Info Buying insulin from Canada

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Chris & China (GA), Sep 20, 2018.

  1. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    For those of you using Lantus, Basaglar, Semglee or Levemir, it's much cheaper to buy it from Canada at Marks Marine Pharmacy. This is a real pharmacy, not one of those "website pharmacies" and they have a pharmacist on duty to help you with questions.

    You'll pay about 1/3 to 1/2 as much as you pay here in the US!!

    Marks is fantastic and has been used by hundreds of other sugarcat moms and dads from all over the country. Insulin is shipped with a medical-grade icepack as well as enclosed in a special envelope designed to control temperature. During warmer months, they may also suggest buying a small cooler with extra ice.

    Current prices are: (as of 03/24)

    Shipping is $25 (up to $500 worth)

    Lantus cartridges (box of 5) $159.99
    Lantus Solostar pen (box of 5) $164.99
    Lantus vial $110.99
    Individual pens $49.99

    Basaglar Kwikpen
    (box of 5 pens) $139.99
    Basaglar cartridges (box of 5) $139.99
    Basaglar (1 pen or cartridge) $39.99

    Semglee (box of 5) $129.99

    Levemir Flextouch (box of 5) $169.99

    Tell them Chris sent you...LOL

    They've added a video explaining their shipping that is posted below.

    During the winter they will want to know what kind of temperatures you're expecting in your area before they ship so there's no chance of your insulin freezing in transit, so if you can, plan ahead and order when it's not going to be any problem!!

    In the summer, it's best to try to order when your temps are forecast to be under 80 for the upcoming week. For an extra charge, you can also add a cooler and extra ice packs to help keep things cool. They include a temperature gauge so you can see if your insulin has gotten too hot too.

    Here's a video explaining how they ship to keep temperature-sensitive medications as safe as possible.

    Previous thread on Buying Insulin from Canada
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
  2. Mary Ann & Baby

    Mary Ann & Baby Member

    Aug 6, 2018
    Yes! I just received my first order for Lantus vials from them yesterday! The first bottle I purchased here in the US at Walgreens was $270ish! THRILLED, and they are SO NICE! Really, very personable folks out there. Love it. Recommend them!

    (@Chris & China, I will say that it was hot here and my temperature strip came back with two of the windows in the pink..."moderate"...I am assuming that is okay!)
  3. Bronx's dad (GA)

    Bronx's dad (GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
    I time it and get 15 pens in the spring and fall to prevent the extreme temps (they will allow 3 boxes of 5 and keep shipping at $25). Ain't cheap juicing an acro kitty!
    Sue and Luci and JeffJ like this.
  4. LizzieInTexas

    LizzieInTexas Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2016
    I do similar to Paul.i get either a vile or a box of pens spring & fall. I am using the vile I got last fall currently. The vile I got in the spring is my reserve.i will start it shotly and order on for reserve through the winter.
  5. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    should be fine.....the first time I ordered it was late June so my shipment went out with 2 postal holidays (Canada Day and 4th of July) included so it took longer to get to was still fine and it was 90+ degrees every day
  6. Jill & Alex (GA)

    Jill & Alex (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
  7. Kelly and Buddy

    Kelly and Buddy Member

    Jul 26, 2018
    Getting ready to place my first order but am waiting on my vet to approve and submit prescription. She wanted to make sure it wasn't a pharmacy getting insulin from China. I assured her that MANY FD beans order from them but she still had reservations. Hopefully she will see the light and fax the prescription soon.
  8. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Encourage her to call if she has any questions.....The pharmacy manager's name is Jordan and he'll be happy to answer any questions she may have.

    They get their Lantus from a Canadian manufacturer
  9. Wendy Harlow

    Wendy Harlow New Member

    Aug 21, 2018
    Thank you so much for this information. I've been really stressing about affording Jack's insulin once this pen runs out.
  10. Jill & Alex (GA)

    Jill & Alex (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Don't forget about Basaglar!
    Basaglar is what they call a biosimilar of Lantus:

    "A biosimilar is a biologic medical product that is almost an identical copy of an original product, with the same active substance, that is manufactured by a different company."

