? ate string

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by allison and Bubbles, Aug 28, 2018.

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  1. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    HELP...hello everyone its Allison missing Bubbles and Mor Mor ...I have a new kitty as some of you may know...last night he ate about TWO feet of ribbon from a present I guess that someone had been given in this rooming house...I am really worried...this is new to me...the ribbon was about 3/4 of a cm in thickness...I am up all night...I phoned vet ...but it was too late to induce vomiting ...he ate the string approximately 10hrs ago...nothing in litter box and no signs of distress...what will happen?
  2. Diana&Tom

    Diana&Tom Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    Hi Allison, I don't have a definitive answer but I'd ring the vet again if I were you... that's a LOT of ribbon. Something similar happened to my Sapphire a year or so ago (she ate some wool) - I never did find out what happened to it but I reckon there are three possibilities: either the ribbon will break down as part of the digestive process and you may not notice it in the litter box, or it might emerge in identifiable piece(s) in the box, or it could wrap itself around something inside kitty (let's hope not). It might depend on what the ribbon was made of perhaps and if it's readily broken down by digestive enzymes... I wouldn't like to say but I'd definitely put a call in to the vet to update them and see what they suggest.

    Good luck and let us know what happens...
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  3. Nan & Amber (GA)

    Nan & Amber (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016

    That's.... a lot of ribbon. I don't have any experience in this, so I don't know what to tell you to do other than wait for word from the vet. On the one hand, it's wide and flat enough that I think it's unlikely to wrap around something like string would, but it's such a long piece I don't know how it would be expected to progress through the digestive tract. Best case, like Diana says, it gets broken down. Worst case, it will have to be removed surgically.

    The good news is that you know it happened and can be proactive about dealing with it asap. I've heard horror stories where by the time the vet figured out what was going on, the cat was too weak to survive the necessary surgery :(.
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  4. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Thanks Diane and Amber...yes I have called the vet and yes they suggested bringing him in which of course I would like to do...but the cost is actually quite horrendous ...they would first do xrays...then likely want to keep him there at the cost of 600dollars per 12 hrs...omg...this is a nightmare...I have had many cats on my life but none that wanted to eat ribbons...it is dangerous to do nothing also...as if the ribbon constricts any part of his intestine it can spell disaster...septic shock...I think the vets would do the same thing as me...watch and wait ...I dont think they would be able to tell much from an xray quite honestly...this very scary...
  5. Nan & Amber (GA)

    Nan & Amber (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    That's a crazy cost estimate for just x-rays and watch-and-wait. Obviously, the cost will zoom up if he does need surgery, but just keeping him for 12hrs?? Is this an ER vet you talked to? When does your regular vet open?
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  6. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Amber...yes this is the regular cost...just typed you a long message that would not go through so testing this one...my reg vet opens in five hrs...honestly I cant imagine they can determine much from an xray...I think they would do a watch and see like me...?
  7. Diana&Tom

    Diana&Tom Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    Oh he ate in IN PIECES... that's a lot different from a long length of ribbon that could cause a lot more damage. I'd say most probably it will appear before too long.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2018
    Reason for edit: OP requested that I did not quote her post
    PussCatPrince - GA likes this.
  8. Nan & Amber (GA)

