Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Mimik, May 25, 2024.

  1. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hello "all"

    I have a 13 year old boy (Woody) who was diagnosed in Dec. 2023 -- I feel he (most likely) was living with the disease for mos. before that and hid it well. There were a few signs, but I thought it was markings of his Hyper T -- ( his hyperthyroidism) is now under control ---

    I've been having a H*** of a time "trying" to get him regulated -- his vets are not useful with this disease, other than supplying me with anything I need, ask or input on. I wasn't even shown "how to inject" and I think for the first few mos. it was prob. "hit-or" miss -- a lot of times his fur totally smelled of Lantus -

    Woody was started on 1 unit X 2 day Lantus in Dec. we went up SUPER slow - like weeks on 1U then 1.5 then 2 then 2.5 - I bumped him to 3 -- he's been to 3.5 and 4 -- progressively - I would say for ( at least ) 3 weeks per unit change --- then I Read up on the TR protocol and started him on that about three weeks ago -- he was on 3 ( no change mostly HI BG) readings -- bumped him to 3.5 -- then to 4 ( 6 cycles each) -- and now I have him back to 3.5 as his body "seems" to like it better?????

    This being said the only times I see a marked difference in the BG levels is when I change the dose. So, he gets a change and I get all giddy because we see some nice low numbers for a good part of 24 hours - then boom he hits HI again after about 5 days and I am left with a blank stare and saying "what do I do now" --

    I think (based on ALL) the research you ladies have provided and the immense amt. of hours I have studied each and every thread, conversation, input from users and feedback from all the moderators Woody has been living in HI for so long his body just prefers it and keeps coming back to the HI readings, no matter what I do.

    As a last little note here -- he has NO dry food (NONE) fancy feast, RC Recovery ( because he's so darn skinny) and other misc. more expensive wet foods ( NOT vet) which are all protein. He's been a hand fed and syringed cat for his whole life and I have no problem with this -- he eats about 4 fancy feast tins a day, one RC revovery a day and usually one of the other all protein brands --

    Course, he has hind leg neuropathy --- has been on zobaline since day one -- his back legs are pretty bad. This is a bengal breed mix who could fly from one tree to the other ( not anymore)

    We use the libre 2 sensors has two a month, we put them on -- I don't do the prick because he's really hard to get blood from -- many have tired and failed.

    I guess, I need to download the spreadsheet template and manually enter his numbers, which I can do. I would like to know how far back do you need to see his data ? I do NOT want to bother or bombard anyone here if this is too much to ask ---

    I thought I was as learned as one could get " studying this board" and reading like or even unlike minded stories from other ladies who have diabetic cats, apparently, I am not as light bulb smart on this disease as I thought I "might" be.

    Oh, and I can jot as much specs/details as possible, about dosing, food etc... so maybe we don't need to go back to Dec. when he started this road to "heck" okay, thanks,
  2. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Hi Mimik there if you can set up what we call our signature that would be helpful
    If youcan set up your signature also tap on this blue link
    Here is a link helping us to help you link. If you noticed, our members have some basic information about their cat's in their signature. This helps us to not pester you by asking the same questions (your cat's name, insulin type, date of diagnosis, etc.) repeatedly. We also have a link to our spreadsheet in our signature. We are very numbers driven. The spreadsheet is a record of your cat's progress. By linking it inyour signature, we can follow along and provide feedback should you need the help

    • Add info we need to help you:
      • Caregiver & kitty's name
      • DX: Date
      • Name of Insulin (do not include dose or frequency)
      • Name of your meter
      • Diet: "LC wet" or "dry food" or "combo"
      • Dosing: TR or SLGS or Custom (if applicable)
      • DKA or other recent health issue (if applicable)
      • Bexacat or Senvelgo (if applicable) and dates
      • Acro, IAA, or Cushings (if applicable)
      • Spreadsheet link. Please put the signature link on the bottom line of your signature information, on its own, so it is easy to find.
      • Please do not put any information about your location in the signature for security reasons. If you wish to add your country location, please add it to your profile.
    Be sure to click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom. If you need help urgently it is important we know these things at a glance. We don’t want to waste valuable time finding out information.

