@FrostD and others According to the Libre, KittyLou had blood glucose readings in the 40's during the night last night. I should have been alerted that it might be a rough night after her BG dropped 200 points an hour after the evening shot of 4.5U. Her BG at shot time was 477 though, so I did NOT expect that steep of a drop. Can I get some advice about what to do tonight? Please look at her spreadsheet. She had had some wild swing days, and some tempered days, but last night was a shocker. I had no idea. I lowered her dose to 4.25U this morning at 8 am. I just dont want another hypo tonight and it SEEMS like she is starting to respond to insulin after all these months. She really didn't warrant a dosage reduction based on yesterdays numbers so I shot the customary 4.5U at bedtime and she went super low. What would you do? I am worried about tonight. All advice is welcomed!
Good call on lowering the dose. My experience with the Libre is that it often reads artificially low under 80, but you just never know. When you see big drops like that it's always a good idea to feed 1-2 tsp LC if she'll eat it. It may help slow her down, prevent from going too low, and not bounce as high. The good news is that she's holding pretty steady today in the pinks (vs the reds and higher). I would hold at 4.25U unless she's lower at PMPS. And if you see big drops again try to feed some LC.
KittyLou has been diabetic for 6 months. She has had a Libre to measure BG levels for the past month. Tonight at her PMPS, her Libre read 341. I decided to check it against my AlphaTrak2 and got 516. In disbelief I took it again, a minute later, with AlphaTrak and got 630. I then dug out my Relion, which measured 408, and since I had a fresh drop of blood, tested a 3rd time with AlphaTrak2 which was 517. Do you have ANY IDEA how frustrating this is? I hope I did the correct thing. I shot her usual dose of 4.25 U Prozinc. Last night, according to the Libre, she went hypo between 1 and 3 am, when her BG dipped to 40. But who knows, it could be several hundred points higher (or not). My poor baby! How can I regulate her when I dont know the actual readings?
I know :/ We have another member in the ProZinc forum (Stephanie and Johnny) going through the exact same thing. All I can say is the Libre for whatever reason seems to read lower, I've seen it across probably 4 different people now. Pet meters/AlphaTrak tend to read highest, human meters somewhere in between. We usually say pick one meter and go with it, "forget" the others exist, otherwise you'll lose your mind. Those preshots are high enough that it doesn't matter - it matters more when you get into blues and greens. My advice - use the Libre as a warning system, but any time you see a number in green, double check it with either the human or pet meter.
Hi Nancy, I just peeked at spreadsheet. Can I ask why you dropped down to 2U? I understand taking a reduction to 4U after the 40s you saw, but 2U is too low. Please test for ketones as soon as you get a chance.