liver? Anyway, she is very, very sick, but there are some other kitties on the board that have pulled through these problems. I know you are devastated and scared, but I hope your baby will make it.

    (PS - Lose the regular vet!!!)
  4. PeterDevonMocha

    PeterDevonMocha Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    wow .... Im so sorry you are dealing with all of this, sassy is so young to be having so many problems right now. She is beautiful, thank you for sharing her with us. I don't have much in the way of advice, but want you to know that we will be thinking of you guys, and sending positive, healing thoughts to sassy ...
  5. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010

    I'm so sorry to hear what you and Sassy are going through. I'm glad you decided to take her to the ER vet, and it sounds like they're being more helpful there than your regular vet. I hope they can manage to figure out the root cause of Sassy's problems and help her get better. Lots of kitties here at FDMB have pulled through situations that no one would have believed possible, so please don't lose hope. One of the most important components of getting better is having a good vet who can figure out what's wrong and what the options are.

    I don't know all the causes of vomiting blood, but I know that some of them are very serious. Did you vet say anything about that when you took Sassy in last Monday? There has also been a discussion on the board recently about Convenia, so you might want to look for that if you haven't seen it already.

    Even if Sassy can't pull through this, I'm sure she won't think that you abandoned her. The kind of love you and Sassy have means that connection will always be there, and she knows in your heart that you're trying to help. If the ER vet is a 24-hr facility, then you could probably go back and visit her again during the night. Are you off work tomorrow?

    Hugs to you both,
  6. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Yes, the vet said that the reason for the vomit in the blood was a burst blood vessel that was caused by the mere act of vomiting. Of course, she has been known to vomit several times a week and I have never, ever noticed blood. This was quite a bit of blood as well. But that was the explanation from the doctor and stupidly, I didn't seem to question it.
  7. Lana and Elliott (GA)

    Lana and Elliott (GA) New Member

    May 18, 2010
    Your post made me cry. I'm so, so sorry for you and Sassy. Many kitties pull through these health crises, so don't lose hope! My thoughts and hopes are with her.

    It angers me that your vet refused to talk to you and did not give you any information. I personally would never use that vet again.
  8. Jill and Remi

    Jill and Remi Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I am sure you have her in the best place to help her. Cats can be very resilient, especially with the right care. I do hope Sassy will pull through but I do know she knows how much you love her. Will be keeping you in my thoughts.
  9. MommaOfMuse

    MommaOfMuse Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2010
    I'm so sorry for what you and Sassy are going through...But kitties are tough little creatures. You have her in the best possible hands she can be in right now. She is there because you love her, she knows you love her and that you are only doing what is best for her...she trusts and believes in you, even if right now you are second guessing yourself. Afterall that is what parents do whenever our children are sick, furry ones or not. Sending you all the best wishes and big hugs that your baby girl will pull through..I have a big soft spot for tuxs.

    Mel & Muse
  10. Becky and AJ (GA)

    Becky and AJ (GA) Member

    Dec 28, 2009

    I'm so sorry to hear about Sassy. She looks like a sweet girl. Please know that she doesn't think you abondoned her at all. She knows that you are trying everything possible to make her better. I will keep my fingers crossed that she will pull through. Please keep us posted on her progress.

    Becky and AJ
  11. Susie and Moochie

    Susie and Moochie Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Oh Karla, Sassy is a beautiful girl! You have her where she needs to be right now so please try not to feel so badly. I truly hope the vet can help her.
  12. ceil99

    ceil99 Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    Kitties are really tough creatures. Will say prayers and headbutts for you.

    Hope for the best outcome and that you can take your baby home soon.

    8 yrs old is not that old, she may surprise you cat_pet_icon

    Please keep us updated
  13. cornad

    cornad Member

    Mar 18, 2010
    Gorgeous kitty, looks a lot like my Spencer. You're doing the best you can, you're a great owner. I hope she gets better, although its hard to think positive, it's possible.
  14. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    I just called back again and they told me that her BG was 74. They gave her quite a bit of insulin but at least it came down from over 400. They wanted to know if I typically fed her wet food and I told her yes, she eats Fancy Feast. They are going to give her some to eat right now. I am probably seriously getting on their nerves by calling so much but I really can't go there tonight. I am a single mom to a 4 year old and I don't want to take him there. He knows that Sassy is very sick, but he is still too young to truly understand.

    Thanks to everyone for their wonderful responses. It is so nice to hear from people who love their animals and understand the incredible bond that we feel. I do feel like she is in capable hands. I will keep praying that she is comfortable and knows how much I love her.

    I think that I will try to go to bed now as I didn't sleep very much at all last night for getting up and checking on her and listening for every little sound. Thank you all again for your kindness.
  15. Carol-Charlie

    Carol-Charlie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I'm glad you've placed Sassy with the ER. You will know that she is not in pain. You know they are doing all that can be done. You are giving her a chance to stay with you. You know that she does want to stay, as I interpret the look... of being.. let's fight this Mommy, I'm tired, but if I win, I'm home with you again.

    Know that all of us are praying for you both... that you both find the strength to fight, and trust the ER vet to tell you if/when she needs to be released. When I took Charlie in last August... The vets were helpful, and gave me all alternatives and said their feeling (I was blubbering like a child) was that he was 18 and in pain, ... they had eased it enough that he was not longer crying out loud.. but... I helped him more on. But he had had a stroke and seemed paralized in his rear.

    Trust me they are animal lovers or they wouldn't be in this line of work. Let them try... Let all of us pray for God's will to be done.... I pray that your girl will be able to come home with you. Sleep and dream, and pray... as will we. We know your pain, and will wait to hear an update... Holding you very closely....
  16. jeanene and chase

    jeanene and chase Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    Karla, it is a very good sign that the blood glucose came down and they are going to try to get her to eat. I would think that a vet would not be sick of hearing from you but glad that someone cares enough about their animal to want to know the latest. Much better than the alternative I'm sure they see all to often. I'll keep you and Sassy in my prayers. Keep us updated, please. And try to rest. She's and your little one need you to be strong and healthy.
  17. Mary & Stormy Blue

    Mary & Stormy Blue Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    Karla, I don't really have any advice for you. But, it sounds as if your darling Sassy is in the best place that she can be right now - the ER vets.
    I will keep you and Sassy in my thoughts and my prayers.

  18. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Karla, I am so glad you called them and her numbers are down. It's a good start and don't worry about calling them. Maybe you could ask them what are the times that they do rechecks are all her values, especially ketone check, and then call. Hope you get some sleep and many of us are holding Sassy close in our prayers.
  19. Jean and Charcoal

    Jean and Charcoal Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Dear Karla,

    What a beautiful sweet girl, Sassy is! She looks like my May-Belle, who is the same age. I truly hope that you will not get that call that you are expecting, but no matter what happens, please know that you have done the best that you could for your sweet furbaby.

