11/24Tigger PMPS/375 +2/349 something wrong w/Tigger's eye

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Tigger's Friend, Nov 24, 2013.

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  1. Tigger's Friend

    Tigger's Friend Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Good afternoon, LL,

    My sympathies & prayers going out to Marje & Mike - I hope Gussie is out bouncing in a sunny meadow with his FDMB friends. Healing & comfort vines out to everyone else in need.

    I'm sorry I haven't had time lately to post - I miss you all & feel something's missing when I don't have the time to connect & stay current with all my FDMB kittie comrades.

    Tigger was doing fantastically - great blues & greens, shorter bounces, chirping, energetic, etc. - until last night. He'd been sneezing sporadically the last week - I thought residual URI, & have been giving 500-1000 mg l-lysine daily. Last night his dead eye was all swollen up again, like before, but he was reclusive - at one point sitting in his covered lb - so I know something's wrong. He wasn't excited about his food with his lysine & zobaline, but he ate food w/o meds, so that was good. He felt maybe a little warm but not hot - there's no way I can get a temp on him.

    His BG shot up last night & hasn't come down since - I used a new pen last night & this AM, & am going back to the old one tonight just in case.

    Blood ketones were negative, but I haven't seen any poops - he did go outside yesterday, but none today which is odd for him, unless he went out this afternoon when DH left the br door ajar - but he was lying on the bed when we got home, so I doubt it. I was able to in his mouth, & he has some red around his 2 front teeth, but nothing bad, but his swollen eye sees tender & he swings away from me whenever I try to get near it.

    We've had some wasps in the house, & last week he was chasing something on the guest br floor, where the wasps tend to congregate. That night his lower lip was all swollen up again - wasp sting or allergic reaction? That was a week ago, & the swelling is almost gone now - that's weird thing on lip #2 - the first one's cleared up.

    The skin above his eye is a little pink - most of the rest of the skin on his head is white-ish, but it's not very noticeable. Another thought is retrobulbar abscess, but his mouth doesn't seem to be the problem, & I think the swelling is from the outside to the socket rather than beneath the bone.

    I'll know in about 20 minutes if he's hungry for dinner - He's eathing - whew! I'm thinking after his shot I should give him some fluids - 50mls? He weighs 14 lbs. I was wondering about giving him a small amt. of bupe, but since he's eating, I don't know if I should? He has been on the bed most of the day, after being up & around a little this morning. He's only had it once before, after his first swelling eye exploratory. Would you give him bupe, & if so, how much?

    I've got a call into the vet, hopefully we can get in tomorrow. A different opthamologist had thought the original eye swelling was possibly due to a tumor, but it went away after the URI, so our vet (& we) felt it was due to the sneezing from the URI, and again, he's been sneezing a very little bit, mostly when he's sniffing around the floor, or inhales fd chicken dust :lol: . I think the vet is going to want an ultrasound, but I can't afford it right now - after both Tigger & Spankey's major illnesses & surgeries I didn't budget for, plus DH needs MAJOR dental grafting soon.

    Has anyone had a cat get a wasp or bee sting in the face that you could describe? I'd really appreciate it! Thanks to whoever is reading this - I've been worried all night & day - I appreciated the opportunity to let it all out! Thanks for any input anyone might have.
  2. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    Suzanne --

    I'd suggest cross posting on the Health board. There are often a few vet techs that hang out there and they may be able to give you more info about stings. I'm glad you called the vet.
  3. Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA)

    Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Re: 11/24 Tigger AMPS/332 +9/338 something's wrong w/ Tigger

    Hi Suzanne,
    I'm very sorry to hear that TIgger has eye-socket swelling again and hope it will clear up. It could well be the result of a wasp sting. The more times one is stung by a wasp or a bee, the more severe the allergic reaction can be. I think a vetty visit is very much in order. He may prescribe an antihistime, such as Children's Benedryl. In any event, a sting could easily raise blood glucose.
    I hope Tigger will be feeling better tomorrow and that whatever is bothering him will be easily and inexpensively treatable. Sending lots of healing vines,

    Ella & Rusty
  4. Pam & Hoot

    Pam & Hoot Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    Hi Suzanne,
    I just read Tiggers story, what a sweet and lucky kitty to have found you ♥
    Had to laugh about inhaling the FD Chicken dust :lol: Hoot does that too, after he blows it everywhere :lol: :lol:
    I hope you figure out whats going on with Tigger tomorrow at the vet. Good luck ;-)
    Have a nice night :smile:
  5. mariko

    mariko Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    I am sorry to hear that Tigger's not feeling well.
    How worrying....

    I have seen a dog who's got stung by a wasp.
    He had his eyelids and lips pretty swollen.

    I'm glad he's eating.
    I hope it's something that can be treated easily.
    Sending tons of healing vines.
  6. Michele M

    Michele M Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    Years ago one of my kitties tried to eat a wasp and was stung on the lip. It looked like he had a really fat lip for less than a day. It was a really obvious bump/swelling.....and he was less than pleased of course. This was quite a while ago but Im pretty sure it went away within a day or so.

    Poor little tigger :cry:
    I hope he improves soon
  7. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti


    I haven't had any wasp stings but Gracie did get stung by a scorpion on the chin and had quite a bit of redness and swelling.

    Benadryl can be given to cats but it has contraindications for cats that have glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, cardio issues. It would be best to get the dosing from a vet; I don't know if an ER vet would give dosing over the phone.

    What if you hold a warm compress over his eye....would he let you?

    With the BG going up, it certainly concerns me that something is going on.
  8. Tigger's Friend

    Tigger's Friend Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    (((Thanks so much Sienne, Ella, Pam, Mariko, & Michele))) It's so amazing how people come when you need them, even when I haven't been around lately :D .