    Nan & Amber (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    I agree-- in pieces is a much, much better situation than two feet of whole ribbon :eek:.
    PussCatPrince - GA likes this.
  9. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Diana...having trouble sending and receiving messages...someone else kindly responded but I am unable to open the text...strange...but yes...I do believe it was in pieces...this is my best guess as I dont think he would have been able to swallow a long length of ribbon and plus I found a two inch piece on the bed beside him before I took it away!
  10. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    edited last post...thx Amber!
  11. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    Hi Allison. How scary! Do you think giving lactulose or a hairball remedy would help move the pieces out? I have no idea if that’s a good plan, but maybe something to ask your vet. Please keep us posted
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  12. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Hi Sharon!!! long time no speak!! Yes I just gave him some laxamed ...which is a very greast substance used to ease things moving in the digestive tract...yes very frightening indeed...altho I should have mentioned I do believe it was not swallowed in one long piece but rather chewed into maybe two or three inch bits...but still...I am a wreck...up all night with no plans on any sleepage...not anytime soon...the vet said come in for xrays and leave him "with us" which would be ideal in a world where there was an endless supply of money...it is extremely expensive here to leave kittys in for observation...in tbe hundreds...plus an xray is not likely to be indicative of what the digestive tract ceels like doing "next"...know what I mean?
  13. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    my typing skills seem to be revealing how tired I am...I did read over and over that yes this can be life threatening...on the internet ...so I am on high alert...this is brand new to me...it says to watch for 12 to 24 hrs...omgosh ...I am into hour 12...kitty looks fine...is resting peacefully...but no bowel movements...is this normal do you think? I dont know how long it takes for bowel movements to happen
  14. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    I hope the laxamed produces results soon! I think keeping him home and relaxed is fine. You can observe him and get him to the vet if he starts acting out of the norm. When was his last poop? I think once or twice a day is fine. Is he eating normally?
  15. kimberbee

    kimberbee Member

    Jun 29, 2018
    Was it the plastic-y kind of ribbon commonly used for helium balloons? The kind where if you pull it along the edge of scissors it curls up?

    I had a kitty that would ALWAYS find and eat those ribbons, no matter how good I thought I was about keeping them out of reach. Luckily for us, he always puked the ribbon pieces back out (like a ribbon hairball) within a few days.

    I completely stopped keeping ribbon in the house - even if someone brought a gift into the house for whatever reason - "Sorry, Rho will eat this and get sick, do you want to take it off and put it in your car or we should toss it now."
  16. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    keeping him relaxed is actually very important ...I just realized when I read your post...bc we all know what tension does to the digestion process...HALT....good point...!....I do not know what to expect here at all but any signs of illness and its off to the vets immediately ...this will truly test how long I can stay up...already been awake for 36 hrs...many more to go it looks like...until I see some action...
    Sharon14 likes this.
  17. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    How are YOU doing these days? I know about your many losses these past several months...
  18. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Hi Kimberbee...YES it was exactly that type of ribbon...thicker than usual tho...3/4 cm thick...not the very thin kind...oh no so I can expect kitty to be getting sick soon...and likely many times over...oh boy...it was a huge amt..like two feet of it....I guess from your description it sounds as tho it is not digestable? the vet said after two hrs of ingestion it would likely not be in his tummy anymore but meandering into his digestive tract....hmmm....maybe your experience tells a different story...and yes he seems to be completely entranced by the stuff like a magnet to it...
  19. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    I’m doing ok. As you know all too well, losing one of our babies is very painful and losing two so close together, devastating. My other kitties are doing ok, thankfully, and they do help ease the pain of the losses, as I’m sure your new baby has for you.
  20. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    do you still have eight kitties then? and yes...I lost two kitties in a row aswell...it has taken a huge toll...bigger than I expected ...but yes having Beenie here has been an enormous help but even today I was still misty eyed about my last loss...the pain lingers...glad you are doing ok and that your other kitties buffer some of the pain...this is the first "young" kitty ( 5 yrs old) I have adopted in years...six previous kitties were all senior sick rescues that I happily took on...but decided this time around my soul needed a break from the imminent heartache of caring for the old and sick and then their leaving...it was too much...I sure didnt expect to deal with vets for a long time...but here we may go...I am actually quite worried bc of the amt he ingested...
  21. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    I actually have 10 kitties still. I’ve decided not to take in any more right now because of the pain. Pete and Sam last year then Colin and Jack this year. I’m hoping I can have a sick free year or two before any more problems arise. Last year to ease the sadness I repainted the living room and this year I did my bathroom and will do the bedroom. For some reason the new colors perk me up a bit and maybe the distraction of choosing colors and painting helps too. Absolutely be vigilant, but try not to worry too much about Beenie (Ha! Easier said than done!!!)
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  22. Nan & Amber (GA)

    Nan & Amber (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Just had a thought-- are you sure he ate all that? Is it possible he was playing with it and hid it somewhere? I mean, that's a lot of ribbon for a cat to eat, I can't even imagine how he did it.