    In the morning, if you are able to go back and see her, please take something that you have worn today or yesterday that has your smell on it, and leave that there for her, just in case you can't bring her home yet. Even a favorite little toy, even as sick as she is, might make her feel more at home.

    Truly I know how your heart is breaking, and the hardest part of having these sweet furbabies, is when they become ill and especially when we have to say good bye. I lost five furbabies last year within six months, and my heart still breaks each day if I think about them for more than a few minutes. My youngest boy was only 5 years old and he blocked and the vet could not save him.

    Others here too, know exactly how you are feeling, and perhaps having your little four year old to keep your mind busy, is probably a good thing right now.

    I will keep you in my prayers, and hope that God will help your sweet girl have a big turn around, and that you will still have more time with her. But, just in case it is her time to go, know that you and she have shared a wonderful bond that only we animal lovers can truly understand. Bless her heart and yours, and all those caring for her.

    Jean and Charcoal (GA)
  20. Plugbait

    Plugbait Member

    May 25, 2010
    My thoughts and inner prayers are with you in this difficult time.

    I can't agree with this more. Especially the shirt idea... she loves your smell, it will comfort her. I understand your responsibilities don't permit it as often as you would like, but do try to go see her when you can. They can fight and your love gives them strength.

    *hugs* I truly hope for the best! Two of my cats who are having health problems are about the same age as your Sassy. Keep her in your heart as I am sure all she can think about is you.

    -Mike 'n' Pixie
  21. Nicole and Napoleon

    Nicole and Napoleon Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2010
    Karla, I am in tears for you and your sweet Sassy. Please know you are doing everything in your power to help her and she knows that. You are both in my prayers. I am so glad that she responded to the insulin, that is a good sign! Please keep us updated, it will make my day to hear some good news about Sassy.
  22. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    I have an update as I just called the hospital. The tech told me that she did really good last night and that her BG levels were good all night long. They are going to attempt to run another set of blood work and they told me to check back around 10:30 or 11:00 to get the results. They are going to give her some more food. I am very suprised that she made it through the night as sick as she is--but she must be quite the little fighter. I know that she isn't out of the woods yet but I am so glad that they did manage to get her BG down. Now, we just have to hope that they get her potassium levels down as well. Of course, there were a lot of other things wrong with her but that was the most life threatening thing according to the vet. Thanks to everyone for their responses and warm thoughts. I will be giving you guys updates when I get them! Thanks again.
  23. Susie and Moochie

    Susie and Moochie Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    oh yes, please do let us know how she is. Good for Sassy for being such a tough little girl!
  24. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Karla, thank you for the a.m. update......I kept checking and hoping there would be one. Fantastic news on Sassy. Maybe more hassels to get through but she is fighting. It would help if you would post your town and city. We have people all over the States and the World and there just might be someone within range of you to help because you will need a new vet, need to learn hometesting, tell us what insulin she is on, etc. So glad she is still with you.
  25. MommaOfMuse

    MommaOfMuse Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2010
    Please Please keep us updated! I'm so happy she is doing better..and hopefully she will be home with you soon. :RAHCAT Go Sassy Go...We are all pulling for and that is a whole lot of love and strength coming both of your ways.

    Mel and Muse
  26. Gina & Yittle (GA)

    Gina & Yittle (GA) Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    I hope you get the miracle you're praying for, and deserve.
  27. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Ok, I called back and actually spoke to the vet. What a difference between the ER vet and Sassy's now fired vet. I tried to take notes while she was talking but I won't pretend that I am highly informed about a lot of this. They were able to test her blood again and she said that the vet yesterday was concerned mostly about her potassium and her calcium. The calcium was very low yesterday and is now normal. Her potassium was 8.5 yesterday and is now 3.4 which is too low. She said that she might have to give her some or switch her IV fluids because she is only on saline. She said that he phosphorus was normal and her kidney functioning was normal. Her total protein was lower than it was yesterday. They checked her BG through the night and it was 82, 74, 73, 82, 84. She had gave her an additional 2 units of insulin last night, so I really don't know how much she had in total. She is going to do a urine test to check for ketones. I don't think that she has ate anything yet but she said that they would try to feed her again. She also said that her white blood cell count is still very high. I told her that she was given an injection of Convenia last Monday, but she said that she was going to try another antibiotic. Maybe if they can get rid of the infection then she will be able to at least feel a little better.

    I still can't help thinking that this Convenia injection had a lot to do with all of this that she is going through. Maybe not, but she tends to react badly to lots of things that other cats don't have any problems with, such as vaccinations. If so, it is going to be in her system for some time.

    The vet told me to call back around 2:30 or 3:00 to see how she is doing then after they run some more tests.
  28. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Oh, Karla, that's good news! I'm glad that Sassy made it through the night and that she seems to be in good hands now.

    I'll try to post a link to that Convenia discussion that I mentioned:


    If that doesn't work, then it's currently on page 2 of the board, so it shouldn't be too hard for you to find.

    Please keep us posted on how Sassy's doing.
  29. squeem3

    squeem3 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    There is a thread about Covenia here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2107 There might be info there about side effects and such. The thread was started by Dr. Lisa, a real vet.

    I hope your cat will be ok cat_pet_icon
  30. maryjoandsmokie

    maryjoandsmokie Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Oh Karla! This really touches my heart. When they are so sick like Sassy it just
    hurts so bad. It seems you have her with a good vet now and she is making progress.
    I do know how you feel because i almost lost my sweet Fluffy recently. He was sick so
    long. Just keep hanging in there day after day.

    Let us know how she is doing and don't worry about calling them. Just call.
    Hugs and Prayers for Sassy and you.

  31. fourcatsmama

    fourcatsmama Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I am now wishing I had kept all of Jericho's vet records, because for some reason, after he passed away, the vet told me pfizer was going to offer to pay for the necropsy to see if his death was part of a reaction from an injection, and I have a feeling the injection was covenia. They did say they found no evidence of it being caused by the injection, but then after hearing other stories you can't help but wonder. I am glad your baby is feeling better. Please make use of this site if you haven't already. It is a godsend for beans of diabetic kitties!
  32. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Someone asked where I live and I live in a very small town called Landrum, SC. Sassy is in the hospital in Spartanburg, SC which is where I work. I am thinking about going there right now to try to find out some more info. This particular hospital closes tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. and I don't know if they are going to release her then or what, because they don't open back up again until 6:00 p.m. I know that she is going to have to go to a new vet and I have heard positive things about another vet in my town so I am going to try them and see if I can get her in there. I don't know if she will even get to leave but the expenses are really, really going to add up in the ER.

    I would really like to see her. I miss my little girl!
  33. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Sending many prayers...
  34. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Hi Karla, and of course, you too, most special Sassy,

    I'm holding you both very close in my prayers. But, I must say she sounds like a true fighter! Much like her mom...

