? Oscar bouncing, advice needed

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by Chloe007, Jan 9, 2020.

  1. Chloe007

    Chloe007 Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    During Oscar's PM shot on 1/6, we decided to increase him to 4.5u from 4.25. We had been seeing nothing but high numbers before that, and I've been trying to be quicker about increases lately as I'm starting to get desperate about bringing his numbers down.

    Well on 1/7 (the first morning after the increase) and actually every morning since then, we've been waking up to black pre shot numbers. Something didn't seem right to me, while he's been in high numbers for a while now, I really never used to see numbers this high without him having gotten into something. So I decided to be more diligent about testing last night, and I caught it, he dipped down into the blues. As I suspected, we were back up to 520 this AM. How do I get a handle on this? I'm happy to see the blues, but what am I supposed to do to keep him from bouncing back up into black by the morning?

    This morning I know I messed up. I really wasn't sure what to do thinking I wouldn't be home later than I was, and was a bit concerned, so I left him some MC food out. I think that's why we're at 413 today at +7. I know I messed up here, but tbh I was hoping if he didn't drop too low, he wouldn't bounce so high this PM. I see now why that didn't really work, but I was also worried I couldn't monitor him today.

    Anyways, just wanted to ask for some advice on what I should be doing to manage this.

    @MrWorfMen's Mom Linking you because I created a new thread, I couldn't find my old one for some reason and figured it was getting long anyways. If I should have done something different, please feel free to let me know!
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020

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