George Update

Discussion in 'Acromegaly / IAA / Cushings Cats' started by George’s Mom, Aug 20, 2023.

  1. George’s Mom

    George’s Mom Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    Hello! It’s been 6 months since I was last here!

    Not really looking for any specific answers. I always value this group’s advice, so happy to hear it if any. But really just wanted to check in and say hello and give a quick update.

    Busy: I am a mom of 3 middle school boys involved in way too many extracurriculars, a mom of 3 litter mate kitties all 18.5 years old, and have a busy job to boot. So I am in the thick of the busy of probably my whole life right now. This is my excuse (albeit lame I know) for not getting on here more often and also as you’ll see if you look, for my SS not being updated… I did snap pics of my last week’s Libre graphs. For what that’s worth???

    Anyway, I came to the forum today to see if any others experienced hind leg ataxia or wobbling. I did read about Ruckus which was both insightful and heartbreaking. George just started falling to the right today suddenly. After doing some reading here and researching online, I am taking him to the vet in the morning to rule out other things like hypokalemia. He is already known to have low potassium and is on supplement so it’s worth checking I think.

    I’m guessing it’s related to his Acro tumor, it being close to the vestibular system. He did have a similar fall to the right episode when he first was diagnosed with high BG back in July 2021. But it resolved after a few days.

    Interestingly, George has had a head and limb tremor (really it’s a twitch) probably for a year or two (or maybe even longer but didn’t notice). I assume it’s related to the pituitary tumor.

    George has been diagnosed diabetic for 2 years now. He’s 18.5. He was diagnosed as Acro back in Aug 2022. And he’s still doing great on Cabergoline at standard 10 mcg/kg (or whatever it is!) dose.

    Hope you’re all doing well and can’t thank you enough for what you do! Maybe when these kids are grown, I will have more time and contribute to this great community. :kiss:
    @FrostD @Suzanne & Darcy @Wendy&Neko
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Thanks for the George (and you) update.

    Good luck at the vet, I hope they find an answer to the wobbling. Has been checked for arthritis too? Common enough in older cats, more so in acros. Low potassium would have been my first guess.
  3. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    High Phosphorus levels
    Hi Rachel and George! Thanks for the update.
    I'm sorry to hear that George has been having some falling troubles and shaking/trembling troubles.
    Things that I can think of are:
    potassium imbalances
    thyroid levels
    blood pressure

    I would get a full bloodwork, including all electrolytes, done and have them check his blood pressure (lots of vets don't seem to want to do this.) Tremors and shaking can be calcium imbalances or even potassium imbalances and deficiencies of the various B-vitamins. His BG is doing well? I'm so happy that you feel he's doing well on the Cabergoline. It certainly helped us, but it doesn't work for every cat, it seems.

    Back to the symptoms, I would take a look through this page of symptoms from Tanya's Feline CRF website. It's a good overall list of a lot of symptoms and possible causes -- things like ataxia, weakness, trembling, shaking, etc. It's very handy.

    Let us know what the vet thinks (and don't let him/her say it's just his diabetes or acromegaly and that nothing can be done!)
  4. George’s Mom

    George’s Mom Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    @Wendy&Neko @Suzanne & Darcy
    vet ran full blood panel, but all was normal. His potassium was 3.4 but it has been low, so I am not thinking this is it. Vet also said his urine looked cloudy. She went ahead and gave him antibiotic shot to see if UTI. Said sometimes UTI can cause the ataxia.

    We’re talking about taking him to the neurologist. But I may take him for a blood pressure reading first. Thanks for the reminder about Tanya’s website! I didn’t think to look there but remember there is a ton of good info there. I’ll give you an update once we’ve made some progress.
  5. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Yes. I don't think 3.4 is enough to make him fall to one side. I'm glad that things looked normal for the most part. Do let us know how things are going! Best wishes!!
  6. George’s Mom

    George’s Mom Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    I just realized I didn’t post an update. I took George to a neurologist. He’s almost certain George suffered a stroke. His stability varies. Seems like he has good days and bad days. But he’s definitely recovered somewhat. Poor guy. He’s still happy /comfortable, but dang if he doesn’t keep inching toward that rainbow bridge. He’s my lil guy, so we will do everything we can to keep him comfortable and happy for as long his his body will allow. :(

    @Suzanne & Darcy @Wendy&Neko
  7. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    I hope George can recover more from the stroke. Did the vet say anything about physiotherapy? There things you can do at home to help him get his mobility.