    Love and countless hopeful prayers for you both,
    Deb and Nikki, finally sent by Gizzie!
  35. Nina and KB

    Nina and KB Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    ((( Karla )))

    I'm so glad she seems to be improving, and that you have a lead on a new vet.
  36. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Update:Re: Very sick kitty-just need someone to listen

    Well, I went to visit Sassy in the hospital and it wasn't really good. She looked terrible. I know that she is sick but I really wasn't prepared to see her like that. She was in the back of the cage and her head was held down. I spoke her name and she meowed and looked up at me. She tried to come closer to me but couldn't walk. She looked worse than she did yesterday. She had a small bowl of food in her cage but it looked like it had hardly been touched. I was suprised to see that there was no litterbox in there. She kept meowing the most pitiful sound. I now can't stop thinking that I made the worst decision ever yesterday. I should have let her go then instead of delaying it, with her sitting there looking so pitiful in the hospital where she is scared to death. I'm afraid that no matter what I do, it is going to happen anyway. They close at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow and don't open again until 6:00 p.m. They don't know if they are going to let her leave or not. And then I have the problem of I am not taking her back to the old vet. I refuse to do so.

    I wish that I wouldn't have went down there. It was just too horrible.
  37. Susie and Moochie

    Susie and Moochie Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    (((Karla))) you haven't done anything wrong and I'll bet that your visit made Sassy really happy.

    I don't know how this will all turn out for her and for you but I'll just say that being sick and scared is bound to make her look not so good. One thing I'm wondering - does the cage she is in have a solid bottom or a cage bottom? That could make it difficult for her to walk normally too.
  38. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    It is a cage-like bottom. That and the IV sticking in her paw is not helping things either. I was told back to talk to the new doctor on duty sometime after 8:00 pm. Hopefully, I can get some more answers then.
  39. JJ & Gwyn

    JJ & Gwyn Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Do you have a t-shirt or something similar that you haven't washed yet? If so, you mihgt bring it in to the vet's and ask them to put it in the cage with Sassy. The familiar and re-assuring smells of 'their' people often help decrease stress and make cats feel a little more comfortable. I'll often bring in a couple of not-yet-washed t-shirts, so they have a spare to put in if the first gets soiled.

    My prayers are with both of you --

    Jean and her Gwyn
  40. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010

    I'm sorry that your visit made you feel worse, but I'll bet it made Sassy feel better, just seeing you there. I know how hard this is, but the vet should be able to give you a good idea of what they think Sassy's problem is and whether they think she can pull through. I'm sure they'll tell you if they think it's time to let her go, as they wouldn't want her to suffer, either.

    Hoping for the best...

  41. Mary & Stormy Blue

    Mary & Stormy Blue Member

    Dec 29, 2009

    I am so sorry for what you, your family, and Sassy are going thru.
    I will continue to hold you all in my heart and my prayers.

  42. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Praying for you and Sassy
  43. Emmy & Dude

    Emmy & Dude Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    ((Karla)) I haven't been on the board much this weekend and am just seeing this thread and what you and your sweet baby Sassy have been going through. She is gorgeous. I'm so sorry that your beautiful little girl is so sick - it always gives us such a shock to visit them when they're so sick and see how sad they look. I'm sure seeing you made her feel so much better - don't give up on her yet.

    I'm hoping to see an update tomorrow that says she is rallying and that you've found a vet to take her to that will be able to help you even more.

    My heart goes out to you in this sadness - everyone here on the board feels your frustration and sadness at seeing her this way - but hopefully she will come out of it and be home with you soon feeling much better.

    Please know that many are sending healing thoughts, vibes and prayers your way for you beautiful furry girl to be better very soon.

    Will watch for your updates.

    Emmy & Dude (& Mittsi too)
  44. Deb415andNikki

    Deb415andNikki Member

    May 31, 2010
    Dearest Karla,

    When Giz went through DKA at diagnosis, the ER hospital didn't want me to visit in ICU. Why? They said it would upset Giz, who would think she was going home, and would upset me because she looked really, really bad. So, I just stayed home and cried and cried and cried wondering if I'd made the right decision to treat...

    And, phoned the ER hospital in between tears...

    Then, they said she wasn't eating and wanted to put in a feeding tube. That's the only thing I said no to. Didn't have the proper knowledge at the time. Asked if I could bring in food for her. They said yes. So, basically, I cleaned out my fridge and brought her yoghurt, tuna, cheese, chicken, turkey, and anything else I could think of. (Even made a sandwich for the vet...) The yoghurt was the key. Gizzie loved yoghurt!

    Got home 20 minutest later without seeing her and crying, and heard my answering machine going. It was the ER vet. Grabbed the phone and said, I'm here! Her vet told me about, well, basically a miracle. Said she offered Gizzie some peach yoghurt (her favorite) on one of those wooden hospital spoon thingees. At first, Giz just swatted it and peach yoghurt flew everywhere. But, the ER vet noticed something different about Giz's look. She noticed a sort of softness to it. (Karla, you should probably know that Giz could be a demon...)

    Anyway, the ER vet offered Giz a second spoonful and the little darling started to eat it. And ate another. And another. And came home to me three days later. Yes, she still looked like crap, but it was interesting to see bits of peach-colored dried yoghurt on her fur from that first offering...

    Yes, it was a rocky road for both of us. Yes, she made it. And, yes, I am eternally grateful for that wondrous four-year sugar dance with Gizzie.

    Cats are amazingly resilient creatures. It is we who feel their pain beyond measure. And I, like so many here, feel your pain, dearest Karla. Sassy is still young. She might look like crap, but be doing better. And, you, dear girl, are giving her the chance to do just that. No one, including your precious Sassy, could ask for anything more.

    Still holding you both close in our prayers.

    Much love and countless hopeful hugs for you both,
    Deb and Nikki -- and Giz, forever whispering in my heart...
  45. housecats4

    housecats4 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2010
    Prayers coming your way Angels are watching over your little Sassy I am so sorry you and her have to go through all this pain I pray the outcome will be worth it all. Angels watch over this kitty and her mom today and the rest of their lives. I too have 4 and loss my very special boy to FIP so understand what you are going through .I also have our special boy Trey just found out he was diabetic so got his first insulin shot yesterday Peace and Light and Healing to all animals lovers LOL Kath
  46. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    I just wanted to give everyone an update. I am at work so I will try to make it quick and still give you the details. I went to pick up Sassy from the ER hospital this morning around 6:30 a.m. The tech there told me that she was doing really well and eating. I got all of her info and I immediately drove all the way back home to try a different vet. Sassy really did look better although she reeked of pee but that wasn't her fault. She was very alert and very, very vocal about the 45 minute drive! I was feeling pretty good until we got to talk to the new vet. She strongly suggested that I take her to a specialist in Greenville, which is about 1 hour away and according to her, very expensive. I had to tell her that I would not be able to do that and if she didn't think that she could help her then I would have no choice but to let her go. She says that she has developed a fatty liver as a result of not eating. They really did a good job with her BG levels in the hospital. It was 152 at 2:00 a.m. and 180 at 6:00 a.m.

