8/25 Loudogg AMPS 143 +3.5 224 +6.5 288 PMPS 300 +3 253

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Amanda and a Loudogg, Aug 25, 2018.

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  1. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    August 24, 2018 Condo

    Good morning all! Happy Caturday!
    Well Lou had a day full of excitement yesterday. He went down 200 points within 5 hours or so. Apparently he woke Caleb up for food, which he's never done so in that way before. He went down to 40 and Caleb gave him 1/2 can of 15% MC food. Apparently Bella is not really a fan of the gravy lover's food so he ate most if not all of hers as well. He coasted pretty well in the blues for the rest of the night. I told Caleb he probably didn't need to give him a full 1/2 of the MC food, but I think he was a bit more nervous than he let on. I don't think he's quite used to dealing with low numbers by himself, but he's getting there. :) I hope Lou can have a good day today. I'll be home for the weekend, but we've got cleaning and packing to do.

    I got news yesterday evening that my Aunt is not doing well. She's in the hospital and apparently her ammonia levels are really high. The prognosis is not good, although I'm still not completely sure what the overall problem is. She lives in Oklahoma and my other Aunts are already there. My ma left today to make the 12.5 hour trip down. I understand that it's probably best to go myself, but unfortunately, I don't know if I can make the trip myself with the house closure and move coming up. I'm gutted. I still hold out some hope that there might be a way for her to pull through, but I'll be preparing myself for the worse.

    Hold your loved ones today my friends. Both human and those in fur (or scales or feathers, don't want to leave anyone out). I am sending love and vines to any and all in need. I hope you all have a wonderful day and your kitties stay safe, as always. :bighug:
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2018
    Reason for edit: Correcting typo.
    Kris & Teasel and Sue and Luci like this.
  2. Beth 73

    Beth 73 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2016
    Sending prayers and hugs to you , Amanda :bighug: Very true and wise words :bighug:
  3. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    Thank you Beth!

    Oh and PS:
    I don't actually! I used to swear by Abreva, but my husband is a bit of a germaphobe and he suggested hydrogen peroxide. So I tried it, and it totally cuts down on healing time if applied frequently. Just last week, I had one starting on my lip (my stress is showing, isn't it?!). I started hydrogen peroxide at the first sign, and it cleared without erupting! Then this week on Wednesday, another on my eyelid. I just can't win. Anywhoo. Hydrogen peroxide to the rescue and it's already clearing up (blisters are already gone). I think it used to take at least a full week or two for them to heal, so the hydrogen peroxide really rocks!

    Lou's had another bounce day today. Boo. He'll likely continue tonight, but here's hoping he'll be back on track tomorrow!
  4. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Sending prayers for you and your family. :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:
  5. Bobbie And Bubba

    Bobbie And Bubba Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2015
    You have a lot on your plate! Good job to Caleb handling the low number !

    Hope your Aunt gets a miracle!

    Interesting with the hydrogen peroxide. My sisters dermatologist told her it isn't be used on the skin any more as it is damaging to too many skin layers. But it's working on your herpes simplex virus. I get them inside my mouth when I'm stressed and run down.
  6. Amanda and a Loudogg

    Amanda and a Loudogg Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2017
    Thank you ladies!

    I've never heard of that! I've never had any issues using it on skin. Caleb even uses it as mouthwash. It apparently helps whiten teeth, but I think Caleb really enjoys the idea of killing germs, haha. That's really been my trigger as well, stress. I get stressed, and it's only a matter of time before they show. Ugh!
  7. Sue and Luci

    Sue and Luci Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2017
    Well that's good to know! Hydrogen peroxide is a lot less expensive than Denavar (Rx only and with my excellent prescription coverage it's still $40 for one)...but it lasts a really long time, super effective. But next time I might give that HP a chance...especially since it's $1 a the dollar store and I usually have some on hand anyway.

    Sorry Lou is bouncing...hopefully he'll get his act together and come on over to the lagoona and visit for a bit...never know what these cats are going to do! Every day is an adventure!
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