    Basaglar and Lantus are both insulin glargine and Basaglar is less expensive than Lantus. :)
  11. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Lots of us have been there!! It's so crazy how much it is here in the states.

    Marks is really wonderful and they are saving a lot of kitties lives by making the insulin affordable!
    Krystina & Nelli likes this.
  12. Kelly and Buddy

    Kelly and Buddy Member

    Jul 26, 2018
    She gave me the green light to buy from Canada and was super impressed with their affordable prices!
    Chris & China (GA) and Leah like this.
  13. Tracey&Jones (GA)

    Tracey&Jones (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2016
  14. KarrieK

    KarrieK Member

    Dec 11, 2019
    How long does that many pens last you?
  15. KarrieK

    KarrieK Member

    Dec 11, 2019
    This is interesting, thank you all. How do the "pens" work?
  16. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    A box of 5 pens is 1500 units....that's enough to last most cats at least a year (and many cats up to 2 years!)

    We don't use the pens as they are supposed to be used in humans. Humans use special needles that attach to the pen. We use regular insulin syringes and just pull the insulin out of the pen (like they are "mini-vials"). Each pen only holds 300 units so you can usually use every drop.

    You just pull the cap of the pen off and there's a rubber stopper just like on a vial. You insert the insulin syringe and pull the insulin you need out.

    syringe in pen pic.jpg syringe in pen close up.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2020
  17. KarrieK

    KarrieK Member

    Dec 11, 2019
    Thanks so much Chris, that really helps! I ordered the Lantus pens today and am now anxiously waiting. My boys numbers have been so high and we are very concerned about what's going on inside of him.
  18. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Happy to help!! Marks is great and they really know the meaning of customer service too!
    KarrieK likes this.
  19. Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA)

    Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    Hi all,

    I just discovered this and it’s amazing!!! I’m going to order this week. I’ve been using the Lantus pen. Is there a reason anyone knows of to use the vial instead or should I stick to the pens?

    Darcy and Jonesy likes this.
  20. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Unless your cat's on a very high dose, it's better to buy the pens. Most cats won't be able to use all 1000 units in a vial before it loses efficacy and you end up throwing a lot of it away.

    Also, the pens are better because IF you drop one, it's a lot less likely to break! (and you would have spares in the fridge if it did happen)

    We all agree....Marks is amazing! They've saved a lot of kitty lives by making it more affordable to treat!!
  21. Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA)

    Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    Makes sense. Even the 5 pens may be more than I can use in 6 months. Thanks again!!
  22. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    That's one of the other great things about the pens....until you actually "open" them by pulling the first dose out, each pen will be good until the expiration date on the box....which is usually at least 2 years.

    Since each pen only holds 300 units, most of us can use pretty much every drop in each pen.
  23. Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA)

    Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    Wow I did not know that!!! Awesome and ty :)
  24. Chris S

    Chris S Member

    Feb 24, 2020
    Wow-I found marks before finding you all here. Thank you!

    We currently have a prescription for lantus vials. What would I be asking for my vet to write if we are looking to order pens instead? Is the solopen sold as box of 5 or individually per the initial post-is that how I am reading this? (for lantus specifically).

    And how many units are in a vial? (we have TWO diabetic kitties so trying to maximize our insulin before it expires/stops being functional and also not be wasteful) thank you!
  25. Diane Tyler's Mom GA

    Diane Tyler's Mom GA Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Lantus Solostar PEN CAN (temp. gauge. ice pack, express-air mail) Brand 100iu/ml one pen 1 pen(1x3ml) $49.99 USD
    [​IMG] Lantus Solostar PENS 5x3ml CAN (temp. gauge. ice pack, express-air mail) Brand 100U/ml 1 box (5 pens) $164.99 USD
    [​IMG] Lantus VIALS Insulin 10ml CAN VIALS (temp. gauge. ice pack, express-air mail) Brand 100U/ml 1 vial $110.99 USD

    You would ask your vet to write a script for the solo star pens
    LoveforTucker and Chris S like this.
  26. Diane Tyler's Mom GA

    Diane Tyler's Mom GA Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Chris & China explained it very well above about using the pens instead of the vials, because of how long they will last and the other 4 pens out of the box of five are good until the expiration date as long as you don't use them until needed
    Si am cat mom and Chris S like this.
  27. Chris S

    Chris S Member

    Feb 24, 2020
    Thank you! I literally called them today to switch to the pens. Glad we are only in our first vial and made the switch for our next order.
    Diane Tyler's Mom GA likes this.
  28. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    All you have to do is call Marks and tell them you want pens instead of vials. They don't need a new script.