    Yes setting up your spreadsheet would be helpful
    We increase the numbers of units by 0.25 units at a time
    Do you have the U-100 syringes with the half unit markings ,using these make it easier to do
    Can you go back to your title and put New Member in front of SOS NEED ADVICE to do this tap on the work to the right that says Thread Tools ,then tap in Edit Title and add what I said then tap Save

    Last edited: May 25, 2024
  3. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    @Sienne and Gabby (GA)
    @Bron and Sheba (GA)
  4. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hi Diane. I am not getting where I put all the info ( bullet points listed above) --- I copied and pasted the bullet line items and added answer on the signature page -- course, that's not right - as it only accepts a few lines ) reading the guidelines. If you could tell me where I put I can get that out of the way. I will have to manually enter the libre data into the spreadsheet. Which I can get done in the next few days. How much data do you want ( I have since Dec) of 2023. You surely don't want all that but if you could tell me how much data is needed. I am really meticulous about details and specs. So, I can get deep with that ( line items) for ease of read. Okay, Thanks a bunch
  5. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    Hi Mimi and Woody and welcome to the forum. I think if you can get the spreadsheet and signature set up as Diane suggested we will be able to help you.
    you are feeding the right food and are hometesting which is great.
    Are you feeding more than just the 2 main meals a day? Offering snacks as well is good.
    Unregulated cats are often skinny and hungry as they can’t absorb all the nutrients in the food. Once we can get the BGs into more normal numbers things should start to improve all round.
    Looking forward to seeing the SS and signature :)
    Two or three weeks data on SS would be good.
  6. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Like Bron said, the last two or three weeks of data on the spreadsheet will be enough for us to start helping you with dosing.

    What is Woody's weight? What should it be? You might want to think about incorporating some foods with higher fat content too. You just want low carbs, but fat and protein are fine. Those calories from fat might help him gain some weight.

    Are you home testing Woody for ketones? It's some cheap insurance for cats that are in high numbers for a while. More information on how to do that here: Tips to catch and test a urine sample
  7. Suzanne & Darcy

    Suzanne & Darcy Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2020
    Hi Mimi. I just read your introductory post and I really feel for you. I can feel that the stress and frustration in your communication. I think at least the last two weeks of Libre data could be very helpful.
  8. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
  9. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hello Bron,
    Okay, I am going to work on the SS * tomorrow, yes. I am a bit unsure of ( till I dig a bit) how to deposit the SS on the sig. page — but, I will “sure” up myself tomorrow when I take a look at the process. Ha, Woody can eat as much as he wants ( no rules in my house about food, or much else with any of my cats, 6) and 5 macaws. He usually, takes four cans of FF and one can of recovery RC wet and maybe a TIKI cat pate or mouse ( all protein) — I have to syringe feed him — Woody has always had an “eating” disorder — would not eat unless forced almost all his life —- even though he’s got 50 percent bengal ( strong muscular tall) he only weighed 11 pounds all his life — he was 8 pounds a few mos. Ago then I started to make him eat MORE wet ane he’s at 9.5 now. What’s been frustrating with this disease ( I don’t even know a human with diabetes) the disease is like a dancing science project that moves/changes and does what it wants ( a lot of times) hard to figure it all out — and every cat ( I’m) assuming is unique — Woody’s BG’s ( for last two months) has been like a roller coaster. Low for hours during the day then he seems to spike HI late afternoon to late at night ( mostly) and maybe the day b4 it’s the other way around —- You’ll prob. Look at his data and not find any of it foreign. To me it’s like a rubic’s cube. I’ll do my work for you ladies tomorrow. Thanks for the welcome and offer to help Woody and I.
    Bron and Sheba (GA) likes this.
  10. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Ha, well, to say the least — What’s been totally ticky is the lack of knowledge from the vets end. I am pretty darn sure for the first some mos. I was not even injecting the juice into him. I kept smelling lantus on his fur/skin - certainly not every time but “often” now I ask a pro at it — he has target/shave spots all over him. I inject either flank or hind top of leg — he was getting sub q for mos. And now we have the sensor on the side of his shoulder blade with a onesie he wears 24/7 so I can’t go up there without taking off his ascot - Or I would be shooting scruff of neck.
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  11. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
    Welcome. Waving from Ontario. Grew up on Vancouver Island.

    What you could be seeing with the highs after the lower numbers is something called "bouncing."

