2/02 Morris AMPS 407

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Gwen and Morris, Feb 2, 2010.

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  1. Gwen and Morris

    Gwen and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    last time I was around these parts: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4570

    The weekend seemed to get a bit out of control & I didn't have as much time for the puter as usual! Then, I did have time yesterday (while at work! shh!), but I couldn't remember Morris' BG level from the morning! Any way....I am attempting to get back on track now!

    While I have been MIA.....I increased Morris back up to 1.50u as the 1.25u did not seem to be holding. I have also just changed the cartridge on insulin being used. The old cartridge was not completely empty, but I thought I would rather send a fairly used/almost empty cartridge to the kennel rather than a brand new cartridge....just in case!!!

    WCR: Morris seems to be doing quite well.....acting like a very healthy kitty! All P's are present & accounted for!!!
  2. Brenda and Morris

    Brenda and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Hope that cartridge change helps bring him down some...yeah, sometimes the decrease doesn't hold the first few times....just have to keep on truckin'. :smile: I think you were overdue anyway....looks like your last change was 12/19??? If so, this could do the trick. :mrgreen:
  3. Celia & Marco

    Celia & Marco Member

    Jan 2, 2010

    Just my two cents here but I don't think that you should reduce Morris' total food intake just yet. He isn't regulated, so I don't think that his body is utilizing the nutrition properly. He could still feel like he is "starving". He needs to eat, especially with the insulin. ECID but I know when Marco *thinks* that he is starving his numbers tend to be higher.

    Also on the Lantus, the old vial is "old" and is probably less potent. If his numbers improve with the new one then we know that the old one is/was toast therefore when he goes to the vet you want him to have "good" insulin so he doesn't back track. :) I'd just make sure that the vetty bean knew they better not lose or drop my vial or they are paying for a new one. ;-)

    Like I said, just my two cents.

    I hope Morris comes down soon!!! :mrgreen:
  4. Gwen and Morris

    Gwen and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    What is the definition of 'REGULATED' anyway? With Lantus, it seems that every time I start seeing nice colors on Morris' ss....he goes way down & earns himself a dosecrease! Then, once we start with the dosecrease, we are seeing the ugly colors once again. It seems that this is a never ending roller coaster ride!!!! It seems to me that we may never reach this 'regulated' dream....so should I let Morris eat as much as he wants & gain as much weight as he pleases until we reach this unreachable dream?

    Morris is not going to the vet with his insulin.....he is going to a kennel which is capable of testing & giving insulin, but is not as familiar with Lantus (especially on how to handle the cartridges & draw the insulin from the cartridge into the syringe). I have sent them a link to the information here about using Lantus, but I am still leary of giving them a practically brand new cartridge for a couple days!
  5. Ronnie & Luna

    Ronnie & Luna Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Some kitties take a little longer...we've been there with that up and down on the dose, just when u thought the little pancreass was doing its thing, it kinda losses steam and needs a bit more help.

    I know when I kept at it with experiments with the food, the serving sizes, the type of food, the timing, back and forth, it was frustrating for sure!

    Look at how far you've come with Morris since the caninsulin days - now that's a roller coaster ride!

    Morris will find his way just like you did with learning how to take care of him and the diabetes cat_pet_icon
  6. Celia & Marco

    Celia & Marco Member

    Jan 2, 2010
    It does sometimes seem like it is a roller coaster ride. I was lucky, Marco was pretty easy.

    With these higher numbers for sure Morris is going to 'feel' hungry all the time. It's not usually until the kittehs get to the 100's and under (on a consistent basis) that we start to see their true appetite come through and then you can start messing with reducing their food. You'll even wonder to yourself "omg is something wrong?!?!? why isn't he eating?!?!?" nailbite_smile

    Poor Morris. I wish that we could cross our fingers and paws and help him continue a downward trend to pretty bloos and greens.
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