1/4/23 Bugs PMPS 163, 0.5 dose, +4 86

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by SKittyMom, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD @Suzanne & Darcy,
    Happy New Year!

    We've had some lower BG levels (in the green) for Bugs at her PMPS +4 test the last few evenings. I was hoping you could take a look at her numbers. Do you recommend we continue with current 0.5u or make some adjustments?
    We've not seen any changes in her behavior, all good there.

    Thanks as always!
    FrostD likes this.
  2. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    It says I don't have access...
  3. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD please see if you can now. I lost access to spreadsheet yesterday.
  4. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    Did you double check that 48?

    Typically when they're 40-49 we give high carb wet, no syrup yet. Below 40 we add syrup. No harm in doing syrup + high carb given that drop last night, but remember that syrup is a fast sugar. It only gives you a fast temporary boost, you also need some HC food to help sustain the increase in BG. When you're giving syrup you can test every 10 mins to be sure no further drop, then when giving wet food it's 20 mins. You'll want to keep testing until you're sure she's riding on her own without food for two hours.

    Reduce to 0.25U with that 48.
    SKittyMom likes this.
  5. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022

    If she gets a reading like that again I will hold on the syrup and just give the HC wet food and do the additional testing. Thanks for the info.

    We did a test about 45 minutes after and she was at 113.

    To confirm, reduce her dose in the am to 0.25 if she has a low BG the evening before? Otherwise continue with the current 0.5?
    FrostD likes this.
  6. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    Any drop under 50 is a reduction of 0.25U. So you'll reduce to 0.25U and hold that dose for at least 5 days, at which point you'll re evaluate if she maybe needs an increase. Otherwise, you hold it until she learns another reduction (down to 0.1U).
    SKittyMom likes this.
  7. Shelley & Jess

    Shelley & Jess Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2020
    If the Covetrus Glucose Monitor is a Pet meter as the spreadsheet indicates and reads like an Alphatrak, I'd definitely be giving syrup between 40-49.
    SKittyMom likes this.
  8. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @Shelley & Jess it is a Pet Meter. I'm not familiar with the Alphatrak. The meter we have is the one our vet provided. We debated switching to a human monitor but decided to stick with what we are familiar with now.

    @FrostD since a pet monitor, should we do the syrup at the 40 to 49 range?
    Shelley & Jess and FrostD like this.
  9. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    Yes, Shelley is absolutely correct, that is my mistake for not noticing.

    For a pet meter, this is a general recommendation:
    - 60-68 is high carb wet food food
    - 50-59 is high carb wet + syrup
    - Below 50 is also high carb wet + syrup, but you really really need to stay on top of re-testing and getting the BG back up

    Caveats being if it's an early drop, or a big drop, you may need to intervene sooner or with more carbs. Always err on the side of safety if you're not sure. One thing you have to be careful of though is overfeeding - you don't want to feed so much that they're not hungry. We typically say give them some of the gravy off high carb food and just some nibbles of the food itself. Because if BG continues to drop and they're too full, it becomes a lot harder to manage.

    I would actually drop down to 0.1U, that was too far below where we want them with pet meter.
    Shelley & Jess and SKittyMom like this.
  10. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD Bugs is scheduled for her next dose of 0.5u at 6pm today. We did some extra tests this morning. Based off her numbers the last few days and how she seems to drop, are we to change her dose this evening to only 0.1U or see if she drops again before making that change? Her injections are done at 6am and 6pm.

  11. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD sorry I forgot to mention her spreadsheet is current.
  12. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD we did a +3 after Bug's PM dose. Her BG is 58. I followed your prior instructions and we will take some additional tests throughout the night.

    Should we do the 0.1 dose in the AM?

    FrostD likes this.
  13. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    Yes I would do the 0.1U in the AM.

    I suspect these yellows are small bounces...hopefully the smaller dose helps even things out a bit. Also glad to see that 98!
    Suzanne & Darcy and SKittyMom like this.
  14. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    Morning @FrostD ,

    Do we hold this reduced dose for 5 days as well?
  15. Shelley & Jess

    Shelley & Jess Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2020
    @FrostD Sorry for the quick, short reply yesterday - just popped in for a sec & I knew you must of missed it & I didn't want anything bad to happen :(

    @SKittyMom I'll leave dosing to Melissa, I can't be around enough to follow up these days, but, thanks for fixing your signature to read Pet Monitor :)
    FrostD and SKittyMom like this.
  16. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    Yes you will hold it until either (a) she drops below 68, or (b) you reach the 5 day mark and re evaluate if she perhaps needs an increase.

    If she drops below 68 again, you will start an OTJ trial. She may benefit from a drop dose, but I suspect some of these higher preshots may be slight "bounces" and would like to see how she does without insulin (again, assuming she drops below 68).

