7/22 Lucy PMPS=272;+2.5=277 // Which Specialist?

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by mariko, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. mariko

    mariko Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Good morning,

    Yesterday's condo

    AMPS=241 (0.5u); +2=274; +6=297; +10.25=243
    PMPS=239 (0.5u); +2=256; +6=203; +10.5=198

    AMPS=229 (0.5u); +2=250; +7.5=306
    PMPS=272 (0.5u); +2.5=277

    First of all, I'd like to thank you all again for your compassion, vines, love, prayers and hugs.
    Both Lucy and I really appreciate your support.
    I just re-read everything you wrote in our yesterday's condo, and it made my eyes water.

    Lucy is feeling good.
    I got up at 5am to give her today's Cypro, and she was happy and purry.
    I thought about not giving it for a moment, but ended up giving it because I want her to start eating more.
    She's been eating about 1/4 of her meal portion on bad days and about 1/2 on good days.
    Yesterday, she ate 3/4 for both breakfast and dinner, and I want her to keep eating that much.
    I noticed I can feel her spine more, so she must be losing weight, but I can't tell how much because the fluid build-up in her abdomen is making her heavier than she actually is.
    She already ate 1/2 of her breakfast, and she ate it pretty well.

    I mentioned yesterday how I was all sad and depressed but Lucy was purry and in a very good mood yesterday afternoon, showing me how she wants to deal with this situation.
    Last night, she came to bed with me, and sat on my chest. It was only for a few seconds, but this hadn't happened since she got sick.
    And even though she had couple more diarrhea last night, she didn't sit on it like she'd been doing.
    She kept her bum perfectly clean, so no bum bath!
    Another amazing thing happened this morning.
    I've been having to force-pill her in the past 3 weeks, instead of wrapping the pills with her favorite food like I used.
    Capsules stick to the inside of her mouth, so I've been covering the capsules thinly with a small amount pillpocket.
    She never ever liked pillpocket (I tried all flavors many times), so I still have to force-pill.
    But this morning, she just ate them from my hand! Pills and all! Two of them!!
    She still didn't like it, especially the stickiness of it, so it's probably the one time thing, but I think she's trying to help me.
    I think she's trying to make things less stressful. So I will answer to her by being a happy momma.
    Isn't she amazing??

    I'm still waiting for the ultrasound appointment to confirm.
    It's more or less confirmed that it'll happen on Thursday, but we don't know where.
    When I called the vet yesterday afternoon, she was trying to see if she can get the radiologist come to our regular clinic rather than us going to a clinic further away we haven't been to.
    It would be awesome if this can be arranged. I'll probably know today.

    Sending vines to all in need.
  2. PeterDevonMocha

    PeterDevonMocha Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 7/22 Lucy AMPS=229

    Hi guys .. Yes .. Lucy is amazing .. and she wants her momma to be happy :YMHUG:
  3. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    Re: 7/22 Lucy AMPS=229

    Lucy is a true fighter and so are you!! I hope the US can be done at your office. I dab the gel cap in baby food.
  4. Amy&TrixieCat

    Amy&TrixieCat Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2011
    Re: 7/22 Lucy AMPS=229;+2=250

    Lucy is a beautiful spirit...she knows how to make MamaBean happy. The two of you together are an amazing and inspiring team!
  5. Tricia Cinco(GA) & Harvey

    Tricia Cinco(GA) & Harvey Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2011
    Re: 7/22 Lucy AMPS=229;+2=250


    I didn't get the chance to read yesterday's condo last night, so I just got caught up. What a stressful few days you have had!! I am so sorry the news about Lucy is so scary, but It seems that she is setting the tone, and I'm glad that you are taking your cue from her. You need to treasure what ever time you have with her, whether it's a month or a year or five years, and not waste it worrying about what might happen. She knows how much you love her and she just wants to be with you and feel your love.

