02-08-2020 Salem PMPS 116

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Tina and Salem, Feb 8, 2020.

  1. Tina and Salem

    Tina and Salem Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2019
    Good Morning !
    Nit much to say this morning .. lol
    Salem is still doing great . The winds have calmed down . DH has gone to work . I have Saturday morning cleaning to do . Oh what a mess I got to clean up . Trying to throw out the junk I dnt need . Being on disability makes it harder to get what I need done . Now I know how my Grandmother felt when she kept saying I cnt get anything done anymore . It’s hard to do anything anymore . It drives me crazy not being able to clean what I use to do in one day takes me all week . I have to do a little at a time or I hurt too bad . I can only do one thing sit down rest and get back up . It’s a struggle . It takes too long ! Sometimes I just say the heck with it . I’m not driving myself crazy about not getting it done but then I get upset when I see what didn’t get done lol . Isn’t it silly . I just always had a routine where I got it done and felt good about it now it’s hard to just get the everyday things done . I want to just throw everything out so I dnt have to worry about nothing lol .. mama always taught a clean house is a nice home . I guess I just have to realize I cnt do it all no more . And just enjoy life .
    I hope everyone has a great weekend !

    LilTurkey likes this.
  2. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Nice start for Salem. Maybe just plan to get one or two things accomplished in a day and then you can feel good you got that done. :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Tina and Salem likes this.
  3. Sonia & Leo

    Sonia & Leo Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2018
    Tina, I'm really sorry to hear that you're having so much trouble. I agree with what Carla said, it's very wise advice. Also try to remember how much time and effort you've put into taking such good care of Salem, not to mention your son, etc... Try to take some time for yourself so you can get back on your feet. :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Tina and Salem likes this.
  4. Sue and Luci

    Sue and Luci Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    Don't be too hard on yourself. I've read/heard on some of those websites, etc. that tell you how to clean up - just set an oven timer (or the kitty cat timer in our case) to work on something for just 15 minutes. Focus on that one task until the timer bings - if it's just one area or one room...or one project like the laundry - just do it for 15 minutes and then take a break! It's hard when you're not feeling up to a big battle with housework - so just do what you can in the increments that you can manage - it'll be there after your break! Eventually you'll get it...I'm sure of it.

    And I have to agree with you - sometimes less is best - see if you can donate or otherwise purge some extra 'stuff'...every now and then I just have to do that - oddly I don't even miss it after it's gone! Turned out I didn't need it in the first place... :joyful:

    You and Salem have a lovely weekend :)
    Tina and Salem and Sonia & Leo like this.

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