Discussion in 'Acromegaly / IAA / Cushings Cats' started by MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA), Oct 24, 2022.

  1. MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA)

    MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA) Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    Yesterday: AMPS 127 / 95@ +3 / 89@ +5.75 / 67@ +9 / PMPS 78 / 70@ +3 / 80@ +6

    Unexpectedly Micio just hit a 46, already gave him some HC food and will retest shortly. Looking and acting normal so far, very hungry though.
    Question: for acro cats, will reductions be by - .25u or more?
  2. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    At Micio’s dose, I would reduce by ten percent- so approximately one whole unit or even a little more (you could try a 1.25 unit reduction since ten percent of his current dose is actually 1.15). I am sure Wendy will be along to weigh in as well. I hope Micio is doing all right and that you were able to resolve the pain medication problem. ❤️
  3. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Also, of course watch him closely because he has a substantial depot that will influence his cycle this evening at the least. He may bounce though, so then you will get more rest.
  4. MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA)

    MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA) Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    Thank you Suzanne! Keep testing Micio and numbers are stable on mid 50's...still, not much increase.
    About the pain meds no much luck as my vet does not want to "risk" his licence with prescribing more than .06ml buprenorphine at the time; he said he has to report the amounts of Bupe to the hospital and, any extra, would be questionable and can getting him in troubles...?! So, me asking for the "just in case" extra bupe does not work, I will have to wait 'till next episode, get some prefilled syringes from my vet that will last 3 days and go from there...in his mind there has to be a "good reason" such as recurring/persistent pancreatitis occurrence in order for him to justify the request to the hospital (not quite sure what hospital he's talking about)....
    Anyway, at one point I give up cause I really don't have the mental and physical strenght to keep up with this anymore....if it happens again then I'll just pay whatever in order to make Micio feel comfortable and deal with financial later
  5. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Reductions (and increases) are typically at 1 units when between 10-20 units total dose. As Suzanne mentioned, the depot is something to be cautious about as well. If he doesn't bump up by the end of the cycle significantly, you may wish to try a BCS (big chicken shot) dose tonight to help drain the depot. That would be something like 1/2 to 2/3 of the total dose. It's a bit ECID, so I'd start with 1/2 and see if that's a good amount. I found 1/2 was too much for Neko (unless she was much lower than Micio was today) and stuck with 2/3 for her.

    By the way, normally numbers in the 40's are not called a hypo event, unless he's showing hypo symptoms. Was he acting off at all? We otherwise call it low numbers. Non diabetics can test in the 40's. However, we still jump on those low numbers as you definitely don't want him any lower with injected insulin in him.
  6. MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA)

    MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA) Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    Micio has been acting vay hungrier than usual, beside that he seems ok. Tested again at +10 and at 60 not sure he's had big bump and that was after I've being giving him a bit of HC several times today.
    In about 1 hour and 20 minutes it's time for the evening meal and shot so, I should give him 5.75u (1/2 dose)? Not sure I quite understand what what you meant by "try a BCS dose tonight to help drain the depot": did you mean do 1/2 dose just for tonight or longer?
  7. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    I mean a half dose just for tonight. Then go to his new (and reduced) dose for tomorrow morning. A BCS is a one time thing.
  8. MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA)

    MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA) Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    All this means Micio has build up insulin that his body didn't use or some like that? just want to make sure I fully understand the meaning of word depot
  9. MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA)

    MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA) Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    Also, what if he'll be under 60 at pmps?
  10. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
  11. MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA)

    MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA) Member

    Oct 22, 2021
  12. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Hi. I was just looking at your spreadsheet and was happy to see you shot that half dose last night to help drain his depot last night since he continued with the greens even at PMPS. I hope Micio will have a good day today.
  13. MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA)

    MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA) Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    Thanks, yes he's just chilling and stalking me everywhere hoping for food...but numbers are rising today. Also his left eye seems a bit swalling: at times he has some sort of allergies and lately his eyes have been having quite bit of reddish discharge...hope there's no any infection coming up
  14. MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA)

    MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA) Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    @Wendy&Neko is it normal that, after a reduced dose, numbers will spike up? Today AMPS were 114, now at almost PMPS bg's are 184!
  15. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Yes, I expected higher numbers. He is bouncing from that 46 yesterday too. Stick with his new reduced dose.
  16. MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA)

    MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA) Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    Ok, I did. Thank you. I suppose I'll continue to follow TR as well
    Weird how numbers didn't change at all at +3 (pmps 184 / 184@ +3)
  17. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    I hope you will soon see some better numbers again. Remember that you drained some of his depot off with that half shot and then he's also bouncing. I think soon his numbers will come down a bit, but you can always make small adjustments after six cycles (after he's cleared the bounce, of course.) Those flat numbers you are seeing today are typical for some cats when they bounce (I mean to be so flat like that.) I hope tonight's PMPS will be a little better.
  18. MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA)

    MISSY + Simone&MICIO (GA) Member

    Oct 22, 2021
    Thank you! High numbers always makes me panic based on Micio's past mouth infections or panc flare ups...so wish animals could speak...

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