7/18 Lucy PMPS=248

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by mariko, Jul 18, 2014.

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  1. mariko

    mariko Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Good morning,

    Yesterday's condo

    AMPS=248 (0.5u); +2=281; +9.25=241
    PMPS=247 (0.5u); +2.25=218; +6=221

    AMPS=236 (0.5u); +2=297; +4.5=297
    PMPS=248 (0.5u);

    Lucy's appy was a little better at first this morning.
    She actually waited sitting up for me to finger-feed.
    She ate 1st breakfast better than she did earlier this week, so that's 1/2 of her breakfast already eaten before I shot.

    But then I had to ruin it because she had a diarrhea and poopy bum, and I had to give her a bum shower/bath.
    She's still having diarrhea every 12 hours, but it's better than before which was 4 - 5 times a day.
    The difference is so subtle it might just be my wishful thinking, but I thought her poo was not as watery this morning.
    :?: With all the diarrhea, poopy bum and bum cleaning, her bumbum around anus looks really really sore.
    It's quite red, not as red as monkey's little butt, but close.
    When I clean her bum, I just gently rinse it without rubbing, but she's very sensitive there.
    Is there anything I can apply that's soothing? Do you think Polysporin/Neosporin is a good idea?
    I don't think she'll lick at it.

    Things I'm trying:

    - I've decided not to be so rigid about the regular shot time for now.
    Her shot time is now somewhere between 6:30 and 7:30, right after she eats a decent amount.
    Because her appetite is unstable, I can't plan at what time she'd have enough food in her that I feel comfortable shooting.
    I'll just be careful not to shoot early more than 30 min from the previous shot time, and also not to shoot early twice in a row.

    - I've decided to pill probiotic instead of sprinkling on food. It makes her not like the food if I mix.
    She hates being pilled, but at least I know she's actually getting it the amount I meant to give.
    I'm going to divide one capsule of ReNew Ultimate Flora into 3 smaller gel caps, and she is now getting it twice a day.

    - I made the Slippery Elm Bark syrup last night, but OMG it smells stronger when cooked.
    I know Lucy will really really hate it, and she was feeling really unwell last night, so I didn't have the heart to syringe it to her last night.
    I'll see if I can try it today.

    Today, I am going to work from home and not going to the office.
    My apartment building is doing outside window cleaning today, and they asked the tenant to close all windows before leaving in the morning.
    It's a cooler day, but still I didn't want to keep all windows closed for hours, so I decided to stay at home and work so I can close as soon as they start and open as soon as they finish.
    I think I'm going to take a day off from my Friday evening volunteer shift today too, so I can keep an eye on Lucy.

    Hopefully she'll be feeling better soon.......
  2. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Re: 7/18 Lucy AMPS=236 // Sore Bum?

    I'm glad Lucy was waiting for you to finger feed this morning. Sorry about the diarrhea and having to clean her bum. Maybe you could try some Vaseline on her bum. It won't hurt her if she licks it and swallows it. Some people give that to cats for hairballs.
  3. Dyana

    Dyana Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 7/18 Lucy AMPS=236 // Sore Bum?

    That's very nice of you to stay home to keep the windows opened as much as possible.

    I put a teeny bit of water in a feeding syringe, add the 1/3 capsule of probiotic, and then add some more water (all while holding my finger over the whole so everything doesn't just leak right out the end) and then I shake it to mix it all up. I syringe the probiotic (the same that you are using) with water after pills to help the pills go down.
  4. mariko

    mariko Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Re: 7/18 Lucy AMPS=236;+2=297 // Sore Bum? >> Diaper Cream!

