10/31 Gracie AMPS 197 +2 246 +5 68 +6 72 +7 77

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Marje and Gracie, Oct 31, 2015.

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  1. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Gracie’s Yesterday

    Sending out more prayers and hugs to Andrea and Ann and John. Vines for all in need and we’re so glad our Pollydoodle is feeling better. Many cheers for Furball! GO GO GO!

    LBG has been a happy, purry, sweet girl this morning. My only complaint about her has been that she’s never been a lap cat. Well, this morning as we went btb together because it was chilly outside, as I was reading my book and drinking coffee, she climbed over into my lap and flopped over. She must have sat there a good 15 minutes with me scratching her head, kissing her, talking to her. [​IMG] All I have to do for her treatments (and she is soon good for all of them) and she still looks at me with mega loving eyes.

    As a supportive measure for her IBD, and after coordinating with Dr. B, I ordered Thorne Research Gastriplex for Gracie. I looked at the ingredients and the warnings on their website and neither Dr. B nor I saw anything that would potentially cause an issue. So when it arrived yesterday, I thought “no time like the present” so gave her almost 1/2 capsule. OMG! Her BG shot up like a rocket! So then I read the label on the bottle and it said to use with caution with diabetics due to hyperglycemia. I could have kicked myself. I still don’t know what in it could have raised her BG so much but it absolutely did and in short order. So, lesson learned. I’m happy to see she has decided to come back down today and we will see how she does with her reduction once the depot takes a bit of a break.

    Tobey and Gracie can’t wait for the party at the Dunes tonight to honor all our GAs but especially Tess since it was one of her favorite places for a party.

    Have a wonderful day and enjoy the Trick or Treaters if you get them or have one!
  2. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    How sweet on the lap time. It's amazing how loving our kitties are with all we have to do to help them. Yikes on the BG skyrocketing. I'm glad she's coming back down. I hope you can find something else that doesn't affect her BG.

    Thanks for cheering Furball on.
  3. Tricia Cinco(GA) & Harvey

    Tricia Cinco(GA) & Harvey Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2011
    I'm amazed that you missed that, as thorough as you are, Marje. Curious that nothing in the ingredients sent up a red flag, but it still raised her BG. I'm glad she's getting back on track so quickly. It's so tough to find products that you can use on FD kitties that will help, isn't it?

    Love the image of her crawling into your lap for love. It constantly amazes me how forgiving out kitties are. Even Harvey is still coming to me for love, despite the way I've been massacring his ears lately! :rolleyes: And Minka just purrs right through her torture, because she's getting attention. :cat:

    Enjoy your Halloween. I hope the doorbell ringing and kiddies making noise doesn't upset the babies too much.
    Ann & Maggie11 (GA) likes this.
  4. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010
    Yeah...me, too. I thought reading the warning on the website (which basically said nothing) and Dr. B looking at it was enough but I was so anxious to get something to help her that I broke a cardinal FD rule!

    Poor Harvey!! But what a love.

    We don’t get any trick or treaters. Our homes are all on at least one acre or larger, no sidewalks, no lights. We miss it but at least I don’t have candy around here.
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