    @Shelley & Jess no worries!
    Shelley & Jess and SKittyMom like this.
  17. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD That sounds like a plan. I'll reach out if needed over the next 5 days, and if not, I'll reach out after the 5 days for you to check Bug's test numbers. Wish Bug's luck!
    FrostD likes this.
  18. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    She's close!
    SKittyMom likes this.
  19. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD @Suzanne & Darcy

    I was looking through old photos and wanted to share how improved Bug's fur is from when we started our journey with you. The top photo is October 2022, and the bottom photo was taken today. The mats and separation are gone as she is now grooming herself daily. Happy Cat Mom!
    MimiG, Shelley & Jess and FrostD like this.
  20. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022

    I just realized I misread your prior recommendation. Bugs had a 55 BG on the 9th with her reduced dose of 0.1u. We should have started the OTJ trial today. So, I'm going to start one tomorrow. If you think I should hold off, please let me know.
    Suzanne & Darcy and FrostD like this.
  21. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    Yep! You're doing the right thing by still testing midcycle.

    She looks so soft!
    SKittyMom likes this.
  22. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD Like a bunny rabbit soft.  So far, today has been good. I'm excited to see her readings over the next couple days.
    Shelley & Jess and FrostD like this.
  23. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    Morning! We have completed 4 full days of the OTJ trial on Bugs. I was hoping you could take a look at her spreadsheet to see how she is doing and let me know what you think. Her BG levels are holding pretty steady, mostly in the blue. Do you feel based off her numbers so far, we continue on with the trial? Bugs appears to be doing well, no changes.

    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  24. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    I would expect to see lower blues and also greens on her spreadsheet if she’s really in remission. A few of those blues are higher than I would like to see, but you are using a pet meter and not a human one. I know she had that lime on the .1 dose. What I would do is keep on doing exactly what you are doing now for a full two weeks and see if she remains stable where she is now. :) @FrostD what do you think?
    FrostD and SKittyMom like this.
  25. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    I loved seeing these photos. The fur changes are amazing. Seeing this makes me happy. And I know you have told me before how much better she feels. ❤️
    SKittyMom likes this.
  26. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @Suzanne & Darcy We are so pleased with her progress. Bugs is her old self again. She got her feisty back.
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  27. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Well…. She is a Calico! I have a calico and she’s definitely got some feisty in her. Recently we thought she was just mellowing out with age (she’s 15) but not at all…. Turned out she’s got heart problems and wasn’t feeling well. Now that she’s on the right medications she has all of her old feisty back. She also races through the house and squawks (loud calico meowing.)
    SKittyMom likes this.
  28. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @Suzanne & Darcy, I'm happy to hear your cat is doing well and has her feisty back also. Age is what I initially thought was going on with Bug's before she got diagnosed. Boy, was I wrong.
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  29. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    Agree, let's see atfter 2 weeks...she didn't really leave you much choice. So glad she's back to her old self!
    SKittyMom and Suzanne & Darcy like this.
  30. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD @Suzanne & Darcy

    Happy Saturday! We have started day 11 of no insulin for Bugs. Her BG was a bit higher yesterday for a couple of her readings, in the 190's. I wanted to reach out to see if you would check her progress. Her energy level has decreased a bit over the last couple days. Appetite is still good. I'm not sure if what we are seeing with the change in BG is normal along with the minimal behavior change.

  31. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    Yes definitely higher than we'd like. I'd restart back on 0.1U and see.

    You basicaly have two options when this happens -
    1. Switch to a more gentle insulin like lantus/generics. Of course no guarantee it will be more gentle, but it almost always is. It would allow you to bring her down into truly normal numbers and keep her steady without the big swings, and hopefully ease her into remission.
    2. If you stick with ProZinc, I think you'll be looking at dosing on an as-needed basis. It's not ideal, but you also can't have her going hypo. You'd essentially have to figure out at what preshot you can safely give a dose, and only shoot when she's above that.
    Suzanne & Darcy and SKittyMom like this.
  32. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022

    Agreed that a more gentle insulin sounds like the better option for us. We won't be able to make the transition immediately though, because we'll need to get an RX from our vet and im not sure if they'll require an exam.

    In the interim - how should we proceed with the prozinc? Based on her prior numbers, she was in the 170s when the .1 brought her into the 50s. But we also realize she needs insulin as her numbers inch closer to 200 - so I'm not sure what our NS number should be to start, knowing we will need to monitor and adjust if needed. Any suggestions on where to start with the NS number?
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  33. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    It looks like when she was on the .1 dose she went into the 50s which is lower than we want on a pet meter. I am wondering if maybe you need to actually try a drop dose - particularly with those lower preshots where she’s dropped too low. A drop dose is where you take the syringe in your hand and depress the plunger while at the same time keeping the plunger depressed and then once the needle is inserted into the vial you release the plunger. A tiny drop is drawn up into the syringe. I agree about Lantus being a good way to transition her to remission.
    SKittyMom and FrostD like this.
  34. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    On a day you can be around, I would try the drop dose Suzanne mentioned over 170 and start there.