    I called the vet and spoke with a tech about Lucy's sore bum.
    She said to apply some diaper cream for diaper rash with zinc oxide.
    So I just went to the pharmacy, and applied it to her bum.
    I asked the tech why diarrhea makes her bum so red, and she said it's not so much the diarrhea but it's being constantly wet that irritates the skin.
    So being wet from diarrhea and being wet from bum bath did it.
    I didn't know that.
    I haven't been drying her bum real well after cleaning because I was afraid that towel drying rubs too much and blow drying is too hot.
    I thought being little wet may keep her butt cool and feel better. ohmygod_smile ohmygod_smile ohmygod_smile ohmygod_smile ohmygod_smile
    Stupid me.
    The tech gave me a good idea.
    She said to get some pee pads and hold it against where it's wet without rubbing, because pee pads are smooth and absorb moisture really well.
  5. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Re: 7/18 Lucy AMPS=236;+2=297 // Sore Bum? >> Diaper Cream!

    most blow dryers also have a "cool" setting so you don't have to use the heated air..if she'll stay in the same room as a blow dryer...lol

    Glad your vet had something for you to try. Hopefully the zinc oxide will help Lucy's poor, sore little bum

    Don't beat yourself up over it. It sounds perfectly logical that cool water would make an inflamed area feel better to most of us! I mean if we have a burn, they tell us to run it under cool water!

    Feel better soon Lucy!! Your mamabean is doing everything she can to help!

    Hope you have a nice Friday evening with your baby, Mariko!
  6. mariko

    mariko Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Re: 7/18 Lucy AMPS=236;+2=297 // Sore Bum? >> Diaper Cream!

    Unfortunately, my crappy blow dryer doesn't have a "cool" setting.
    I never use a dryer to dry my hair, so it's out of date, and has only "high" and "low".
    I think I'll just hold her with her bum facing the fan and turn it to the maximum setting in future.
  7. Anne & Zener GA

    Anne & Zener GA Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    Re: 7/18 Lucy AMPS=236;+2=297 // Sore Bum? >> Diaper Cream!

    Good idea about the diaper cream and the piddle pad. Isn't this place amazing? :D I have to admit that I got a chuckle from the vision of you holding Lucy with her bum toward the fan...
  8. mariko

    mariko Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Re: 7/18 Lucy AMPS=236;+2=297 // Sore Bum? >> Diaper Cream!

    I just syringed her the 1st Slippery Elm Bark syrup.
    She was upset, but not as badly as I thought she would.
  9. Tiger(GA) and Ruth

    Tiger(GA) and Ruth Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    Re: 7/18 Lucy AMPS=236;+2=297 // Sore Bum? >> Diaper Cream!

    So glad to hear that Lucy ate this morning and that she accepted the SEB and hopefully she will keep it down and it can do it's job! That is good to know about the diaper rash cream, it's good to know it works for cats as well as babies. Sending continuing healing and eating vines for Lucy, just in case.
  10. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Re: 7/18 Lucy AMPS=236;+2=297 // Sore Bum? >> Diaper Cream!

    Poor Lucy with her sore bum but you didn't know and you are always doing the best you know to do for her!! Great ideas from the vet tech. I had heard of putting polysporin on sore bums but I'd follow the vet/vet tech's advice.

    Interesting about the SEB....I've never been able to smell it but I guess I don't have a real sensitive nose. I hope it will help her.

    Sending more vines for Lucy and big hugs for you, Mariko.
  11. rhiannon and shadow (GA)

    rhiannon and shadow (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2012
    Re: 7/18 Lucy AMPS=236;+2=297 // Sore Bum? >> Diaper Cream!

    when my dd was a baby, she got a really bad diaper burn once, and they had me lay her in the sunlight.... no diaper....

    perhaps if you shaved off the surrounding hair.... and put some catnip near a window..... you could get Lucy to lay sunny side up..... ;-)
  12. mariko

    mariko Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Lucy had a diarrhea in the afternoon.
    She so far ate about half of her dinner.
    I'll keep trying.

    The good thing that happened today is that she was in a very good mood for a few hours in the afternoon.
    I got lots of purr and even some face licks.
    Maybe the diaper cream and/or SEB syrup helped.
    She seems a bit tired and sleepy now.

    My wishes for tomorrow.
    Tomorrow, Lucy will spend more time in a good mood.
    Tomorrow, Lucy will eat more than half.
    Tomorrow, Lucy will have a better poo.
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