11/30 Jenks AMPS 85 +4 47 +6 52 +8 46 +10 120 PMPS 212 +6 72 +10 79

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by AZJenks, Nov 30, 2017.

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  1. AZJenks

    AZJenks Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014

    Beautiful start to the day after an equally beautiful night cycle where he happily surfed the mid-70s. Hopefully I don't oversleep my alarm so I can get an earlier AM spot check because he was having a little too much activity at +5 for my tastes yesterday. Otherwise, all is well! :D
  2. Christie & Maverick

    Christie & Maverick Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2017
    Looks like Mav and Jenks were hanging together, hope the am cycle goes nice and steady :D:cool:
  3. Barbara & Uncle (GA)

    Barbara & Uncle (GA) Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2016
    Jenks is looking SO good! :bighug:
  4. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Go Jenks. :D:D:D
  5. AZJenks

    AZJenks Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    Jenks is still saving most of his activity for the day time. The decision to move the first spot check back an hour was a good one because he dipped under 50 again. Thankfully, it was a high 40 rather than the low 40 from yesterday. I gave him some food to steer him and he ate well. He bumped over 50, so I thought we were headed in the right direction, much like yesterday. However, just a couple hours later and he's back in shark territory.

    I couldn't risk those kinds of numbers at PMPS, so I broke out the gravy. Maybe I was a little too heavy-handed with the karo syrup, or maybe he just gets more carb sensitive later in the cycle, but man did I cause his numbers to go up more than I wanted. I'm sure they'll wear off soon and we'll be back in the lagoon as the night progresses.

    But this is the second day in a row when he's taken a trip under 50. That means he'll most likely do it again tomorrow if I stay at this dose, so it's time for another reduction. I'm having trouble deciding between shaving the dose by a quarter unit to 8.25U or reducing another half unit to 8.0U. Last time OH went out of town, we took half-unit reductions until we bottomed out at 7.5U. We've also adjusted in half units pretty much all year. I just question whether it might be too much right now. On the other hand, a quarter unit might not be enough. He's a big cat and we haven't had much luck in the past getting him to register these smaller dose changes.

    @Christie & Maverick - Looks like it! The lagoon rules call for a buddy system afterall!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
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  6. Bronx's dad (GA)

    Bronx's dad (GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
    Out of double-digit doses and Jenks' numbers looking great :D
  7. AZJenks

    AZJenks Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    @Bronx's dad - Yeah, these vacation cycles are both amazing and confounding.

    Amazing because it shows that Jenks can have a normal Lantus response. It can keep his numbers in ideal territory, at much less of a dose, with cycles that look like real, expected Lantus cycles.

    Confounding because these cycles only emerge when OH leaves and then disappear after OH's return. What's happening that Lantus only works when one specific person is gone? What changes upon their return that can possibly affect how the insulin works? Is that something that's even possible? And how to we get these awesome cycles to stick around?
  8. Bronx's dad (GA)

    Bronx's dad (GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
    wow, who knows the answer to that??? strange!
  9. AZJenks

    AZJenks Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    Strange indeed @Bronx's dad! For now, we'll just appreciate the great numbers that Jenks is having.
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  10. AZJenks

    AZJenks Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014

    I dunno what's going on, I just work here. Maybe that midday 52 was more like a sub-50 and he's bouncy from spending time in lime greens for most of the day? That would be news to me because his vacation cycles are usually resistant to bounces regardless of how low he goes. Not today apparently. I guess that answers the dose question though. We'll hold firm and shoot through it and hope for the best. Hopefully we get back to the usual scheduled programming overnight.
  11. AZJenks

    AZJenks Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2014
    Wow. Jenks was making a ruckus in the kitchen, so I checked him early and discovered that he's back in the greens after a 140 point dive. He really didn't like that yellow either. He's eating some food right now, so hopefully that evens him out so he hangs out around here for the rest of the night.
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