Discussion in 'Tresiba (degludec)' started by Jill & Alex (GA), Jun 26, 2018.

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  1. Jill & Alex (GA)

    Jill & Alex (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    If you're new to the FDMB, please start on FELINE HEALTH: The Main Forum where you'll learn all about hometesting, the basics of feline nutrition, and feline diabetes.

    FDMB welcome3.JPG

    Print these out and keep them handy:
    SYMPTOMS OF & HOW TO TREAT HYPOGLYCEMIA - what to do if your kitty experiences a hypoglycemic event
    Jojo's HYPO TOOLBOX - what to have on hand in case of an emergency

    Welcome to the Tresiba Insulin Support Group!

    Tresiba is relatively new for treating feline diabetes. As of this writing, there aren't any formal treatment protocols or methods available specifically for Tresiba. Whenever a new insulin comes along, our members have to start somewhere. Please feel free to share and discuss your successes and failures with each other. Sharing will help one another as well as those who choose Tresiba in the days to come.

    How to Create a Spreadsheet
    • Please set up a Google Spreadsheet as soon as possible. Always keep spreadsheets up-to-date! Valuable time may be lost looking for information when a spreadsheet is not up to the minute.
    • If you have not been able to transition your kitty off of DRY food yet, please note it on your spreadsheet and in your signature. A dry food diet will often require higher doses of insulin to bring numbers down. Having this information plainly visible will help us help you.
    • How to Use the Spreadsheet
    Creating a FDMB Profile

    Blood Glucose Converter Calculator (1 mmol/L = 18 mg/dL)

    Food and Feeding

    INDEX: Health Links/FAQs

    Learn how YOUR kitty is responding to insulin:

    • Onset - the length of time before insulin reaches the bloodstream & begins lowering blood glucose
    • Peak/Nadir - the lowest point in the cycle
    • Duration - the length of time insulin continues to lower blood glucose

    Understanding these concepts will help regulate your kitty's blood glucose:

    • Carryover - insulin effects lasting past the insulin's official duration
    • Overlap - the period of time when the effect of one insulin shot is diminishing and the next insulin shot is taking effect
    • Insulin Depot - a "spare tank" of insulin, which has yet to be used by the body
    • What is the Insulin Depot? - written for glargine and detemir, but the concept of an insulin depot also applies to insulin degludec
    • Bouncing - Bouncing is simply a natural reaction to what the cat's system perceives as a BG value that is "too low". "Too low" is relative. If a cat is used to BGs in the 200's, 300's, or higher for a long time, then even a BG that drops to 150 can trigger a "bounce". Bouncing can also be triggered if the blood glucose drops too low and/or too fast.The pancreas, then the liver, release glucogon, glycogen and counter-regulatory hormones. The end result is a dumping of "sugar" into the bloodstream to save the cat from going hypoglycemic from a perceived low. The action is often referred to as "liver panic" or "panicky liver". *Usually*, a bounce will clear kitty's system within 3 days (6 cycles).

    This forum is currently a work in progress. Contributions, thoughts, and ideas are welcome!

    Please be aware: There aren't any "dose advisers" on the FDMB. The FDMB is an open board subject to peer review where laypersons with varied degrees of knowledge and experience are free to share their own thoughts and opinions through explanation and by making suggestions.

    We are not veterinarians. It is not our intention to take the place of your veterinarian. Please discuss dosing, methods, medications, and care for your cat with your veterinarian.
    Sue and Luci likes this.
  2. Jill & Alex (GA)

    Jill & Alex (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
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