PS Question

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by Melisrock, Aug 7, 2022.

  1. Melisrock

    Melisrock Member

    Aug 2, 2022
    Hi! I am still new to this wonderful community and new in treating my cat Beau in his DX. I’ve been helped so much thus far in ordering a BG monitor and working out the kinks in his doses. I was just going through and reading a lot of information that’s provided here. I read that if PS BG is less then 150 to not shoot. I didn’t realize that, I’ve only been able to get PMPS since I’ve received the meter. Is this bad that I gave him his pm shot when his BG was under 150?
  2. AbbottTheCat

    AbbottTheCat Member

    May 12, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
    Melisrock likes this.
  3. AbbottTheCat

    AbbottTheCat Member

    May 12, 2022
    Is there a reason why you aren’t able to get an AMPS?
    Melisrock likes this.
  4. Melisrock

    Melisrock Member

    Aug 2, 2022
    I’m trying to create a good morning routine for us both (Beau n I) since his dx. He’s gotten smart to this routine of feeding then his shot. So he eats n hides now in the AM which is stressful bc I have to get to work. So I’m thinking I need to adjust my AM shot time earlier to give me more time ( not that I want to be up earlier then I have to but the things we do for love). I’d like to make the testings andshots relaxed and Not stressful, not rushed. Im actually off work tomorrow so my thoughts are doing the BG tests throughout the day so I can get his chart going. The PMPS tests are easier bc I have time to love him up brush him get the sample. If that makes sense?
    AbbottTheCat likes this.
  5. Melisrock

    Melisrock Member

    Aug 2, 2022
  6. Melisrock

    Melisrock Member

    Aug 2, 2022
    I run a bakery so my work hours aren’t always consistent if I have staffing issues. There’s many times I go into work and have to leave to go home to give him his shot and try n rush back to work.
    AbbottTheCat likes this.
  7. AbbottTheCat

    AbbottTheCat Member

    May 12, 2022
    Most members shoot WHILE the cat is eating. It’s easier this way, they are distracted. Does he come out and eat right when you put the bowl down?
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  8. Melisrock

    Melisrock Member

    Aug 2, 2022
    Yes, he does! I could definitely try that, it would make it easier. If that’s an option, I’m all for it!
    Lisa and little likes this.
  9. AbbottTheCat

    AbbottTheCat Member

    May 12, 2022
    How’d it go this morning?
    Melisrock likes this.
  10. Melisrock

    Melisrock Member

    Aug 2, 2022
    Much easier, he was so distracted while eating it didn’t even phase him that I gave him the shot! And I got an AMPS finally
    AbbottTheCat likes this.
  11. AbbottTheCat

    AbbottTheCat Member

    May 12, 2022

    You can also try to test him at a different place and see if that helps. Also, turning off the beeping sound on the meter is advisable.

    After some trial and error, I settled on testing him where I feed him, I put his freeze dried treats into a vitamin bottle.
    I put the bottle in his food bowl in front of him. he lays down and purrs cause he knows he's getting a treat. you could try it out!

    also most members use freeze dried treats because they have zero carbs and this diabetes friendly. You could search the forums for diff kinds but I use Sojos turkey treats, a lot of people use Pure Bites.

    By the way, you should see if you can get some later test to find his nadir or lowest number since that is what you use to determine dose adjustments. Most of the time the nadir is between +4 thru +7.

    You could stagger tests to find out- say get a +4 and +6 one day, then a +5 and +7 the next to find his nadir. This is important data and you can’t make much progress in dosing without it.
    Melisrock likes this.

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