    Would be such a relief if you suddenly found it somewhere!
    allison and Bubbles and Sharon14 like this.
  23. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    yes I really hoped for the same thing...it is nowhere around...but yes I truly am scared about the sheer amount...and also that he hasnt had a BM in twelve hrs now ...gave him laxamed...he is in no discomfort...no nausea...I can barely comprehend this myself...
  24. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Allison, try to stay calm. You have to be 100% positive he ate it, look everywhere and dig through the litter if you have to. As you know sick cats will crawl into the back of closets or way under the bed so we have to be sure he didn't yak it up already. If you find it wash it off and measure it to see how much came back out.
    You're not the first person to have this happen so no guilt. Many years ago we stupidly hung tinsel in our Christmas tree and Jasper got into it. He pooped it out in one long piece.
    I need input from other members on this. There are a lot of times inducing vomiting is not a good idea even if something has just been swallowed. We're past that point now anyway.
    Depending on what the ribbon is made of his digestive juices may not break it down and that might actually be a good thing because then it won't stay in his GI tract for a week.
    Something like string could be worse because it will not necessarily ball up. There are too many if's now and I'm not a doctor so...
    The cost may seem high but the vet will be assuming care of what may be a situation where they have to keep a constant watch on him. Your vet becomes ethically obligated to not just say "He'll probably be okay". Think of how you would feel if they just put him in a crate somewhere, no one was watching and he began to choke or bleed from this. You would want to know how the vet could be so stupid. I'm not trying to be nasty, this is why vets sign an oath and carry insurance.
    Again I need input from others on this. I can't say whether or not you should feed him but if he at least wants food that would be a good thing. Water would be okay.
    Do not let him crawl into some space you can't get him out of. I've had to flip a king size bed because a sick cat had planted himself under there and he was not going to come out no matter what.
    A lot of this you know already, I'm not being condescending. Stay calm and we'll deal with the money and everything else later.
  25. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Hi Dickson...yes I have searched everywhere. .he never leaves my room so it isnt hard to see it is nowhere to be found...I am going to keep vigil on him all day...I am not sure what else to do...I dont have the funds to take him into hospital for observation. ..it is hundreds of dollars per day here...not sure why ...but way out of my budget and I am pretty sure they would be monitering the same things I am ...lethargy....nausea...signs of discomfort...I cannot sleep at all...
  26. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Try and work out a payment plan with the vet.
  27. kimberbee

    kimberbee Member

    Jun 29, 2018

    So, yes, my sweet little Rho could sniff out, find, and chew up that type of ribbon in an instant! It happened many times before I put my foot down and said, "NO MORE RIBBON IN THE HOUSE!!"

    It never seemed to upset his stomach for more than a couple days, but it did take a couple days for it to come out. In the mean time, his bathroom and eating habits were still pretty normal. He would sometimes puke up a bit of food before the ribbon came out, which was pretty normal for him weather it was a hairball or somthing he shouldn't have eaten - it was like a clue to me that I'd soon find a hairball or puke-ball of some kind soon.

    Personally, I never took him in for ingesting something like this. He always ate and drank well, was never unusually lethargic, so I didn't see the need. However, I know that when cats ingest strings it can get dangerous fast. If I were you, I'd keep and eye on Beenie, but try not to worry.

    One time, I did not realize that Rho had chewed the rubbery string out of one of my shirts - you know, the kind that are sewn into the shoulders you're supposed to hang the shirt on so it doesn't get stretched? Well, one day he was scooting around weird on the floor because half of the string was hanging out his butt. After that, I always cut those strings out!!
  28. FurBabiesMama