    Definition of a bounce: Bouncing is simply a natural reaction to what the cat's system perceives as a BG value that is "too low". "Too low" is relative. If a cat is used to BGs in the 200's, 300's, or higher for a long time, then even a BG that drops to 150 can trigger a "bounce". Bouncing can also be triggered if the blood glucose drops too low and/or too fast.The pancreas, then the liver, release glucogon, glycogen and counter-regulatory hormones. The end result is a dumping of "sugar" into the bloodstream to save the cat from going hypoglycemic from a perceived low. The action is often referred to as "liver panic" or "panicky liver". *Usually*, a bounce will clear kitty's system within 3 days (6 cycles).
    tiffmaxee and Suzanne & Darcy like this.
  12. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hi Ontario Lady,
    Yes, it’s what do I do with the bouncing ( some days ) last two months are “bouncy” and some days are low and mid BG levels — so, that’s messing my sensibility up as well. Can start off as low as 3.5 mmol/l for most of the day the pop up to 9 mmol/l —. Then a day or so later a bit higher to HI all evening — my bet is he’s been with high BG a while before he was officially diagnosed and “perhaps” he’s never going to be a cat that can be properly regulated -
  13. Red & Rover (GA)

    Red & Rover (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2016
    With bouncing, you just have to wait it out. His body has grown accustomed to high numbers being normal that it see lower numbers as a threat. As he gets used to green more and more, his cycle should level out.
    Feline diabetes is a marathon, not a sprint.
  14. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    I'm going to ask Bhooma @Bandit's Mom one our members to contact you and set up your signature and your spreadsheet for you since you are having trouble with it. She will probably send you a message in your inbox that is up top
    So look for it

    @Bandit's Mom

    Also tagging Chris
    @Chris & China (GA) in case Bhooma is busy
    Last edited: May 26, 2024
  15. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Ladies, thanks for these little notes —- I just found some OLD threads on the board about the BOUNCE. So, I don’t constantly, pester here. Jees, I really did not know how the bounce can be so present in some cats and how long these can last — I’d say Woody has been in the bounce box for most of April and May —- prior to April was mostly always HI — maybe, going as low as 15 or 16 mmol/l — on a good day — I believe it was because I was “advised” to keep him on each dose for so long — I understand the phenomenon now after reading these old threads. Once we look at his SS I’ll be able to get a better idea from you all what his ideal dose “ for now” might be —
  16. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    I would also read all the yellow stickys here about lantus
    Especially the 2 dosing methods that you choose follow
    Both will let you know when an increase or decrease is needed

    We increase the numbers of units by 0.25 units at a time
    Do you have the U-100 syringes with the half unit markings ,using these make it easier to do
  17. tiffmaxee

    tiffmaxee Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    The others have given you a lot of info so I just want to welcome you to the FDMB. Do not worry about asking too many questions but reading like you are is beneficial as well. We are here to help.
    Suzanne & Darcy likes this.
  18. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Morning Diane, I studied both SLGS and TR -- for the first some months my vet had me on weeks (starting) 1 unit up to 2.5 -- it was me who decided to go the TR ( after reading options on the board) I went from 3 to 3.50 - then- 4 units -- it's been up/down ( good result or bouncing) since I started the TR -- his body liked 3.5 then didn't - 3.75 seemed to be great for about 10 days then not -- bumped to 4 units, again good after 5 days not so good -- yes, U use U-100 syringes ( Lantus insulin) I am going to be working on the manual data input for the SS today --for all of you,
  19. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    tiffmaxee, Thanks -- Well, I am one of those gals who like to get as much work done at my end so as not to overwhelm those I am asking - honestly, you don't know me, once I start a research project ( whether it's a client or for personal purposes) I am a rat that will ready miles and miles of information a few times till it sinks in. You ladies are so thorough and methodical it's incredibly easy to hunt gather and deploy.
  20. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Where do I put Woody's details ( information ) I am a bit lost as to where to insert ( page/link)
  21. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Mimi --
    I think you're referring to information in your signature. This is a link that has instructions for setting up your signature that I suspect someone has already posted. It's called helping us to help you. There's also information on setting up your cat's spreadsheet so you can track progress.