    You could also try 0.1U above 200 but fingers crossed she doesn't go there.
    SKittyMom and Suzanne & Darcy like this.
  35. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @Suzanne & Darcy @FrostD

    Great news, our vet has agreed to switch Bugs from Prozinc to Lantus. They currently do not prescribe Lantus, so before she writes the prescription, she wanted to make sure she has the right info. Is there just one version of Lantus?
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  36. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    There are actually different versions of Lantus. One generic version that is much less expensive than Lantus is called Semglee. It’s all insulin glargine like Lantus. Basaglar is a little less expensive but I think it may be more expensive than Semglee. @Chrispooky12 @Diane Tyler's Mom can you elaborate?
    Chrispooky12 and SKittyMom like this.
  37. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    I would check with a local pharmacy and ask them and also check Good Rx for kinds and prices for glargine insulin.
    Chrispooky12 and SKittyMom like this.
  38. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @Suzanne & Darcy thank you. I looked up Semglee and it's a bit less than what we pay for prozinc. If that's a good one we can go with that.
    Suzanne & Darcy and Chrispooky12 like this.
  39. Chrispooky12

    Chrispooky12 Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2021
    I paid $98 for a vial of insulin glargine with the goodrx coupon at Meijer not sure if you have one where you live but that was the cheapest place I found it at.
    Suzanne & Darcy and SKittyMom like this.
  40. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Some places sell one pen at a time. It’s really all you need. Bugs is on such a small dose and looks to be going into remission soon, so I would not buy a box of pens if possible.
    FrostD and SKittyMom like this.
  41. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    Great news! Just remember U100 syringes as well
    SKittyMom and Suzanne & Darcy like this.
  42. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD @Suzanne & Darcy
    I'll have Bug's new insulin, Semglee, and the U100 Syringes available to start using On Tuesday February 1st.

    1. What starting dosage is recommended based off her current BG levels?
    2. Should we even start dosing based off current BG if readings stay at these levels?
    3. Will we follow the 2x per day as we were with the Prozinc? (prior to a drop dose using below 170 as a NS number)
    4. What will be the NS numbers on the Semglee?
    5. When should I transition to the Lantus board?

  43. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    1. What starting dosage is recommended based off her current BG levels?

    If Bugs were my girl, I would start with a drop dose to be safe. If you need to increase to the .1 dose later, based on numbers, you can.

    2. Should we even start dosing based off current BG if readings stay at these levels?

    3. Will we follow the 2x per day as we were with the Prozinc? (prior to a drop dose using below 170 as a NS number)
    Yes. Semglee is dosed every 12 hours just like ProZinc.

    4. What will be the NS numbers on the Semglee?

    Any number 50 and above is okay to shoot - provided you can monitor and I would say especially with an insulin change that it is very important to monitor her BG. That is why I am recommending the drop dose.

    5. When should I transition to the Lantus board?

    I guess whenever you want to begin the Semglee you can transition over to the Lantus/Levemir/Biosimilars forum.
    I am excited for Bugs!
    SKittyMom likes this.
  44. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    I would post a day or two before you get the new insulin asking for advice about starting dose. I agree with Suzanne, but it's nice to get confirmation - plus then it sticks in their mind to keep an eye out for you as a "new" cat so close to what we hope is remission!
    Suzanne & Darcy and SKittyMom like this.
  45. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Good idea.
    SKittyMom likes this.
  46. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    @FrostD @Suzanne & Darcy

    I just wanted to take a moment and thank you both so much for helping us get Bugs on track. She has improved so much since last Fall. I honestly don't know where we would be if not for the forum and your support. I will check in to let you know how she is doing now that we have joined the Lantus forum. Bugs and I thank you!
    FrostD likes this.
  47. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    That's nice of you. Thanks. It was a pleasure and seeing Bugs like she is in that photo is the best reward. See you over on the LLB forum :)
    FrostD and SKittyMom like this.
  48. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    It's always a pleasure, and a large part of why we do this is these eventual posts where kitty is looking so much happier and healthier!
    SKittyMom and Suzanne & Darcy like this.
  49. SKittyMom

    SKittyMom Member

    Apr 29, 2022
    Hi @FrostD @Suzanne & Darcy
    I just wanted to share some great news. Bugs had her annual vet appt on 2/27, and her labs came back with her glucose at 138 compared to 524 in March 2022 when she was diagnosed. We are thrilled! We wouldn't have made it this far without you!
    FrostD likes this.
  50. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    I am so happy for her and for you! Thank you so much for updating us on Bugs. It means a lot. It really makes my day! Melissa will be glad to read this update too.
    SKittyMom and FrostD like this.
  51. FrostD

    FrostD Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
    She's looking lovely in that drop dose of semglee, hopefully she doesn't tease you for too long!
    SKittyMom likes this.

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