    That's another nice thing about them....once they have a script you don't have to get a new one every year like you do in the US
    Diane Tyler's Mom GA and Chris S like this.
  29. Diane Tyler's Mom GA

    Diane Tyler's Mom GA Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    That's great
    Chris S likes this.
  30. Katherine&Ruby

    Katherine&Ruby Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    Thought I would let everyone here know that I bought a 100 unit vial of Lantus at my local CVS pharmacy the first week of September when my Ruby was diagnosed. They applied a manufacturer's coupon that brought the price to USD$99. Apparently if I buy another vial before the end of the year they can still apply the same coupon. This is an enormous savings from their retail price which is $315.

    EDIT: Here is a link to a savings card for buying Lantus without insurance:
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
    Reason for edit: Added link to savings card
  31. Julie & Charlie

    Julie & Charlie Member

    Sep 3, 2020
    I have paid $35 per Lantus pen for each of the 2 pens I've purchased since August from Rite Aid. I don't know if this is just a regional price.

    Now I know to store the pens in the refrigerator so they last well beyond the 28 days specified on the prescription information.
  32. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    My pens lasted to the last drop, months.
  33. Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA)

    Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    My issue with the vial is that if I drop it and it breaks, as yes I have done with a pen, I’d be out a lot more money and Lantus @Julie & Charlie thanks for the Ride Aid tip! I’ll check it out that’s where I used to get my Lantus from before I learned about Marks :bighug:
  34. Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA)

    Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    I just called my Ride Aid and it’s regular price at $105 per pen. Do you know what coupon you or they used? She said they’d honor it if I have it. Thanks!!
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2020
  35. Katherine&Ruby

    Katherine&Ruby Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    You can try the link I posted above.
  36. Julie & Charlie

    Julie & Charlie Member

    Sep 3, 2020
    I called the pharmacy tonight and the technician I talked to was not very helpful other than confirming that was a discounted rate. I'll try again tomorrow to see if I can talk to someone else who might be able to provide helpful information.
  37. Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA)

    Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    Thank you! I appreciate it!!
  38. Scdal

    Scdal Member

    Mar 10, 2020
    I get the same discount at the local CVS here in the Dallas TX area. I don't even need a coupon. They just apply the manufacturers discount. It brings it down from $300 to $99. All you have to do is ask.
  39. Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA)

    Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    So I called my CVS and asked and they said any coupons need to be applied with commercial insurance which wouldn’t work even with my insurance because it’s for my cat and not for me. You guys are lucky because CVS is basically looking the other way to be able to apply this manufacturer coupon to cats. Oh well, it’s back to Mark’s for me which ends up pretty much being the same price!

    Even the coupon from @PerfumedCatMom ’s link won’t go through at my CVS :(
  40. Katherine&Ruby

    Katherine&Ruby Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
    But CVS is where I filled my prescription! Sorry it didn't work out for you. :(
  41. Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA)

    Ale & Bobo & Minnie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
    That’s what I mean I think it depends on the CVs and their willingness to do it for ya. No worries! :bighug:
  42. BraveCat

    BraveCat Member

    Oct 14, 2019
    My vet just switched Buster from ProZinc to Lantus...he recommended we go to a local human pharmacy to fill his prescription. We're in Massachusetts.

    We called our local CVS and got a phone quote for over $300 (yikes), but on site, were charged only $99 for the vial! No coupons were used, though I was prepared with a Goodrx (human Lantus) coupon to try--it was not needed. The clerk made very clear with us upon registration that the Lantus was for a cat, not a human.