    FurBabiesMama Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2017
    Mia recently had issues with diarrhea, vomiting and would not eat. I had Cerenia and Bupe on hand which I managed her symptoms with. Because they persisted, I took her to the vet. While we were there - literally, while the vet was examining her - Mia started pooping out a piece of yarn maybe three inches long. I recognized it right away as coming from a bathroom rug I have. The vet told me how dangerous it is for a cat to eat yarn, string, ribbon, etc. It can wreak havoc on their intestines and become very serious. She did an x-ray to make sure she did not see any more and that there were no signs of the intestines being knotted up or anything. Fortunately, everything looked okay. She said we were very fortunate that Mia was eventually able to pass it and that it had apparently not done any lasting damage. It had, however, caused inflammation in her digestive system which the blood work results reflected. I never knew how serious it was for a cat to eat something like that. I never had a cat that did eat things like that, and I have no clue why Mia did. Now that I know, if it was my cat, and I was sure he/she had eaten all that ribbon, I would go in for an x-ray, and I would want to make sure I had medicine on hand for pain and nausea in case it is needed.

    Oh, and Mia's symptoms persisted for about two weeks. When they eat a foreign object, it 'may' pass within a day, but it can stay in their system for much, much longer depending on how things go as it travels through their system.
  29. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Well I caved and am now at the vets facing a 550 dollar bill....that is if no surgery is involved...I wouldn't be so concerned ic it had been a small amount but anything over a foot has me way too concerned to hold off....they will put him on fluids all day and night in hopes to flush it out...
  30. FurBabiesMama

    FurBabiesMama Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2017
    I hope it works out well. Better safe than sorry!
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  31. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    thx folks for your advice and suggestions...I am relieved to be at the vet no matter the cost...I am looking on the bright side that I am able to get him the help he needs this quickly...
  32. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Keep us updated Allison. I know a vet's office can be a lonely place and Vancouver is an expensive place to live. You wouldn't be there if you didn't care. :bighug:
    Take care of yourself today.
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  33. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    If it helps any I just squished up some wet dog food chunks for Noah and was down on my hands and knees begging him to eat. This is not how I imagined my "Golden Years" to be. You have another 30 years before you get to this point.
    allison and Bubbles and Leah like this.
  34. Becky & Baby Girl GA

    Becky & Baby Girl GA Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Oh Allison, I’m sorry you’re in this predicament! I do hope this passes quickly & without complications. We had a dog that ate tinsel & it came out ok. We had dog poo in the yard that glistened in the sun! He did not have any problems passing it so I’m hoping for the same for you. If it’s not one thing, it’s another with our cats! Bless you & many :bighug::bighug: sweetheart!
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  35. FurBabiesMama

    FurBabiesMama Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2017
    Becky & Baby Girl GA likes this.
  36. Diana&Tom

    Diana&Tom Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    Hopefully you can grab some sleep now, Allison - Beenie is in good hands at the vet and there's nothing else you cam do, and you need your rest! Let's hope the "flushing out" works. I know unexpected vet bills are a pain but at least you know you've done your very best, and that's priceless.
  37. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    thank you guys and gals sooo much for your much needed support...feels so nice to connect to my awesome cyber friends....missed you folks...wish I had better news but vet said not only are both of Beenie's hips very injured and need surgery (he thinks she was dropped from a balcony and landed on her bottom end ...poor thing...he also is suggesting very invasive surgery to remove the ribbon (the kind you wrap presents with) bc there is a change it could cause an obstruction and then part of her intestines may need to be removed (dead tissue)....last but not least the surgery is over 2000.00...plus all the xrays ...check ups ...pain meds....not to mention how awful Beenie will feel for a week or more...wow...that was intense...I am waiting to see any signs of vomiting or anything out of the ordinary and then I take her in ...he expects she will begin to vomit and he at that point I should not risk leaving it any longer....penny for your thoughts?
  38. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    Oh Allison:bighug: Did the vet think he needed surgery for the ribbon now, or just if he starts having trouble? What about giving more laxmed, did the vet agree that could help? As far as the hips, does he have trouble with them? Any lameness, trouble jumping, etc? Maybe you can start him on a joint supplement to help for now, with surgery an option in the future if necessary.
  39. Nan & Amber (GA)

    Nan & Amber (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Oh, no....

    So, they did the x-ray? Where is the ribbon presently?