    If you need help, I'm tagging @Bandit's Mom -- her name is Bhooma.
  22. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    If you're trying to do the "Signature" that has been mentioned several times, it goes in the same place where you currently have Mimi & Woody.

    The signature does only let you use a certain number of characters and no more than 3 lines so you have to keep it short. You can always add even more details in the "Profile" section.

    In the Signature you want:

    Your name/cat's name, age, sex, date of diagnosis, type of insulin, type of meter, type of food, and at the very end, the link to your spreadsheet.

    I will send you a private message (we call them "conversations" here) so I can help you get your Signature set up so the board will accept it. I would also be happy to help you with getting one of our spreadsheets set up!
  23. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    @Chris & China (GA)
    Thanks so much Chris :bighug::bighug::bighug::cat:
    @Mimik please watch out for Chris's conversation it will be at the top where it says inbox so she can get you started with everything
  24. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Ladies I have changed Mimik to Mimi and Woody ( sig) page analog box --- I saved the changes. It's easier for ya all to see "his' name and not my given and initial of surname -- okay -- I am going to start inputting his data. and LOADS of thanks to Chris,
    Diane Tyler's Mom likes this.
  25. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    @Mimik, can you go back to your signature and where it says Dec 2023 can you put in front of that date DX (means Diagnosed)
    To do that tap on your name all the way up top then tap on the word signature add DX and add TR if that's what you decided to follow.

    Thanks :cat:
    I'm confused so your name is Mimi?
  26. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hi Diane, I did that (for you) also I am starting the dreaded SS and I have notes -- we started SLGS ( Dec-May 17th) then "I" switched to TR protocol May 17th -- I have that in my notes -- hahaha. My name is Mimi -- Woody is the kitty in crime here.
  27. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Hi Mimi, OK gotcha :cat:
    I'm glad Chris helped you out.
    You really have come to the right place, My Tyler has been in remission for 3 years and 4 months so far ( knock on wood)
    If I didn't take the advice from the experienced members here I don't think it would have ever happened.
    Wishing you and Woody all the best :cat:
    Do you have a pic of woody ?

    go to the top of your name and tap on it ,a drop down will appear ,tap on Avatar and add his pic

    If you look under your user name at the top right of this page you will see avatar. Click on that and it will give you instructions.

    OK now that you have your spreadsheet and signature set up
    Go and change your title above and erase what you have and put NEW MEMBER NEED ADVICE Spreadsheet Is Set Up

    To do this look to the right, tap on the word Thread Tools ,then Tap On Edit Title Erase What You Have And Type What I Said
    Last edited: May 26, 2024
  28. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Oh Mother Theresa and all the children. What a crazy job inputting ( 3 weeks ) worth of data ( dosing) off the top of my head ) but I remember stuff pretty well -- I did not "yet" column out "random notes" -- which I will sit quietly and do in the next bit. YIKES.

    Diane, I don't think Woody boy will get to remission. It's been half a year and he's still HI and to middling -- I am totally okay with whatever this looks like for him. There have been a good handful of times I was going to let him go, because he was so miserable and not wanting to go on ) it was ripping my heart out -- and then I'd curl up in a ball with him and ask if he was "Ready" and the next day he'd turn around ( if only briefly) he's been so sick ( depression, not feeling well, not wanting to eat, not wanting to participate ) since I've turned on to the TR protocol I am seeing little glimmers for him --- Woody's life revolves around his Papa and I - always has -- so, makes things a bit more sad for us -- I am a such a huge animal advocate so I always do "whatever" it takes to make things work.
  29. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Do this/soon so you can get some replies back
    OK now that you have your spreadsheet and signature set up
    Go and change your title above and erase what you have and put NEW MEMBER NEED ADVICE Spreadsheet Is Set Up

    To do this look to the right, tap on the word Thread Tools ,then Tap On Edit Title Erase What You Have And Type What I Said

    Mimi his numbers do not look bad at all.
    It took me 2 years and 4 months to get Tyler in remission.
    He has been in remission for 3 years and 4 months now ( knock on wood)
    You are seeing lots of green numbers .
    Just a suggestion ,I would definitely get a back up meter to have on hand , a human meter.

