3/26 Buddha

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by Donna & Buddha, Mar 26, 2010.

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  1. Donna & Buddha

    Donna & Buddha Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    What a strange week. Buddha has been giving me two types of curve. On Monday and Tuesday a.m. amps in the pink with nadirs around +5 or +6 in the 90s, then zoom zoom for the pmps. Wednesday through today have been inverse curves, with +12s low and not really climbing.

    What the heck is going on?
  2. Joanna & Bix (GA)

    Joanna & Bix (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    That one on the 25th is pretty wild & crazy. It's extra weird with a lower dose. Wish I knew what to make of it myself!!!!

    Inverse curves & late drops *can* be a sign the dose is too high from what I understand (like their body is protecting them from the main part of the insulin action, but then relaxing towards the end of the cycle when the insulin has eased up) but I don't think that is always the case. When I have seen something like that with Bix I generally have tried lowering the dose 0.1u or 0.2u and have gotten better results (like a perfect DD nadir), but I can't say that would work for another cat - seems like any dose lowering trials around here lately have not helped!

    Maybe on the 25th the 1.8 was too much on the lower PS? It doesn't look to be too much otherwise, but that's all that makes sense to me in looking at the #s. I'm not an expert though, just my take on it.

    If it were me, I would probably try to catch him a little earlier on days he has a nice nadir, and shoot a slightly lower dose around maybe +9 or +10 (assuming his #s are rising by then) so he doesn't get as much time to get up in those really high #s. He may just need some more liver training in good #s....? You clearly get a good response to the insulin, it may just take some more trial & error & data gathering to really pinpoint what works best for him. Sorry not to be more insightful. :)
  3. Donna & Buddha

    Donna & Buddha Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    Thanks Joanna.

    I think I get the inverse curve because I shoot into the fat layer by mistake. But I've tried to be sooo careful this week. Yesterday (3/26) amps was a scruff shot.

    It really looks to me that 2u is his dose, and maybe shooting on +10 will work best. I'm thinking I might dust off my old long needled U40 syringes and see how 2u works with those.
  4. Joanna & Bix (GA)

    Joanna & Bix (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Maybe, but if the shot wasn't good I would expect the following PS to be higher rather than lower.

    If you do try shooting the full amount at a +10, be sure you can be around to watch just in case the results are better than expected. When I try something like that I usually aim for a +4 (some people aim for a +2 or +3, depends on how worried you are and/or whether the PS was on the lower side vs. pretty high) so if I overshot I can catch it pre-nadir. Of course Bix just eats his regular food if I overshoot (he's a free feeder) and even sometimes when I really overdid it he was just fine (gained some weight!!!), so even if you do catch a lower # you might not need to worry, but just mentioning it for safety. Sometimes shooting early can give you unexpected results, other times you don't feel like you did anything different at all from the #s.
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