9/21 Titan AMPS 513, +9 406, PMPS 422, +3 422

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by MyTitan (GA), Sep 21, 2017.

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  1. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Titan 9/20.
    Good morn to all. Routine is good right? Mr Black visits this morning but he's a low black. I suspect we will see Red's by this afternoon. Lots of running again today so spot checks will be spotty. 8 units starts the 6 cycle dose increase. Hopefully tht will slow the swings down a bit ??? Hope all have a purrrfect day.
  2. Beenie (GA)

    Beenie (GA) Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2017
    I think you'll see reds for sure. Soon more yellows!!:bighug: Hang in there!!
    Hang in there cat.jpg
    MyTitan (GA) likes this.
  3. Bronx's dad (GA)

    Bronx's dad (GA) Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2016
    Those yellows influenced you to go to 6 cycles instead of 4?
  4. Alicia & Maggie (GA)

    Alicia & Maggie (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2017
    Time to smell some roses Titan! :cat:
  5. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Yes after a talking it over with a few of the learned folks we thought to be a good idea to slow down the "fast" fast track just a bit seeing how we were getting some results out of the 400-500 range and that along with the pinks that were showing up fairly consistently. According to the sticky, 6 cycles is considered fast track. I'm sure we have a ways to go in dosage just didn't want to drop too fast unexpectedly into the lagoon with the pesky sharks. I'll take all input if you have an idea along these lines. It's all a learning curve.
    Bronx's dad (GA) likes this.
  6. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    See above, learning how to reply :facepalm:
  7. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Six cycles after yellow is tonight, paws crossed the bounce breaks and you see action. If not, we may have to revisit frequency of increases.

    Was Titan tested for IAA?
  8. MyTitan (GA)

    MyTitan (GA) Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Well he's pretty flat, in fact holding 422 . Today is 6th cycle on 8 units so tomorrow is 8.5u. The Dr did not get IAA tested, I pushed for the Acro test, she was hesitant to do that until he was up to 10-12 units per shot. I wasn't going to wait so we did get tested for Acro. Her opinion on IAA is that it wasn't important to get the test according to her peers. I had not been with the FDMB long enuf to be smart enuf to ask for both at same tyme. Paula and I decided not to draw more blood and send it off because of cost, stress on Titan. We are just going to assume he has it and either wait for it to break or if he does not have IAA, we should find a dose that brings his BG down. I agree knowledge is power, it would have been nice to have it done with the Acro test but we didn't .
  9. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Most vets think IAA isn't important, but it is a consideration for us in dosing. Oh well, we'll live with the mystery. I totally understand not wanting to push for it now. Titan won't be the first IAA unknown. After 4 doses at 8.5, we'll evaluate whether you should go back on the fast track.
    MyTitan (GA) likes this.
  10. Kris & Teasel

    Kris & Teasel Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2016
    20/20 hindsight is so crystal clear, isn't it?! You're doing really well getting your boy on track so don't worry about the IAA issue.
    MyTitan (GA) likes this.
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