    On our site I have read many things about the Libre Sensors such as , I copied what members had to say
    Although the libre reads lower, we really don't know how much lower and in what ranges as compared to a handheld meter.
    Last edited: May 26, 2024
  30. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Diane, place me in a stupid box ( and don't open it) How do I get to the darn title I currently have showing? I have a box of sensors now --- like enough for a year --- that was my fault. NO one has been able to prick Woody's outer ear and get blood. His vets, the vet techs ( two) they say it's HELL to get a prick to blood - that's "why" the sensors for life right. Well, let's just say this -- he was living in HI for mos. and when I see high #'s I get all " what now"
  31. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    On our site I have read many things about the Libre Sensors such as , I copied what members had to say
    Although the libre reads lower, we really don't know how much lower and in what ranges as compared to a handheld meter.

    I definitely have found that the Libre reads lower st the lower end of the scale. And I have heard a lot of people say that the Libre reads higher at the higher end of things. So maybe blues are in the middle? The Libre measures glucose in the interstitial fluid and not actual blood glucose. I have heard people here say that there is a 15 minute lag time before the Libre readings catch up with the meter readings. It’s enough to make your head pop off!
  32. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    You're too funny :p
    Go and change your title above and erase what you have and put NEW MEMBER NEED ADVICE Spreadsheet Is Set Up

    To do this look to the right, tap on the word Thread Tools ,then Tap On Edit Title Erase What You Have And Type What I Said
  33. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    If you ever want to give it a try
    Always aim for the sweet spot warm the ears up first, you can put rice in a sock and put it in the microwave, test it on the inside of your wrist to be sure it's not to hot, like you would test a babies bottle. You can fill a pill bottle with warm water and roll it on the ears also.Just keep rubbing the ears with your fingers to warm them up
    6. As the ears get used to bleeding and grow more capilares, it gets easier to get the amount of blood you need on the first try. If he won’t stand still, you can get the blood onto a clean finger nail and test from there.
    When you do get some blood you can try milking the ear.
    Get you finger and gently push up toward the blood , more will appear
    You will put the cotton round behind his ear in case you poke your finger, after you are done testing you will fold the cotton round over his ear to stop the bleeding , press gently for about 10 or 20 seconds until it stops
    Get 26 or 28 gauge lancets
    A lot of us use the lancets to test freehand not the lancing device
    I find it better to see where I'm aiming
    Look at the lancet under a light and you will see one side is curved upward, that's the side you want to poke with

    Try putting a thin layer of Vaseline on the ear so theblood will bead up

    Most will start playing g with their cats ears , rubbing them .
    Bring them to the same spot every time and give them a low carb treat before testing and after . Even if you fail just keep at it

    Soon they will associate getting a treat when you test.
    I would always put Tyler on the couch ,his body against the back of the couch and I sit next to him. His head is facing the arm of the couch. I have everything ready to test.
    He actually purrs when I test him lol
  34. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hahaha, Yes, I've seen this, studied this ( tried this) and failed -- I am good at some stuff and really "not" at others -- I tried it out several times on the little guy and the look was " what is this fresh H***" you are doing with me now. So, I started the sensors.- Jees. it would seem straightforward, but not for me. If you asked me to dose and fix up a Macaw (as we have five) not a problem -- the ear prick really was a hard one for me.
  35. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Okey Dokey
    Do you understand how to change your title yet
  36. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    On topic of the libre. I did read a lot ( back forth) about the perception of correct readings ( I studied all of it here) I do hear you. I dunno I could only learn this if someone was actually sitting with me ( and I ) practiced many times -- I also go by how he looks, acts and seems to feel. For the first four mos. he looked like he just wanted to die. It was NOT good. For a good month now I see a little bit of the wild boy he was and I am so happy he at least "seems" to feel good. If I could find someone to teach me ( in person) course I would practice up and implement -- that's for sure.
    Diane Tyler's Mom likes this.
  37. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Diane, I am totally LOST -- you said ----- *below -- which page(link to) I don't see anywhere thread tools ( not in my account ) MimiK? could you maybe send me a link to the page or a screen shot?
    Go and change your title above and erase what you have and put NEW MEMBER NEED ADVICE Spreadsheet Is Set Up

