4/2 Luci AMPS 245/PMPS 228

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Sue and Luci, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. Sue and Luci

    Sue and Luci Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    Wednesday's Condo

    I'm getting burned out.

    My crazy job started at 5:45 this morning...bing...when my cell phone comes back to life...bing, bing, bing...

    New server is now spinning out emails from the scheduled tasks...which is good and bad - means I have twice as many emails...and then I look and some of them are bad - no content at all...what the heck?

    Trying to manage Luci, figure out what had happened overnight and my mother called at 6:30 a.m. carrying on about her meds being changed...I asked her, did you ask Karen (the caregiver)? No, I don't want to ask her, she may get mad...oh mom...if the meds were changed, perhaps the doctor called and told her to change them? No, he hasn't been here for a month because of this 'virus thing'...I said, but has he called her? I don't know...I didn't ask...because...she may not tell me the truth...OMG...we're spiriling down now...I said, mom, I'll call her after a while, you know she's not up this early...I'll call after 8 a.m. - she continues with the tirad...it's dark out and she's saying that Karen maybe trying to 'bump her off'...REALLY??? She's in that part of her paranoia that gets really bad with her dementia...I'm never sure what this is about...but she truly believes that her caregivers are trying to kill her...and wants the matter investigated ..... and usually concludes with 'I wanted you to know these things, in case something happens to me...I want the case investigated... :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

    It's been a long day...caregiver called...the meds were indeed changed by the doc...Luci is fine...but visited with the sharks again yesterday. One more strike and she'll earn a reduction...

    And as the big finish to our day here in Florida, two cruise ships are being allowed to disembark 2500 people on the opposite coast - 45 are seriously ill, 9 are going to a hospital...no one says where the others will be going...probably everywhere...I'm not quite clear on why they're not being sent into quarantine for 14 days...but will be watching the news to find out if there's any update on the others...our state has now just over 8000 cases...so sad... Our governor today has ordered a mandatory lockdown - stay at home except for essential trips for food, medicine, etc. That isn't going to change much for me since I've been staying in for the last several weeks anyway...now let's just all get through this next month peacefully and healthy.

    Take care everyone and have a good evening. Hope your kitties are well!
  2. Sonia & Leo

    Sonia & Leo Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2018
    Wow, these are for you. :bighug::bighug::bighug: Hang in there Sue.
    Sue and Luci and Briere Fur Mom like this.

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