    Sienne, Great Idea, I'll paste this on the Health Board asap. I think I can get in to the vet tomorrow, due to the possibility of a retrobulbar abscess.

    Ella, thanks for that info - I hadn't thought about cumulative effect - It would potentially be twice on the lower lip & then the eye - I haven't found a "sting-center" to any of the swellings though. Antihistamines are a great idea, I hadn't thought of, either.

    Do you think I should fatten his dose until this 'bout' is over with?

    Pam, :lol: :lol: :lol: I love watching them get so excited over the little things! Wish we could, too. Well, DH does do something similar with ice cream! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Mariko, I've thought of you alot since last night when Tigger wouldn't eat, & I knew something was wrong, but just not what. I know you've been through that several times with Lucy recently & how stressful it is.

    Michele, thanks for that info - your cat's went away alot faster than Tigger's. Tigger's lasted a week for the second bump, not sure about the 1st bump, because I don't know when it happened. The eye swelling was definitely last night. I wonder if it could be another kind of allergy?

    Thanks again everyone, I'm going to post in health & give Tigger some fluids. I also gave his insulin from the old pen tonight, just in case the new pen's bad. Bought them in July & except for DH accidentally shoving them toward the back of the fridge last week, they've been ok. I sure appreciate all your input. I've been using all this stress energy to clean the kitchen & scrub the walls - not sure I'll have time tomorrow with drive to the vet! :YMHUG:
  9. Tigger's Friend

    Tigger's Friend Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    (((Marje))), I've been thinking alot about you, too (I'm sure everyone here has)

    That scorpion sting must have been painful, poor Gracie! Did you see it happen? How long did it last?
    I haven't been able to find a definite 'center' to any of these 'owies', especially his eye, so I really don't know if its a sting, it's just a connection.

    Tigger wouldn't allow a warm compress last time, & this seems more painful, so I'm going to say no. I'll try with a dry cloth & see how he reacts - but he's really pulling away from me when I get near that eye.

    I'll ask about Benedryl, too & the dose. He's had Zyrtec with the last eye swelling / URI & did ok with that. ER vets won't dose over the phone here, I've tried, but I can understand.

    I think if the BG continues to rise after the vet visit tomorrow, I'll fatten the dose temporarily until he gets better. We'll see if the new pen had anything to do with it, too.

    He is eating, which is a relief - if Piggy Tiggy ever stops eating, I'll know it's really bad.

    Thanks again for your input, I really appreciate it! :YMHUG:
  10. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    It took a couple days for the swelling to go down. She did not act like she was in pain and it was before she was FD so I have no idea if it affected her BG. I didn't see it happen but I found a dead scorpion and we don't spray in the house. I have been stung by a scorpion and it was very painful so was surprised it didn't seem to bother her but it was really swollen and red.

    I do know with stings that cats have relatively thick skin but if Tigger was stung around the eye, the skin is not quite so thick there. If you gave him Zyrtec before, you could try that?

    Thank you so much for all your kind words and support.
  11. Tigger's Friend

    Tigger's Friend Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    (((Marje))) I wish kind words & support could heal the heart-wounds. Sadly, no (tears for you again).......it's the hardest part of the fire dance we do - walking on coals with your heart on the bottom of your feet.

    Amazing (but good) the sting didn't bother LBG! Lucky kitty there! Not lucky Marje - that must have been tough!

    Zyrtec's a good idea; I'm mulling it over, just don't know that it's a sting / reaction. I suppose it couldn't hurt, just make him more sleepy than he has been.

    I'm not finding much in the LBs - am going to give 50 ml fluids - conservative enough that if he did get outside to pee, I'm not od-ing him.
  12. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    On...sorry...I was so focused on his eye, I forgot to address the fluids.

    50 mls is 10 tsp so it wouldn't hurt to give him that amount.
  13. Tigger's Friend

    Tigger's Friend Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    Thanks Marje, am heating them up now. Swelling feels harder/tight, not soft like the URI swelling. Can't massage hard enough to tell if its under the bone like a retrobulbar abscess - don't think so. That would be more in keeping with a sting.

    While waiting, I read the members' comments in Gus's Tribute & finally figured out what 'squids' are!! :D I think in addition to being a lifetimes member of the Fab 3, Gussie is an old, old-soul cat.
  14. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Re: 11/24TiggerAMPS/332 +9/338 PMPS/375 something wrong w/Ti

    :lol: :lol: :lol: on the squids.

    Yes, an old soul but with a very young heart. Even a few days before, you could see him wanting to participate with Gracie and Tobey. Oh geez....I can't go there....too many tears.
  15. Tigger's Friend

    Tigger's Friend Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Re: 11/24Tigger PMPS/375 +2/349 something wrong w/Tigger's e

    I understand, Marje :YMHUG:
  16. rhiannon and shadow (GA)

    rhiannon and shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    Re: 11/24Tigger PMPS/375 +2/349 something wrong w/Tigger's e

    I had a dog that was stung by a bee. ( they thought it was one of those killer bees)
    There was a knot/lump right above the eye and it never went away. It was very warm to the touch when it was fresh.

    Sending prayers for Tigger and hope that you can get an answer.
  17. Tigger's Friend

    Tigger's Friend Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Re: 11/24Tigger PMPS/375 +2/349 something wrong w/Tigger's e

    Rhiannon, that's terrible! I'm glad he survived, but I'm sorry about the lump :cry: . Turns out, Tigger has a retrobulbar abscess & he'll have surgery tomorrow. Thanks much for visiting, & for your input. Miss you guys!
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