Yesterday Today is day 3 at 7.0u. Yesterday had some nice low blues, but I didn't catch any greens on the meter. So I am thinking I should move to 7.5 tomorrow. Is that correct, @Wendy&Neko ? Also, Wendy, Purrl has a vet visit next Friday about the acro and insulin resistance concerns. Hope everyone is as thrilled it's Friday as I am!
If no greens by tomorrow AM, yes you can increase. In spite of that, I do like all the blues she's showing. Below renal threshold, she must feel better. Paws crossed for the vetty appointment next week.
Hello Janet and Purrl! Another beautiful cycle. Keep going sweet girl. Good luck with the increase tomorrow and happy Furrrrrriday
Thank you, Wendy. What's considered renal threshold? Her drinking the last few days has eased a bit more and because of that, she's not in the litter box so much.
Thank you, ladies. She's trying, just taking her sweet time and living up to being called a slow-poke.
It's the number at which sugar gets dumped into the urine. The level depends on the cat, but is somewhere in the high blues/ low yellows range. I used to test Neko's BG before she got a urinalysis, so figured it out that way. Some people use Ketodiastix, which also detects sugar in the urine. You are right that you'll see less drinking and peeing - to flush out the excess sugar.