5/6 KARAMELLE AMPS 312 +2 319 +4 192 +7 186 +10 108 PMPS 175 +2 203

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by JoM, May 6, 2024.

  1. JoM

    JoM Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    5/5 KARAMELLE AMPS 196 +2 277 +4 159 +6 130 +9 167 PMPS 294 +2 316 | Feline Diabetes Message Board - FDMB
    So disappointed in the results of this increase. Just a week ago with this same dose, it dropped to green the 2nd day and to lime the 5th day, so I reduced. Then it stayed high (bouncing a while but then came down to yellow) so I increased and its the 3rd day of the increase and all Ive seen is mid blues.
    I suppose the difference is that when i increased a week ago it had been green in the prior (lower dose) This time it wasnt, it was yellow and pink prior to increasing. So do I have to just wait a bit longer and it might still drop back to green? Or is this dose (the same dose that dropped the numbers to lime) not going to even make it to green? This is so difficult to understand. Which is why I rarely comment in anyone elses thread. I just still dont know how this works and have zero to offer anyone. Even when someone knowledgeable replies to me and explains things, I dont understand what they are talking about most of the time. Ive read the articles posted here over and over and although some of makes more sense than 4 months ago, its still like reading pig latin to me. This feels so foreign to me because I give advice all day in my FB group about pancreatitis, which I know lots about. In fact Ive had so many cats with so many illnesses that I know a whole lot and have even had a vet ask if I was in the medical profession. But this disease has me feeling like a complete idiot! Ok rant over.
  2. Heather82372

    Heather82372 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Big Hugs! I totally understand! This is my SECOND diabetic cat. I was on this site with him the last few years of his life and now this one. I STILL don't understand it all and as much as I want to help other people, I end up giving wrong advice AND keep screwing up myself!
    Bella & Puddin and Staci & Ivy like this.
  3. Deb and Tiger

    Deb and Tiger Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2023
    Jo I feel the same way! And I’ve seen Tiger do that same thing, second time on dose doesn’t work like it did before. I just don’t understand it either. It’s a complicated disease for sure.
    Staci & Ivy likes this.
  4. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
    Rant received. I still feel the same as you do. After a year on here and 1.5 years with this disease :banghead:
    Heather82372 likes this.
  5. JoM

    JoM Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    Im so sorry youve had to go thru this with 2 cats. I cant even imagine. I hope one day I'll be able to go out to concerts at night like i used to, but maybe I'll just be too old and tired by then, sigh. Trying to hang in there and its not all doom and gloom, but geez. Hugs :bighug:
    Heather82372 likes this.
  6. JoM

    JoM Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    Ive been following Tigers SS and I dont know how you stay sane! I would feel more defeated than I already do Im sure. And these darn cats, who we would do anything for, have no idea what they are putting us thru. Hugs :bighug:
  7. JoM

    JoM Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    Oh gosh 1.5 years and its still a mystery? Im doomed then. Hugs :bighug:
  8. Deb and Tiger

    Deb and Tiger Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2023
    I’m not really sure I am sane! Today I figured would be nice blues since he’s been blue every 4th cycle with bounce the other 3. But no, he’s giving me all yellow! Didn’t someone say flat yellow means an active cycle coming! Who knows, right?

    sorry you’re having your share of “fun” too. I can sympathize….
  9. JoM

    JoM Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    haha, someone said that to me just the other day. And nothing, zip, zilch happened. Just more yellows and pinks. I had to end up raising the dose.
  10. Bella & Puddin

    Bella & Puddin Member

    Feb 5, 2024
    I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like an idiot! However, my husband hates when I call myself an idiot, so I'll say I'm IGNORANT instead.
  11. Deb and Tiger

    Deb and Tiger Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2023
    Probably the same will happen here. He’s due for an increase but I was waiting for bounce to clear….
    JoM likes this.
  12. JoM

    JoM Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    Ignorant does sound better. ;)
    Bella & Puddin likes this.
  13. Angela & Cleo

    Angela & Cleo Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2022
    I see a lot of progress in Karamelle's spreadsheet. Try Zooming Out - you still see the yellows and pinks but not as many as the blues and greens - that's progress :cat:
    You also implemented a food change and if I remember correctly, was met with a bit of reluctance from kitty :rolleyes:.

    You're such a a dedicated cat momma that I have every confidence that you'll see patterns and be speaking pig Latin FD real soon. :bighug:
    JoM likes this.
  14. JoM

    JoM Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    Thanks for the boost of confidence Angela. :cat:

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