03/08: Sammy - AMPS 73; +2 74; +4 63; +8 96; PMPS 98

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Tina & Sammy, Mar 8, 2015.

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  1. Tina & Sammy

    Tina & Sammy Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    Good morning LL,

    Yesterday's Condo

    It looks like there were a couple of PJ parties last night. Sammy decided to throw a 57 at me right when I was heading to bed for a couple hours of sleep before the next text. But the 57 derailed that plan. We already knew that we should have taken a reduction after hitting 45 in the morning and then I put fluids on top of the fact that we didn't take the reduction, because I wasn't sure if it was earned because of how I did the shot.

    Anyway, I went ahead and fed 8% when Sammy was at 57 just to slow the drop and bring him back to a comfortable number so I could get some sleep.

    So far today we are having a nice quiet morning. I would have liked to go back to bed after AMPS, but it just didn't happen. I know I will need a nap later this afternoon, but for now coffee :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee: is keeping me going.

    The car was fixed yesterday, as it turned out the things that DH fixed before taking it in, battery and spark plugs, were the biggest culprits and the auto shop just did some routine maintenance to get everything back in working order. I was very thankful that it wasn't a bigger problem.

    The plan for today is just to knit and spin the day away, and most definitely take a nap later.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  2. suki & crystal (GA)

    suki & crystal (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2014
    Glad things worked out well for you Tina, you seemed to handle it very well. It was my first PJ party and not too eager to have to do that again in a hurry. Hope you can catch up on some well needed rest, thank goodness it's a Sunday.
    Tina & Sammy likes this.
  3. Tina & Sammy

    Tina & Sammy Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    Yeah, when Sammy first started having lower numbers I was totally freaked out about shooting those lows, but I am sure it is even harder for you since Crystal's dose is so high.
  4. Amy&TrixieCat

    Amy&TrixieCat Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2011
    Gorgeous greens for Sammy this morning....and big relief that the car repair wasn't too bad! Have a great day, Tina!
    Tina & Sammy likes this.
  5. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Sorry I missed your question yesterday but I did go back and read the condo you linked. Chris was correct when she said we wouldn't consider Ssmmy newly diagnosed. The determination of newly diagnosed vs long term diabetic goes by how long they've been diabetic, regardless if it was because of dry food, not how long they've been on insulin. Once s diabetic, always a diabetic even if in remission and food managed.

    Having said that, it is your choice when you reduce him but to follow TRP, the reductions wouldn't come when he drops below 50 once. However, I'd say most of us are not strictly following TRP anyway especially if we've been here a while and know where our kitty needs to vary from the guidance within TRP.

    In summary, if it's working for Sammy, and it appears to be, then it's fine; you can always change it if you need to.
    Tina & Sammy likes this.
  6. Tina & Sammy

    Tina & Sammy Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    @Marje and Gracie I am confused I thought Chris was saying that it was justified to consider Sammy newly diagnosed? Is that not what she meant?

  7. Marilyn and Polly

    Marilyn and Polly Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2014
    Lovely morning!

    Marilyn and Polly
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  8. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    The important part of my comment is the 2nd half...whether you want to consider her a new diabetic or an old one, the 3 drops under 50 or 1 drop under 40 isn't a hard and fast "rule" for long term diabetics. Not everyone with a long term diabetic waits for 3 drops under 50/1 drop under 40. It's a decision each caretaker has to make

    His numbers seem to be pretty darn great!
    Tina & Sammy likes this.
  9. Tina & Sammy

    Tina & Sammy Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    Oh okay. I am always nervous that I am taking the reduction too soon and we will have to go back up again. But so far it has been okay. I know that I can immediately go back up if necessary, or even add a drop to the dose if he starts going a bit higher than I would like. I would love to have only numbers under 110, but I guess that isn't up to me. LOL!

    Like everyone keeps telling me, I just have to take it one cycle at a time and try to keep my patience pants on. It is still really hard because I want to see him back at the falls as quickly as possible.

    He had a great day today. At +5.5 I was nervous that we would see a BLUE PS this evening, but he ended up surfing right through. Sammy, Crystal and I all took a 3 hour nap after +9 snack time and it was totally fabulous. I know I needed the sleep after the PJ party last night.
  10. Chris & China (GA)

    Chris & China (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
    Yeah it's better to take the reduction and have to go back up than to not take it and end up with what could be a very sad situation!

    We are generally more aggressive with long term diabetics because they are so much harder to get back into remission. I understand Marje's point of view though....we tell people even if their cat goes into remission quickly, that they're always going to be diabetic...just diet controlled, so using that as the guideline, Sammy would be a long term diabetic, even though he was only on insulin a few weeks!

    You have to do what you think is best for Sammy though, so in the end, it's always going to be your decision which way you want to go

    Beautiful cycle today!! Go Sammy!!
    Tina & Sammy likes this.
  11. milosmommy

    milosmommy Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    Sammy is really going great. Hope this continues.
    Tina & Sammy likes this.
  12. Vyktors Mum

    Vyktors Mum Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    Gorgeous cycle today :D
    Tina & Sammy likes this.
  13. Laura&Chichi (GA)

    Laura&Chichi (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2014
    Sammys looking nice today! Surf those greens!:D
    Tina & Sammy likes this.
  14. Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA)

    Ella & Rusty & Stu(GA) Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    :D:D Long term or newly diagnosed, if what you are doing seems to work, carry on!

    With Rusty I loosely follow the 3 under 50, but if I know that an under 50 number isn't really characteristic because of the circumstances (e.g. Poor appetite that day), I don't count it as one of the three. Also, at Rusty's stage of the dance I raise and lower his dose by 1 drop, not by .25 unit. This is an example of "know thy cat", or "whatever works".

    Enjoy the evening. Surf safe, Sammy!
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