    Sending lots of healing vines, good vetty vines for the u/s, and many hugs to you. :YMHUG: :YMHUG: :YMHUG:
  6. Anne & Zener GA

    Anne & Zener GA Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    Re: 7/22 Lucy AMPS=229;+2=250

    Thank you, Lucy, for everything you're doing to help your mama. :D :D Team Lucy!
  7. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Re: 7/22 Lucy AMPS=229;+2=250

    Lucy is a special kitty. She loves you so much. I hope you can get the ultrasound at your regular vet. :YMHUG: :YMHUG:
  8. Barb & Checkers (GA)

    Barb & Checkers (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Re: 7/22 Lucy AMPS=229;+2=250

    "Oh Lucy, what a good girl, to make your mama feel better". cat_pet_icon
    I can hear the change of tone in your 'voice' , Mariko :D
    I'm so glad Lucy ate better and even sat on you. :D
  9. mariko

    mariko Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    Re: 7/22 Lucy PMPS=272

    Lucy isn't feeling too good this afternoon - evening, but she ate.
    Not quite half yet, but I still have a lot of time to try before going to bed.
    She had a diarrhea this afternoon. It was a smelly diarrhea, not super stinky but unpleasant.
    I have been worried about her poo not smelling at all, but stinky also worries me.
    She must be thinking, "Make up your mind! Stinky or Non-stinky?!"

    I spoke with the vet this afternoon, and they confirmed I can get Lucy's ultrasound done at our clinic on Thursday.
    So that's good.
    I will have to fast her again though.
    The vet said it's important to fast her in this case because we are doing this ultrasound for her abdomen, and if she has food in her tummy, the results could be compromised.
    My vet is not working on Thursday, so another vet will be in charge of Lucy on that day (Lucy's acupuncture vet!).
    I will be present during the U/S, so I can talk with the radiologist, but she just tells me what she sees, and doesn't suggest a treatment plan.

    So... I have made another appointment for Sunday with our regular vet, for consultation, to discuss a plan.
    I won't even bring Lucy with me unless she's in a bad shape and needs to be seen.
    I thought I'd have a lot of questions and would want to discuss in details, and I didn't want to have to try to catch her on the phone between her appointments.
    I will probably repeat this question in tomorrow's condo, but here is my question if you have any suggestion.

    :?: I don't know what kind of cancer can be treated with what method, but if the U/S shows cancer in her pancreas or liver, I will probably not treat it by surgery or chemo or radiation as I don't believe her body has enough strength to handle them.
    So what I want to discuss with the vet is more for supportive care, to make her feel more comfortable.
    For example, I want to do something about her diarrhea. And I want to do something about her fluid retention in her abdomen.
    I mentioned to my vet today that I may want to see a specialist, at least for a consultation, to see if they can suggest something, and this is one of the things we'll discuss on Sunday.
    I am wondering if I should ask for an oncologist or an internal medicine specialist.
    At first, I thought an oncologist, but maybe it's not really a cancer treatment I am after.
    She has multiple issues, so I don't want to treat one thing and have something else go worse as a result.....
    What kind of specialist should I ask for? Any insight will be appreciated!

    I have decided to at least be conscious about not letting myself fall deep in a dark place about all this.
    If I were sick, I'd like to be taken care of by someone calm and positive, and that's what I will try to be, no matter what happens.
    It's not going to be easy, because I by nature worry about everything, but I will try.
    I think I'm going to try meditation tonight.
    I have never been good at it... I always either fall asleep or start worrying about stuff. :roll:
  10. Rachel & Chyna (GA)

    Rachel & Chyna (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2012
    Re: 7/22 Lucy PMPS=272 // Which Specialist?

    Mariko, I'm so sorry that you are going through all this :YMHUG: . I have been checking in but not able to post from work anymore and apologize that I haven't been on your (or any) condos posting much with my house up for sale and looking for a new one to buy there seems to be no time :cry: . But I am thinking of you a lot, and understand since I am a worrier too. I wish I had answers to your questions, all I can say is what an amazing bean you are! And that I'm sending bunches of all types of vines to you and Lucy, and to Ginger as I'm sure she feels all this too. What a good girl Lucy is cat_pet_icon . My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Lucy :YMHUG: :YMHUG: :YMHUG:
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