    I left my poor baby there because she said that she would need to do some further tests and a complete exam and she would call me back at work with some more information. I haven't heard anything yet. She didn't sound very hopeful which of course, felt like a knife in the chest all over again. I thought that she looked so good this morning compared to how she looked yesterday and the vet made the situation sound very, very dire. I know that she is still very sick, I was just hoping that she was going to recover. She said something about her body beginning to shut down and that really upset me. She was purring quite a bit and didn't seem to be too distressed. The vet was going to give her some type of appetite stimulant to see how that worked.

    I also spoke to the old vet and she was very apologetic. She showed the blood results which were ok at the time. She also said that she was reluctant to send her home due to the fact that she wasn't eating but she went ahead and sent her. She would have died there anyway, because they were closed for the weekend and holiday. I told her that I switched vets and that if they couldn't help her then I would have no other choice than to put her down because I don't want her to have to keep suffering and being poked and prodded. She said to not do that and that she would treat Sassy however she had to do at no cost to me. She said that they would give her a feeding tube and do whatever tests are necessary free of charge. I don't want anyone to think that I am trying to get something for free, as I am not but the money is really becoming a great issue to me and I can't keep up the cost.

    UPDATE: While I was typing this, the vet's office called and said that she just wanted to let me know that she is eating. The vet is in surgery right now, but she knew that I was worried and wanted to let me know! This is good news, right? I don't know anything about fatty liver and have never even heard of it, but is it something that can be reversed?

    I really need to get back to work right now, but I will update later! Thanks again to everyone for their prayers, concerns, and wishes. It means a tremendous deal to me.
  47. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Karla, how do you feel about taking her back to your old vet? If you feel comfortable and trust her to do right by Sassy, then do it. How do you feel about the vet where Sassy is right now? I am so glad she is eating.....and yes, fatty liver can be reversed with majore syringe feeding but best is a feeding tube. Now, if she was truly fatty liver she would be very jaundiced and would not touch any food, even with an appetite stimulant. Maybe she just needed to be jump started into eating again. The main thing is Sassy is still with you and now eating. If, IF, she can come home with you, that alone may really perk her up but you really and truly need to hometest her and also check her urine for ketones coming back. Still keeping Sassy in my prayers.
  48. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    karla, when you get a chance please go into your original post, click edit, and remove that candle. Using a candle signifies that a kitty has died and Sassy is still fighting a good fight and improving.
  49. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    I am sorry about the candle. I guess I should have researched that a bit but I have to say that my brain isn't functioning as well as usual! Thank you for letting me know.

    I don't think that I would have been opposed to taking Sassy back to the old vet. I know that I shouldn't have jumped the gun and I should have called them first, but I really felt like time was of the essence. She still had a catheter and I wanted someone to see her as soon as possible. The new vet seems like she knows what she is doing and she comes highly recommended. They said that she was eating food on her own, but I don't know how much. Do you think that she should still be on a feeding tube? The old vet did say that she would do that if I brought her back if necessary. Now, a few days ago she was not touching her food no matter what you gave her or what you did to it. I am glad to hear that she is showing an interest in her food but she did receive the appetite stimulant this morning.

    I am certainly going to hometest her. That is going to happen on a daily basis. They were give her some type of insulin at the vet that started with an "H", seems to be doing ok with that one. We have done Vetsulin in the past and Lantus currently. I am still waiting on a report from the vet.
  50. Deb & Spot

    Deb & Spot Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I have had limited time on the board lately, and just got finished reading your post. I am so sorry that your beautiful Sassy isn't feeling well. I can tell that you love her so much and want to do the best that you can for her.
    I am sending white lights and healing vines to Sassy. I hope she gets well and eats and drinks and does all those wonderful things she happy, healthy kitties do soon!
  51. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Karla, if you like this new vet, stick with her. I agree that you were rushed to find a vet early in the a.m. and cannot blame you for not going back to your old vet. Maybe Sassy was just too sick to eat and now that she is feeling better and along with the stimulant, she is eating. That is the most important thing right now. Are you going to visit her again tonight? Does this vet have better hours? Glad to see that candle gone dancing_cat
  52. Jayne & Sweety

    Jayne & Sweety Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Karla, I am in tears after reading this.. :(
    and I am hoping Sassy is feeling better soon.
  53. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Hi, Karla,

    It's a good sign that Sassy's been eating some on her own. Putting in a feeding tube is probably the safest way to make sure she gets sufficient nutrients to treat her fatty liver disease.

    There's a good Yahoo forum for feline assisted feeding, including both feeding tubes and syringe feeding: ... d-Feeding/

    There's a lot of helpful information there, like about fatty liver disease, how to use and take care of feeding tubes, and inspiring success stories about other kitties who've been through this before. You have to join the group to view any of the links.

    Hang in there, Sassy!
  54. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Hi guys--another update for you. The vet closed at 5:30 today and they told me that the doctor would call back to discuss Sassy. She called about 7:30 and talked to me for over half an hour. She had did a very thorough exam on Sassy and there was a lot of issues. I tried to take notes but she was telling me a lot of information. Here are some of the highlights:

    * She is eating very good. She has had two meals today and even though she had an appetite stimulant, she still ate her food.
    * Her BG at 7:00 p.m. was 333. She asked how much insulin she had this morning, and I told her that she was not given any at the ER vet. She was very suprised that her last injection was at 10:00 p.m. last night and at 7:00 p.m. tonight it was 333. She seemed to think that Sassy may only need insulin once a day but she wants to do some more BG tests on her first. She mentioned something called a rebound effect which can take place if there is too much insulin dosed? At one point, she was on 5 units of Lantus twice a day but it made no difference if she took that amount or 2 units or 10 units.
    * She is overweight, has gum tartar and tons of dandruff (but I already knew that!)
    * She has gross lesions around the front of her face now as well as around her ears. The vet has removed the scabs and cleaned the areas and is doing a culture to determine what type of bacteria is in her body. She thinks that the infection is all throughout her body instead of just in her UT and the lesions may be adding to this.
    * Still has quite a bit of blood in her urine. She is going to give penicillin until the culture comes back. She still has a high elevation of white blood cells.
    * She has pain in her abdomen which could be possible pancreatitis (forgive my horrid spelling tonight).

    The vet is going to switch her over to Humalin-N. She was taking Humalin-R at the ER. She is also going to give her a vitamin B shot, sub-Q fluids, and an antacid. Her iv was trashed so she is going to give her the sub-q fluids unless she stops eating. She said that this would continue to flush the ketones and other stuff from her system.

