Any dramatic changes to Vetsulin?

Discussion in 'Caninsulin / Vetsulin and N / NPH' started by cychow, Apr 28, 2010.

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  1. cychow

    cychow New Member

    Apr 28, 2010
    So I've been reading up on the whole thing with the lawsuit... etc. I'm about to get a refill in a couple of days and also to bring in Aumi for a check up I think. He's been acting a little sick lately. He eats less, sometimes ignoring his meals but will drink like he normally does. His level are BG is normal though since I got him regulated last year.

    I hate to say it but he looking older everyday (he's probably thinking the same of me).

    But because of this whole debatical, are vet moving people to a new insulin? or they just chalk it up to a "oopsy" and all should be well now attitude?

  2. LynnLee + Mousie

    LynnLee + Mousie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    all i know as part of the FDA notice was that vet's were advised to change their clients using vetsulin over to a new insulin. of course, alot of vets seem to not have received that notice yet though. from what i've seen, some vets hear about the whole notice from their clients and not from whatever means they are supposed to be notified.
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