    The clerk had no idea if this was a permanent price, or a sale, or what. The computer just showed him $99, so that's what he charged us.

    This is cheaper than Marks. Does anyone know if this price is permanent? Is it for 2020 only? For CVS only?

    TIA for any information.
  43. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    That's the Lantus Savings Card price which they must have had programmed into their computer because it's not supposed to be allowed for pets. CVS seems to be one of the few pharmacies that's somehow figured out a way to apply the card discount to everybody, even pet parents!

    Next time though, get the 5 pack of pens (you'll have to have a new script specifying pens though if you fill in the US). They're a much better buy. A vial is 1000 units and unless you have a high dose cat, you're not going to be able to use it all before it starts to lose efficacy and you have to throw a bunch of it away. With the pens, each pen only holds 300 units so you can use every drop before opening the next pen ....all the pens will be good until the expiration date which is usually at least 2 years away from date of purchase.
  44. BraveCat

    BraveCat Member

    Oct 14, 2019
    Thanks, Chris. This is great info. I appreciate it! --Cat
  45. Wendy 17 and Merlin

    Wendy 17 and Merlin Member

    Aug 18, 2020
    Another option: If only 1 Lantus Solostar Pen is needed, the price via coupon in the Los Angeles area is $92 for pets ($73 for humans only) + tax (pick up at local pharmacy). That is more than the Canadian price with shipping added, but - if in a hurry - one can get the product immediately without worry about temperature stability.
    Janey & Bear and BraveCat like this.
  46. Jinx & Miz Kirby

    Jinx & Miz Kirby Member

    Dec 31, 2022
    For those in the upper midwest who feel like a drive, Lee's Pharmacy in Windsor, ONT (across the river from Detroit) sells Lantus for $58 (US) per vial, or about 90 for a pack of pens. They're super nice, and if you call ahead and tell them how many you need, they'll set it aside for you, and are willing to check the expiration dates on each vial/pen before you trek up there. They're a small family business.
  47. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    I used the cartridges. They are smaller (maybe cheaper to ship?). Check out the Sticky Note on Syringes to see pictures of the cartridges vs. pens. Cartridges have less plastic waste. However, there may be some limits on when being shipped to some countries.

    In Canada, insulin is OTC for Canadians. But people buying insulin for their pets need to pay tax on it. Hence the pet vs. human.

    Dose suggestions are not to be made via PM. This is an open peer reviewed forum. Best to start a new thread in this forum if you want to talk about dosing for your cat.
    .:. .:. likes this.
  48. .:. .:.

    .:. .:. Guest

    May 10, 2023
    That's exactly why I was thinking about the cartridges too! No point getting pens, if I were to use syringes anyway.
    The shipping is a flat rate of $25 overseas, unless I were to add extra ice packs etc (which I probably should, given the time of the year AND the time it takes to get here) but I may as well opt in favour of the "speed(ier)" shipping.

    Oh I see... I wonder how does it apply to us when it comes to taxes? I'd assume I'd need to pay tax on it to make it through customs on this side? And/or prescription tax on the Canadian side too?
    Anyhow, I'll wait for their reply, thank you for all the info!

    Alright, I shall. I was just wondering how far would 1500iu get me roughly, as in time wise, regarding placing a possible bigger order. We are still miles away from starting (a month, possibly two), thus it'd be premature to open a whole thread about it now. I'll may just re-brand my old one for now, and once the time comes, I open a new one. (I assume you meant to open it under the Lantus/Levemir/Biosimilars, right?)
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
  49. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
    If you do order, make sure the parcel will be going by air and expedited. Regular post office parcels to some countries also goes by boat – and then the parcel sits in a warehouse until there are enough parcels to send. We have sent books through the post office as small parcel air to the UK, Ireland, and Sweden recently. In my best recollection it took about 10 days. For all the complaints, your Royal Mail delivers parcels faster to Canada than our Canada Post sends to your side of the puddle.

    Ask what their estimate of a shipping time would be.
    .:. .:. likes this.

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