IntroductionWe run both contextually relevant advertising, and traditional paid advertising from advertising partners. Our hope is that by keeping advertisements relevant to FelineDiabetes.com content, they will actually add to your experience of using the site, rather than detract from it. If you have any comments at all about the advertising—good, bad, or indifferent—please do contact us. We value your comments and your reactions will help shape the future of this site. Why Display Advertising?The FelineDiabetes.com site is a free service, and advertising helps offset the costs of maintaining that free service. However, we understand that not all advertising is good advertising (for the user) and we maintain strict scrutiny over advertisements. We want your experience here to be positive. If you see an advertisement on our site that you find offensive, annoying, or misleading, please contact us immediately. FelineDiabetes.com isn't just any web site, we are committed to being a community. How Can I Get Back After Clicking on an Advertisement?If the ad you click on does not open in a new window, simply press the 'back' button on your browser to return to FelineDiabetes.com. You may wish to open the advertisement in a new window by right-clicking (Windows), shift-clicking (Windows), or control-clicking (Macintosh) on the link. What is Contextually Relevant Advertising ("Google Ads") ?One of the main types of advertising which FelineDiabetes.com is utilizes is "contextually relevant." Advertisments labeled "Ads by Google" are an example of this. Advertisers partner with Google to show their ads on sites that are appropriate to their content. Our pages are analyzed by Google, then ads are shown based on the the content of the page. We do not select the ads that appear in the area that says "Ads by Google." We periodically survey the Google Ads to ensure they are of appropriate standards. However, new ads are served all the time. For this reason, please feel free to assist us by informing us of any inappropriate advertisments. Do You Endorse Displayed Advertisements?No. We screen our advertisers as best we can for quality and reliability. HOWEVER, advertising should not be construed as to be endorsed by FelineDiabetes.com unless specifically noted. If you find an advertisement offensive for any reason, we may decide to cancel our contract with the advertiser. Please contact us. |