    Oh, and she is going home with the vet tonight! She wants to check her BG levels several times tonight and she said that it would just be easier to take her with her if that was ok with me. I was so worried about her being there by herself tonight so this has been a huge relief for me tonight.

    She was also concerned about the vomiting of blood that the other vet said was perfectly normal. She said that it is never normal and could possibly mean that there is a tumor or something that doesn't show up on an x-ray. She said to keep an eye on it and if she does it again, I may need to consult a specialist who can do an ultrasound.

    I am ready for her to come home but I am more ready for her to be better so I think it is a good idea to keep her in a vet's care for a little while. I think that the vet closes tomorrow at noon but I have to work, so she may have to spend another night but I really think she is in good hands. I really appreciate the vet taking the time to actually call me without having to chase her down and not get any answers. I thought it was great that she went into such detail and asked me several times if I had any questions. I know that I am going to have tons of them, but my main interest right now is just getting her through this immediate crisis. She still has a lot of issues, but hopefully she will continue to eat and improve daily.

    Thanks to everyone for listening to me. I know I have a tendency to go on and on. It's time to go read some bedtime stories to my son but I will keep up with the updates as long as people are interested in reading them. Thanks again guys!
  55. Emmy & Dude

    Emmy & Dude Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Good to see this update - hope she continues to eat. Will watch for more updates and meanwhile sending more white lights and healing vibes your way.

    Emmy & Dude (& Mittsi too)
  56. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Thanks for the latest update, Karla. So she has a lot of issues but they will be addressed and dealt with.......main thing is she is eating :RAHCAT . Great of the vet to take her home with her least she isn't alone in a cage. Will be looking for more updates when you get them and prayers still coming for Sassy.
  57. ceil99

    ceil99 Member

    Dec 29, 2009

    vet took her home to take care of her :RAHCAT

    I would stay with this vet, definitely

    glad to see she is eating. yes, fatty liver can be reversed with eating.
  58. Bone Daddy

    Bone Daddy Member

    May 19, 2010
    It sounds like you and Sassy have a tight bond. I would recommend getting her home as soon as you can so you can care for her with tenderness and love. Our Duke does very poorly when he is away from home.

    When they feed her at the clinic they are either using a syringe or a feeding tube. Please ask you vet how to syringe feed your kitty. It serves 3 (more?) purposes 1) it gets food into them. 2) sometimes it is enough to jump start them and get them eating again 3) it gets fluids into them. I've done this with Duke several times and other cats (but not for diabetes in these cases). It is not hard and it does not hurt them. It is messy she may put up a fuss. This way when you get her home and she is reluctant to eat, you can get food into her. Syringe feeding can make all the difference in the world.

    Wishing you and Sassy a peaceful night.
  59. Carol-Charlie

    Carol-Charlie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Prayers for sweet Sassy... and for you... this can be so very hard... Let this girl keep up the fight.
  60. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    :D Way to go Sassy eats lots girl feel better fast .Mom keep praying and talking to your Angels . Lite a candle for Sassy last night and she will be fine .Cats are fighters and your little one is not done yet>>>Bless both of you and that vet sounds pretty good for taking her home . I do not like paying for someone to leave our sick babies alone all night....Anyway chin up think positive and things will turn out positive Hugsssssssssssss Prayers and Angels watching LOL (You new friend in pets) Kath
  61. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Hi Karla,

    It sounds like your new vet is a huge improvement for Sassy! It's great that she cared enough to take Sassy home with her last night. I hope all the news was good. People have mentioned in earlier posts about the importance of home-testing the BG once Sassy is back home, so you can really know what's going on with her BG and how much insulin she needs. There's a lot of info here about the rebound effect, when they get too much insulin and the body has to save itself from hypoglycemia. My Angel had this problem because she was so sensitive to insulin, and the rebounding itself caused ketones to build up in her at times. This is a very serious issue, and I'm so glad your new vet is aware of it and can help you figure out the correct insulin dose for Sassy. Too many vets seem uneducated about the finer points of treating diabetic cats.

    I hope that Sassy keeps eating well on her own and that she can come home soon! Please keep us updated, as we really do care here at FDMB.

  62. Jen & Squeak

    Jen & Squeak Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    This vet sounds good; fingers crossed she can figure out the infection, etc.!

  63. PeterDevonMocha

    PeterDevonMocha Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    thanks for the update! I know how much you want sassy home, but you are being the best mom you can be to her right now, by letting the vet work with her. I will continue prayers for all of you guys!
  64. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    I talked to the doctor again this morning around 9:00 a.m. She said that Sassy had a very good night and she ate several more times. She is drinking small amounts of water which the doctor says is good because it shows that the sub-Q fluids are working and she is not excessivly thirsty. Once again, I tried to take notes so let me give you some of the numbers on her BG levels:

    7:00 pm---dinner (or maybe snack)
    8:30 pm--374
    8:35 pm--2 units of Humalin
    8:4o pm--ate some more and urinated
    11:00 pm--287
    2:30 am--262
    6:35 am--300 (insulin starting to wear off)
    7:00 am--breakfast
    8:55 am--335

    She was going to give her 1 1/2 units. Looks like she will need it more than once a day but she is going to run a curve all day to see where her numbers are.

    She said that she is currently walking around in the x-ray room and was walking around at her house. She said that she was purring which is a very good sign! (This is so funny to me because Miss Sassy loves to explore. She will open cabinets and climb in and look for anything to get into--I imagine if she is feeling better that there is stuff crashing as we speak inside the x-ray room!).

    She also said that her lesions are healing quite nicely and she is no longer rubbing her face trying to scratch them. She is going to keep her again tonight and monitor her closely and as long as everything goes well (hands clasped and fingers crossed) then I can pick her up in the morning! She wants me to come over so she can go over everything with me. She said that even though I know how to administer the insulin that she basically wants me to start fresh now that Sassy is under her care. She wanted me to come visit today but they close early and I work about 40 minutes away from the office (it is in the town where I live) so visiting is not an option today but she sounds like she is doing terrific. I know that things can go wrong and she is not completely out of the woods, but if everyone would just keep Sassy in your prayers it would be great.

    Going back to work now, but I feel so much lighter today!
  65. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Wonderful update, keeping you both in my prayers.

  66. Emmy & Dude

    Emmy & Dude Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Fantastic - keeping the good thoughts.

    Emmy & Dude (& Mittsi too)
  67. housecats4

    housecats4 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2010
    Great news Angels keep watch over little Sassy and her new vet help her help Sassy God Bless LOL Kath
  68. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Since I was working today and couldn't go visit, my mom went to visit Sassy this afternoon. She reported that she was doing really well and giving her lots of head butts. She was in the x-ray room wandering around and she said that she really looked good. She had her food and water and the vet also gave her an update. She got to brush her and talk to her a while and of course, Sassy wanted to leave with her! I will be going there tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. if nothing happens and bringing her home. My mom is going to watch her while I am at work since I have to work late tomorrow. I will let you guys know how she looks and how she is doing after I get her!