    Has the vet checked his heart out too? Blood clots can be related to heart conditions, again, somewhat common in acros.

    Give George a little scritch on the ears from me.
  8. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    You know, I didn’t mention this before, but my cat William (the Conqueror) had a very odd (and distressing) incident last August. It was very sudden. One morning he could not walk right. He was kind of listing to one side. In fact, he was terrified and was kind of bouncing off the walls but not very well. The vet thinks it was a fibrocartilaginous embolism where a piece of cartilage breaks off and blocks blood flow to an artery or vein. It is not generally painful. Initially, the cat may cry out, but any pain goes away after a very short while. It is unlikely to recur. William was put on prednisolone to reduce inflammation, but I believe it was just precautionary. I think generally the treatment is just “supportive care.”

    Is George’s blood pressure being checked regularly? If the vet thinks it was a stroke, did he want to put George on a blood thinner?
  9. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    It would be worth getting an echocardiogram of his heart if you can swing it. Of course, I just spent the day taking my cat Ginger to the cardiologist, so maybe that’s just on my mind. But blood clots originating in the heart can lodge anywhere— although usually affecting the back legs.
  10. George’s Mom

    George’s Mom Member

    Jun 25, 2022
    It pains me so deeply to inform you that George crossed the rainbow bridge today. He had been through so much with Acro and all the side effects and other organ damage. He had good days and bad after the stroke but he didn’t recover fully.

    He had more recently become anemic and then just tanked. He stopped eating and drinking yesterday. He passed away at home with love around him. He leaves a huge gaping hole in our hearts (especially mine). But he is no longer suffering his ailments. I’m sure he’s climbing trees and chasing other cats in heaven tonight. I will miss my buddy.

    This forum did soooooooo much to help me navigate through George’s plight with acro. I cannot thank you all enough.

    I have a TON of diabetic / acro cat supplies that I don’t need anymore. I have several Alphatrak monitors, at least one relion, two libre3 sensors, u-100 syringes (2 boxes), an unopened Lantus pen, leftover Cabergoline, cat diapers, weruva low carb cat foods, potassium supplements, etc. I would be happy to donate it all to someone in this group or if you all have recommendations please let me know.

    I would much rather need all these things for my George. But if he can’t use them, I hope it can bless someone else to use them. Thank you to everyone in this group that ever helped me navigate acro. @Wendy&Neko you are an angel. @Suzanne & Darcy and @FrostD so are you.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
  11. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Oh Rachel, I am so sad for you. I know how this feels and just tears your heart apart. I’m glad he was at home with you when he passed away. You are right about the toll that the acromegaly takes upon our sweet babies’ bodies. We experienced that as well. I’m sure he is running healthy and free now, but you will miss him terribly.

    There is a Supply Closet forum here where people can offer their supplies to others who need them.

    Take care, Rachel. I will be thinking of you and sending love your way.
  12. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Rachel, I am so sorry to hear the news. :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug: Theses kitties steal such an acro sized piece of our hearts. Make sure to take care of you now too. You have been doing intensive care and it is so hard emotionally. I remember being absolutely exhausted after Neko passed.
    Our other GA acros will greet him and show him the best places to play while he waits for you.cat_wings>o It helped me too thinking of them finally whole in body again.
  13. Diane Tyler's Mom GA

    Diane Tyler's Mom GA Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    @George’s Mom
    Rachel I am so sorry to hear of George's passing.
    I'm sure he's chasing butterflies with all the other kitties that have passed.
    Take care of yourself. I'm bsure George knew you loved him dearly
    That's so generous of you to donate his supplies to other kitties in need
    Here is the link where you can post the supplies on the Supply Closet

    :bighug: :bighug: :bighug::bighug:♥♥
  14. Howiesmom

    Howiesmom Member

    Aug 11, 2020
    I am so sorry to hear of George's passing. He knew how much you absolutely loved and adored him. Please take good care of yourself. Big hugs to youband your family.

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