Remission since Dec 2020 now with food allergies

Discussion in 'Honeymooners / OTJ' started by Peabody's mom Dorene, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. Peabody's mom Dorene

    Peabody's mom Dorene New Member

    Oct 12, 2020
    Peabody has been doing well since OTJ in 12/2020, but has been having episodes of itchiness with his ears and cheeks. If looking back at most of his life he probably has been having mild allergic reactions to the Fancy Feast food (as that is all he's ever eaten). There have many episodes of itchiness and excessive ear wax. Most recently though, he has worn away the fur and whiskers and has some scabbing, this is the worst I've seen him related to itchiness, rubbing and scratching. My vet is recommending 5mg Prednisolone daily for a week to help calm the symptoms while also trying to incorporate a change in diet to a novel or hydrolyzed protein diet. Anyone with advice on using Pred after remission -- I know this can potentially start our diabetic cycle again, the vet recommended checking BS everyday. Also, does anyone have any suggestions on novel protein (limited ingredient diets? I have read through here about home made food but honestly due to home life with taking care of my elderly mom with mid/late stage dementia I don't have the capacity to take that on.
  2. Marina & Chico

    Marina & Chico Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2021
    Hi, can i ask you what did you decide? did you give pred? if i would have to take the decision i would definitely try to do food exclusions first because pred most probably would cause BG spikes plus it would only cover the allergy not solve it.
  3. Peabody's mom Dorene

    Peabody's mom Dorene New Member

    Oct 12, 2020
    Hi, I did try Pred for only a few days, it did spike his BG so I didn't want to continue giving it. Symptoms of hair loss became excessive to the point I started researching other dermatologic issues for cats; I believe he had a systemic cancer and developed Paraneoplastic Alopecia. I watched my Peabody decline over 3 weeks without a definitive diagnosis and decided a week ago today to let my Peabody be free and said our final goodbyes. I'm so sad, my heart is broken.
  4. Marina & Chico

    Marina & Chico Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2021
    Oh my God, i am so very sorry for your loss :bighug::bighug: fly high little Peabody cat_wings>o
    It must be very difficult to see them decline and not be able to do anything about it :(

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