    I am so excited, but I have to admit, very, very nervous as well! I have a lot of reading to do on this site to learn everything that I really need to learn. I know that I will be watching over her like a hawk looking for the least little thing.
  69. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Wonderful news dancing_cat dancing_cat What you need to buy, if you aren't flat broke by now :roll: , is some Ketostix or Keto-Diastix. Pharmacies carry them and they are for testing urine for ketones (Ketostix) and/or ketones and glucose (Keto-Diastix). I use a big ladle I get under the butts to catch urine, pour into a disposable plastic cup, and dip away. Also, please get a meter.........Walmart's Reli-On is cheap and a good meter. Don't forget to buy extra test strips and some lancets to stick the ear with. I would imagine Sassy is on N and right now I'm not even going to get into that. Others may chime in with switching. With N, it is fast acting, short duration, and food needs to be fed a good half hour before shooting. So you would test, feed, and eventually shoot. Remember, any help needed is only a few keystrokes away and if immediate help is needed, use the 911 symbol and post it. Once help is received, you can go back and remove the 911.

    So happy for both of you that she is doing so well and she will be so happy to get back home.
  70. Nina and KB

    Nina and KB Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Your vet sounds wonderful, and I'm so glad to see how much Sassy has improved.
  71. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Hope, I'm so glad that you brought up the ketones and how to test for them. This may sound like the stupidest question ever known to man, but you have to actually gather (sounds like something that you would do with a garden) the pee while she is in the process of using the litterbox? Most of the time, I don't even know that she is in there until I hear her scratching the sides but by then she is already done with her business. How often do you need to do this?

    I have purchased a glucose meter, strips, and lancets. The vet is going to make sure that she goes over all of that with me tomorrow which makes me feel good because I have read some things on here where the vets tell people that they don't need to test. The old vet acted like it was something that really didn't need to be done unless it was at their office. I'm glad that the new vet is going to take the time to explain things and answer any questions that I have which are pretty numerous. I am listing questions and taking my notebook to take notes while I am there.
  72. JJ & Gwyn

    JJ & Gwyn Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    > This may sound like the stupidest question ever known to man, but [do] you have to actually gather the pee while
    > she is in the process of using the litterbox? Most of the time, I don't even know that she is in there until I hear
    > her scratching the sides but by then she is already done with her business.

    There are various things you can try to collect an uncontaminated urine sample: you can replace the litter with fish tank gravel, or put a clean glass-or-ceramic bowl in the spot she usually pees, or wrap part of the box with Saran Wrap, or seeing if there's a puddle still there when she's done. Some folks use ladles to catch a sample on the fly, and some folks just shove it under their butt while they're peeing.

    If you don't catch a clean sample, you can try testing the litter when she went and seeing if there's a reaction there. But, before you do that, you need to make sure that the litter itself isn't going to trigger a change in the ketostix. To do that, take some of the litter and wet it down with tap water, then stick a ketostix in it. If the ketostix changes color, you'll need to try one of the other methods, or switch to a different litter. If the ketostix remains unchanged, then you can try testing the urine in the litter. (I always felt much better with a free catch, but sometimes you have to work with what the cat's given you.)

    > How often do you need to do this?

    I liked to test once a day when Gwyn was under-regulated. Ketones are one of those things that can develop quickly and, once visible signs exist, can be expensive to treat. But if caught early, they're much easier to treat, and sometimes that can be done at home. I always looked at my $15 bottle of ketostix as insurance against a multi-thousand dollar hospital stay.

    > I have purchased a glucose meter, strips, and lancets. The vet is going to make sure that she goes over all of that with
    > me tomorrow which makes me feel good because I have read some things on here where the vets tell people that they
    > don't need to test. The old vet acted like it was something that really didn't need to be done unless it was at their office.
    > I'm glad that the new vet is going to take the time to explain things and answer any questions that I have which are pretty
    > numerous. I am listing questions and taking my notebook to take notes while I am there.

    That's a good idea; I love making lists of all the stupid questions I need to remember to ask ;)
  73. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Thank you for that response. It was very helpful. I am printing it out so I will have it handy when I need it. I will have to try some of these methods especially the one with testing the litter. Sassy will come out of the litterbox if you even enter the room and she is in there so I'm not sure that she is going to be too thrilled with me eyeballing her while she is peeing not to mention sticking a soup ladle in there! But, I will certainly give it a try. You are very right, the multi-thousand dollar vet bills are not something that I am going to be able to do again any time soon.

    When I brought Sassy home from the vet on Saturday my mom was actually able to smell the ketones on her. At that time, I didn't have any idea what we were dealing with or what it even meant. She kept asking me if I had been using fingernail polish remover and of course I wasn't. The vet at the ER was amazed that she was able to detect them. She got down in her face and smelled her breath and said she could smell them but it was a faint odor. I never once smelled it and I really tried.

    It's now after 11:00 p.m. I need to go to bed and get my rest so I can be up bright and early in the morning to bring my girl home! Yay!!
  74. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Many people can smell ketones, but apparently some people can't - at least that's what one vet told me, that it's a genetic thing. I happen to be very lucky in that I can smell them at levels so low they don't even register on the ketostix yet. That meant that I could get sub-Q fluids into Angel before the problem got out of hand. I hope that you never need that ability! But since your mom seems to have it, if she's able to visit regularly, maybe she could do a breath test on Sassy whenever she's around as a second precaution.

    Good luck bringing your little girl home! :smile:
  75. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to let you guys know that Sassy is now home. I got her home around 10:00 this morning. I am at work right now and getting ready to lock up so I can't write much but I will try to later tonight. She seems to be doing well although the vet has her only eating a very small amount of food a day. I'm afraid that she won't eat what she gave her either but I am going to try. She also gave me some pills to give her and I could not get her technique down--just couldn't do it. I will keep trying though. She had me prick her ear but then told me that I didn't need to check it--I don't know why and I think that I will check it anyway and keep a log. She is only taking 1.5 units twice a day which is down quite a bit from the 4 units that she was taking twice a day. She wants me to measure the water that she drinks and keep track of her tinkling.

    They called earlier and told me that her culture came back and said that there was no infection which is suprising due to the large number of white blood cells. I am going to try to quit worrying. Sassy peed in the carrier on the way to the vet's office and then she went and peed in her litterbox again when we got home but it was just a tiny amount. I don't know if this is just stress or she is still having problems. The vet gave her another penicillin injection anyway. I will try to write more later after I get home and tend to her (and my son, who is now having some asthma related problems again). It's always something isn't it?