    To do this look to the right, tap on the word Thread Tools ,then Tap On Edit Title Erase What You Have And Type What I Said
  38. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
  39. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
  40. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
  41. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Diane, Chris, Sienne, Bron, Wendy, Suzanne, Tiff -- thanks for being so helpful, welcoming, thoughtful and MOST of all Patient with me --- I am so looking forward to all of the experts and ladies willing to take a look at Woody's SS -- and thanks for letting me be a small part of your life on this board. Woody, is very lucky.
  42. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Hi Mimi , yay I see you changed your title so you can get some feedback on your spreadsheet :cat:
    Woody is gorgeous! Love his pic.
    Last edited: May 27, 2024
  43. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    @Sienne and Gabby (GA)
    @Suzanne & Darcy
    @Chris & China (GA)
  44. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Mimi --

    Woody's spreadsheet looks good. I suspect what you're reacting to are the bounces. I'm glad you've done some reading. The headache with bounces is that they may clear, and your cat drops back down into lower numbers and because he's not used to the lower numbers, he bounces again. It's understandably frustrating!

    I suspect you'll find TR more helpful since you can change/increase doses after a relatively short period. However, I would point out that dose changes are based on your kitty's numbers dropping below 50 (in US numbers). This gets tricky with the Libre since it tends to read lower in the lower range of numbers.

    Are you routinely putting in the decimal points on the World sheet (e.g., 5/22 at PM +6). It looks like the 10.9 was read as 109 hence the black color coding on both the World and US sheets.
  45. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hi Sienne,
    Yes, 10.9 -- I slipped up. As I thought (bouncing) I guess a question I have is - dosing --- should I be staying at the 3.75 --(current dose) go up if I see ( how many) days of HI numbers -- that's where I suppose I am asking for input -- I did have Woody on 4U X2 per day and it looked "good" for about two or three days, then I noticed HI for a few? He must be feeling better (these days) based on the TR I have him on. His "wobble" back legs are getting a wee bit better. He's able to jump on his Dads' rocket chair ( work space chair) and this AM when I went to inject he literally got my hand and put his whole mouth in for a bite down ) and since he has the bengal in him his teeth are like a baby cougars. I was so taken "aback" my hand was still in his mouth when I realized what happened. In his "day" this would have been Woody for sure. He's not aggressive, just the wild in him. That made me happy ( and I did get the shot in him) - I shoot in the flank or hind leg area ( all shaved ) so I can see what I am doing - Jees. Okay well thanks for this input to be sure.
  46. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
    Can you correct that on your SS for 5-22 PM cycle for +6 on the world and US tabs please
    Also after the date of 5-26 on your SS about 10 lines down you have a BG of 85?? What's that about ?

    I just noticed you said his in your intro post
    You said he had hyper T but it's under control now I would definitely add that to your signature. Is he on meds
    Methimazole or the treatment ,I forget what its called
    I remembered
    radioactive iodine therapy
    Tap on your name up top then tap on signature and add it

    A favor when you get a reply from a member can you tap on the like word to the right so we know that you have read it
    Last edited: May 27, 2024
  47. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
  48. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Since he just dropped to 3.1 and is having a blue streak today, it looks like he's broken his bounce (from dropping to 3.1) already. (that's good!...bounces can take up to 6 cycles to break) I think I'd stick with the 3.75 for another cycle or two.

    Others may have different opinions.
    Diane Tyler's Mom likes this.
  49. Diane Tyler's Mom

    Diane Tyler's Mom Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2018
  50. Sienne and Gabby (GA)

    Sienne and Gabby (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Since you've already given Woody his shot this evening, you'll be able to see where his numbers go tonight. If it were me, I'd likely increase the dose in the AM but I think it's a judgement call and also based on what Woody's AMPS is.

    With TR, you want to evaluate the dose every 3 days/6 cycles. In general, you increase if the numbers are not in the normal range although you do need to attempt to take the bouncing into account. You rely on what the numbers tend to be when the bounce breaks. With Lantus, your dosing decisions are based on how low the nadirs are.