    In the meantime, can anyone please tell me how to get the urine smell off of her? I gave her two baths when I got her home and my mom says that she can still smell it. I called the vet and they said tomato juice. I read online peroxide. If someone can give me a suggestion that would be wonderful. I hate to have to give her another bath but I can't stand that smell. I think it is just all in her fur where she was laying in it the other day at the ER. I gave her a real good scrubbing in the bathtub with kitty shampoo followed by another bath with baby shampoo. Thanks!
  76. housecats4

    housecats4 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2010
    Hi Maybe you could dry just some plain old baking soda on her dry fur just a dusting and rub a little on her brush her then watch you don`t get it in her eyes . Hugsss and kisses for Sassy and her wonderful mom and granny.....Prayers and Angels still watching over your family LOL Kath
  77. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    Hi, Karla,

    I hope Sassy perks up and does even better now that she's at home! Yes, you should definitely check her BG at least before every insulin shot, and keep a log book with those numbers, as well as other things you note about how she's eating and acting, etc. I think that a lot of vets shy away from encouraging home testing because they don't want to make the care seem too difficult, but it's so much safer for the kitties when we know what's going on with their BG. And since Sassy's had ketones building up recently, you'll want to make sure that her BG isn't getting too high from the dose decrease. You'll also want to know how low each shot is taking her BG, so you'll want to do some checks at different points in the cycle for that. I'm sure others will have suggestions, as well.

    As for the pee smell, I never tried bathing Angel when she had pee on her, I just used either cat grooming wipes or a warm, wet washcloth to gently wash her fur. She was too fragile for an actual bath, so I never tried that. Have you bathed Sassy before? If she's used to that, it might not be such a big deal for her.

    I hope your son is okay! Here are hugs for all three of you! :YMHUG:

  78. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    I came home and tended to everyone. Trying to get my son to eat is about as easy as getting Sassy to eat. The vet said to give her 1/3 can of food until she gets a little better. I gave her the food and she doesn't really want to eat it. She kept going to the cabinet where her Fancy Feast is kept. I warmed the food in the microwave for a few seconds to knock off the chill and she will eat a couple of bites and then she went back and ate another bite later. I doubt if she even ate a tablespoon. I am just so worried that she isn't going to eat. She gave me an appetite stimulant to give her if she is not eating but I don't know if it is something that I should give or not right now. She didn't drink any water at all today (I am having to measure it). The insulin makes me nervous to give her if she is not eating. I am just so used to her eating an entire can of cat food in one sitting and still being hungry.

    Do you think it is normal that she is eating so little right now? Maybe she doesn't really like the food. I don't know what to do at all. Now, she is back to just lying on the rug on the screened in porch again. That is what she was doing when she got really sick. This is what I am going to do all the time now, worry about every little thing. I am just really discouraged because I thought she would eat since she hasn't had anything all day since I've been gone.
  79. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Karla, she needs to eat so give her the Fancy Feast if that is what she wants. A lot of us feed either FF or Friskies. Also, test her..especially before shooting insulin. Glad to know she is home and once she feels a little better she'll clean herself up. If you want to hold her, maybe pick her up in a little blanket so you don't smell her so much. Just be glad she is alive and home.......the smell will clear up.
  80. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010

    What kind of food has the vet given you for Sassy? Hope's right, the most important thing right now is that she eats. Several of the Fancy Feast varieties are grain-free and a lot of the kitties here eat them. If the vet gave you a prescription food for some other reason, maybe we can help you find another food that will be similar but that Sassy will like better.

    You might also try other foods just to get Sassy interested in eating. Sometimes, I'd put tiny pieces of roasted turkey breast on top of Angel's cat food to get her started eating. If there's something that Sassy really likes, you might want to offer her some of it.

    What appetite stimulant did the vet give you?
  81. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    Ok, I went ahead and broke the vet's rules on the very first day home. The vet gave her (or made me pay a lot of money for) Hill's prescription diet w/d. She really doesn't seem to like it. She went back and ate some more of it, but she makes a run for the kitchen everytime that she sees me go in there. She was over at the cabinet where I keep her Fancy Feast and I decided that I would open a can. She was meowing loudly like "give me that now" and I gave her about half a can. She ate quite a bit at once and I just heard her go back in there. I make sure that I buy the kinds of Fancy Feast that don't have gravy. She does not get any dry food at all. I just want her to eat. I'm not overfeeding her but I want her to eat something. The vet wants her to lose weight but I want her to get well first and foremost. She said that the Hill's would help keep her from getting UTI's but not if she won't eat it. I am still concerned about how little she is eating. Does it seem normal after the rough time that she has gone through to be eating this amount?

    The appetite stimulant that she was given is Cyproheptadine 4MG. She only gave me four tablets but at least she is eating some, so I haven't gave her the pill yet.

    She hasn't been drinking any water either. Should I be concerned about that? The vet wanted me to make sure that she wasn't drinking too much water. If she drinks more than 1/2 a cup every 12 hours then I am supposed to call her. However, she doesn't seem to be drinking anything.
  82. fourcatsmama

    fourcatsmama Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    If she is eating wet food, there is alot of water in those, so you may not see lots of drinking from the water dish. Many vets prescribe or suggest those expensive 'diabetic' foods that you can only buy through their office, etc. but you can get good foods just by using the right flavors of things like fancy feast, friskies, etc. low carb, no gravy, are good for Sassy! I am glad to see she is doing better!
  83. ceil99

    ceil99 Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    very, very good news - glad she is home and doing better. I knew she was a fighter :RAHCAT :RAHCAT :RAHCAT :thumbup


    She is on wet food, right? You do not need any type of prescription food or “special” diabetic food. Use Janet & Binky’s chart for canned food at . Low carb is best for diabetics. I try to stay around 10% or under. I feed Whiskas, 9-Lives and mostly Friskies canned food.

    What kind of insulin are you using and how much? Cats usually need insulin twice a day to regulate.

    Also, please realize that it takes insulin about a week to settle. START LOW AND GO SLOW!! The usual starting dose from our experiences is 1u twice a day for at least a week. Insulin in cats is NOT and I repeat NOT based on weight. This is a misconception that a lot of us have gotten from our vets here. pc_work

    You have to be patient, as I also had to learn!! Do not adjust the dose upwards based on one test. Don’t freak out based on one test result. As long as the levels stay on the high side, keep the same dose twice a day for at least the initial week period and you should see improvements. When you have some time (hee hee), read my profile doc at .

    If you are not hometesting already, you really need to start!! Hometesting is VERY important. Most of us here use any human meter. Think of it as a human diabetic does. Some vets do not agree with hometesting and I cannot for the life of me understand why. Most vets, sadly are not knowledgeable enough in feline diabetes. Insulin is a VERY powerful drug and you NEED to hometest before giving a shot. This is very important.

    I use the True Track meter (CVS or Walgreens brand) which I love. And, the strips are also reasonable. Also, remember to give them a treat after the test. Here is a link to a member videos on hometesting:

    PLEASE keep up the updates as we all want to know how things are going. And you can post some pictures too cat_pet_icon
  84. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010

    Sassy isn't the first cat on the board who doesn't like W/D. If she really won't eat enough of it, you should talk to your vet about what aspects of W/D she thinks are important in Sassy's food (such as low phosphorous, magnesium, etc.), and have her work with you to find an alternative. There are nutritional food charts out there (some linked from FDMB) that have a lot of helpful info. While you want to avoid more UTIs, Sassy will die in no time from fatty liver disease if she doesn't start eating enough.

    Have you checked out the Yahoo assisted feeding forum yet? Some of the people there have tried things like feeding their kitties with their fingers or a baby spoon. I was feeding Angel with a syringe for a while when she wasn't eating. This is of course for cats who don't have feeding tubes, which I assume you've opted not to try for Sassy yet.

    Did your vet tell you to give Sassy the entire 4 mg tablet of cyproheptadine? I think the usual dose is 1/4 of that, or 1 mg. Please make sure of the correct dose before you give Sassy any of it. Many cats seem not to like the taste of cypro, and it can cause excessive drooling for several minutes, which is very scary the first time you see that happen. It sometimes helps to give the pill inside a Pill Pocket or other soft treat or favorite food.

    Hang in there!
  85. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    W/D is more fiber and high carbs, not much of nutrition in it. Give her the is not the time to worry about getting weight off of her. She's been very sick and she needs to eat. You could also try adding just a little water to her FF and see if she likes it a little soupy. My cypro here for Vinnie with a weight of 14 lbs. was 1/2 of a 4 mg. twice a day. If Sassy is eating well, she really doesn't need it.
  86. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    She's just not wanting to eat at all. I gave her the w/d this morning. She wouldn't touch it. I gave her the rest of the can of FF and she licked the juice off it and maybe took a few bites. I went ahead and gave her injection since her BG was 352. Her appetite medicine is 1/2 tablet. She can be a grazer at times so I am just going to leave her food while I go to work. If she doesn't eat it and doesn't act like she wants to eat tonight then I am going to give her the pill if I can. We tried the pill pocket treats in the vet's office yesterday and she would have nothing to do with it. Just licked around the treat.

    I have not looked at that forum but I will check it out today. I don't understand why the vet said that she was eating and now she is barely eating anything. She is acting a lot better, walking around, trying to play with a string a bit. I am just used to her eating a can of food and begging for another one immediately.

    She has not been in the litterbox either.
  87. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010

    Something that a lot of us have tried for cats who won't eat is meat-only baby food. I gave Angel the Beech Nut Stage 1 chicken, turkey, or beef flavors. It's very important to buy brands that contain only meat and broth, no onion powder or other flavorings, which are toxic for cats.

    I do hope Sassy starts eating better soon. Hadn't the vet given her cypro? Maybe that's why she was eating there.
  88. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    The vet gave her the medicine on Tuesday but she didn't give her any Wed. or Thursday and she said that she ate. I am just hoping that she eats some more this morning. She is eating something--it's not like last weekend when she wouldn't even touch it at all--it just isn't very much at all.

    I am going to have to go to Walmart on my lunch break to get her insulin and I'm going to get her some baby food and try that. She has never really been a kitty that eats treats. I know that this is a bad question before I even ask it, but.......Would it be really terrible to get the FF with the gravy just to see if I can get her eating or will the gravy just run up her BG too much? She seems to be into the juice from the regular FF quite a bit. It was already 352 this morning so I don't want to make it any worse.

    Should I be worried about her not using the litterbox? She isn't drinking anything but I still think she should be going. I know that she can because she went twice yesterday morning but none since then.
  89. Jen & Squeak

    Jen & Squeak Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Just to add, WD is very old school and contains few nutrients, so your girl is wise :)

    I know this is all worrisome but sometimes it takes time for everything to get back to normal. Keep tempting her with whatever foods she'll eat, and don't worry too much about whether she drinks or not as most cats don't drink if they are eating canned food. If you are really worried you can syringe feed some water (carefully, into the side of her mouth) into her as well as perhaps some watered down babyfood.

    For testing urine, I would 'simply' follow Squeak when I saw him going to his littler box, wait for him to start peeing and then stick the ketostix under his butt. Undignified yes, but effective.


    ps I'm very glad you are going to continue hometesting!
  90. Heather & Angel (GA)

    Heather & Angel (GA) Member

    Jan 16, 2010

    I would be a little concerned if she really hasn't peed in 24 hours. That's something you should probably check in with your vet about.

    The FF varieties with gravy aren't the best for diabetics, and the gravy itself isn't so nutritious. Since Sassy likes the juice from the regular kinds, you might try pureeing some of that in the blender, maybe adding a little meat broth to thin it. Or maybe she'll eat the baby food - that's okay for short-term feeding, but it's not the ideal food for cats, so it's better for her to eat cat food if you can get her to.

    I was wondering about her teeth, though - you said she has high WBC count, but her urine culture came back negative. Did the vet think her teeth and gums looked okay? Sometimes they don't want to eat if they have pain in their mouths, and that would fit with her having some kind of infection.
  91. Karla and Sassy

    Karla and Sassy Member

    May 30, 2010
    The vet said that she had gingivitis but she didn't say anything about treatment. Sassy actually has very few teeth left. She has lost a lot and the vet had to pull some last year. I think that I am going to call the vet and see if they have any advice. I am at work at can't get her there right now so maybe someone will talk to me. My mom is watching her and she is still not drinking at all or using the litterbox.
  92. Traci and Boomer

    Traci and Boomer Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Hi Karla-

    If she'll eat food with gravy and you need low carb you can try the Friskies pouches - they are 10 or under - all of them. I used to buy Boomer the box of poultry pouches because he was a gravy guy.

    I'm so sorry that you have to deal with all this stress not knowing how to best take care of her. I hope things start to get better soon!!!
  93. jt and trouble (GA)

    jt and trouble (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    still praying for Sassy...
  94. housecats4

    housecats4 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2010
    Hi I hope Sassy is feeling better have her in my prayers... Angels are watching over both of you LOL Kath & Trey
  95. Hope + (((Baby)))GA

    Hope + (((Baby)))GA Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009 is Sassy?

    We would love an update on how she is doing.
  96. Maggies Mom Debby

    Maggies Mom Debby Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    How is Sassy eating? Do you have an update?

    Do you have any people tuna in the house? You can use the liquid (I call it tuna juice) on top of her food. My cats like to lick it as a treat, but it doesn't have enough nutrients to be used alone for a sick kitty. But it might make her more interested in eating her food.

    If you can't pill her, ask your vet if you can get the appetite stimulant compounded as a liquid so you can squirt it into her mouth. I think you can get chicken or tuna flavor from most compounding pharmacies.
  97. ceil99

    ceil99 Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    any updates?

    Maybe you can start a new thread
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