    Oh.... And you may want to start posting on the Lantus board. I think you'll be able to get more focused information there. Many of the people who have been helping you also post there.
  51. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hello Ladies(above) I am just sitting down now to look at the threads --- I am going to pop in his #'s from today also --- see you in a bit,
  52. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
  53. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hello Ladies --- Okay, so I made the change 109 to world 10.9 on the SS for the 22nd -- and I just inputted his #'s for today ( so far) it's 6 PM PST time for us here. Diane, don't know I must have had one of my cats tapping the keyboard ) 85 BG level -- who knows. Yesterday, was a bit crazy with this SS set up. Okay, is there a good read ( here) on what the "bounce break" looks like, perhaps I am not truly understanding that? I was told ( by my vet) this up/down was something completely different. So, I had to "quickie" educate myself last few days on this " bounce" thing --- How would one know when the bounce breaks. Is it when the #'s look a little more even or " not all over the map from low, to mid to high" -- I had Woody on about 5 days at 4U's twice daily and it really looked like his body did not like it. His #'s were HI too often, and he was acting weird, peeing a lot and staring at the walls as if they were talking to him so?
  54. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    I would stay with 3.75 units as that is being him down to low greens. Bounces can last from 1 to 6 cycles so you just have to watch the BGs and see how they are going. When a kitty is coming off the bounce, they start it get lower BGs. That is a heads up for you to test a bit more often. Some cats can come off the bounce quickly and drop low so just be aware of that.
    Diane Tyler's Mom likes this.
  55. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    I have a quickie Q -- I have read ( varying answers) here and everywhere --- I have been prefilling syringes ) I prefill his AM dose at the same time I draw fresh PM dose - leaving the am dose in the fridge ( of course) I read here "somewhere" a post from lantus saying not do do this because of the lubricant and rubber piece which may interfere with the efficacy of lantus. I just started a few days ago NOT prefilling his am dose. I don't see any difference in effect if it's been prefilled the night before -- I know a few elderly people who get their nurses to prefill their syringes for up to two days and leave in fridge so I am a bit confused I guess.
  56. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    It is advised not to prefill syringes with insulin because of the reason you say.
    Diane Tyler's Mom likes this.
  57. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hello Again,

    Woody's #'s ( loaded recent data to SS) went up again -- so I thought I would see how he does ( again) at 4U X twice daily for the next 6 cycles -- based on the input for the last 24 hours do you think it's an okay move to do so? thanks,
  58. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    I would not go up to 4 units at the moment as 3.75 units is taking Woody down to 54.
    Those hi readings today are a bounce, so don’t be lulled into thinking you need to increase the dose. I would go back to 3.75U
  59. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
  60. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Evening Bron - I thought I made a mistake taking Woody to 4U today - his #/s are awful (HI) and he looks miserable - so I guess I was fooled ( or not thinking) it through- also, should I be posting “any new” questions or concerns on the lantus board ( you sent a link ) the other day - or should I stay on this forum when asking about dosing advice / okay, and thanks for the response Bron,
  61. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    You should probably start to post daily on the Lantus page about dosing. You will get more people looking over there.
    A definition on bouncing is in post 11 above. Have a have at it and then look at the SS and you will see after Woody drops into lovely green BGs, he bounces back up to yellow and pink BGs because his body is not used to the low numbers any more. He thinks he needs to save himself and that is why he dumps the glucose and regulatory hormones into his system causing a bounce. It might take a while for his body to get used to the normal green BGs and until then he will continue to bounce. It’s quite normal, especially in a newly diagnosed cats.
    If Woody is dropping into green BGs but bouncing back up high, you don’t increase the dose. You wait for the bounce to break and see where he lands. Does that make sense?
  62. Mimik

    Mimik Member

    May 1, 2024
    Hello Bron, Jees, well it makes sense ( bouncing) it’s just such a weird science — He is not newly diagnosed though — he was diagnosed back Dec 2023 and I’ll bet he was living in it for months — which, probably means it will take longer for him to get regulated ) to whatever degree. I’m really understanding all of this SO much clearer — is there any examples of a spread sheet that shows a cat bouncing ( for however ) many days or cycles that I could study? And one waits till the curve looks steady at green the go from there?
  63. Bandit's Mom

    Bandit's Mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
    Here are the condos of some newly DXed cats who are yet to get regulated.

    This one has decided to stop bouncing and flatten to greens.

    Like @Bron and Sheba (GA) suggested, you want you want to start posting in the Lantus/Glargine forum for dosing advice and help with lower numbers etc. It's a more active forum of Lantus users:
    Bron and Sheba (GA) likes this.

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