    Is the suggested hip surgery FHO or something else? Both hips? Yikes....
  40. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Sharon and Nan...the vet said it would better to perform the surgery while he thinks most of the ribbon is in his stomach...so he is saying rather asap...he said also that there is an unlikelyhood that Beenie will die from giving him another bit of time....I guess what he is saying is as soon as I see any vomiting I need to bring him in rather immediately bc vomiting is the sign that he is obstructed in some way...I cannot comment too much on his hips at this time as I was more concentrated on the immediate concern...say a prayer for us...love from Allison
  41. Nan & Amber (GA)

    Nan & Amber (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Oh, my.

    You must have a million things running around in your head. One more thought, though-- if she 100% needs the hip surgery sometime, is there any chance it could be combined with the ribbon removal, or would that be too complicated a procedure/too hard a recovery?

    Oof. What a stressful situation.
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  42. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    I tried to give him the vets suggestion of 200 cv's iv ringers to get things "moving"...but kitty wasnt having any part of that!....
  43. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    wow, I wouldn't wait.
  44. HereKittyKittyKitty

    HereKittyKittyKitty Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    I had a cat that ate a long piece of thread. It wrapped around the base of her tongue, where it anchored, and remained strung along her gastrointestinal tract into her intestines, where it eventually worked its way into her tissue and caused slow loss of blood that eventually caused death :( I had taken her into the vet when she started showing symptoms of distress, they could not figure out what was wrong with her, and eventually I was there when she was put down. The necropsy is how we found out what caused her death :(

    Please, please, please take kitty to the vet ASAP.
  45. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Sharon. .the vet suggested surgery immediately
  46. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    But I wonder as we all do...does he just want to make the money OR is he being OVER cautious...or both....I just dont know...
  47. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    After all you've been through and now this. Maybe Beenie fell from a balcony like Cynthia's first cat and it was not intentional. That won't make things any better but you will know he wasn't abused.
    Gaylord (he came with that name) broke through Cynthia's screen and fell four floors but managed to land in some shrubbery, lived another 10 years without even a limp. Sometimes little miracles happen and if anyone deserves one it's Beenie and you Allison. Let's see how the ribbon goes and definitely get a second opinion on the hips. One step at a time and know that we are not going anywhere.
    allison and Bubbles and Sharon14 like this.
  48. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    Did the vet see the string in an X-ray, or just thinks it’s in the stomach? Can you get a second opinion on that?
  49. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
  50. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    he doesn't want the cat to die. get it done.
  51. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    you have all been awesome ...thank you for your support ...I will take it from here now...thank you...leave you with this....

    we dance round in a ring and suppose,
    but the secret lies in the middle and knows...Robert Frost
    Sharon14 likes this.
  52. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    This might be too blunt but whatever. You have options Allison and one of them is a Gofundme campaign. All I ask is that when you have time you have a look for Beenie's sake, he deserves some more life. Most of us have spent mortgage payments on cats and dogs, none of us enjoyed it.
    Prayers, thoughts and clever sayings only go so far. Janet is right.
  53. HereKittyKittyKitty

    HereKittyKittyKitty Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    If you need to borrow and can't get a personal loan, there are several veterinary bill-type loans like Care Credit...

    Hugs and prayers :bighug:
  54. Jill & Alex (GA)

    Jill & Alex (GA) Senior Member Moderator

    Dec 28, 2009
    Need some help?

    The following organizations are independent of and do not have any affiliation with the FDMB, but may offer some relief or help to qualified candidates. Some of these links are to commercial enterprises, some to non-profit organizations. Their listing here is a courtesy. Please check with the individual organization. Each organization has their own set of rules, requirements, and policies. Most organizations rely on donations to fund their financial aid programs. Be aware if funds are not available organizations may temporarily close financial aid programs.

    Financial Help Links
  55. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Update please!
  56. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    thanks to all for your very helpful suggestions and support...I have spent all day and night researching and watching Beenie...spoke with a different vet who had a different opinion...she said it would be wise to watch for any signs of discomfort or vomiting or anything before jumping into a highly invasive procedure which has its risks aswell...

    I also spoke to two vets online ( one who I have known for years and has always given concise information) and they both agreed that if Beenie is not showing ANY clinical signs that dont look normal...I should wait...there is some likelihood that afterall Beenie ate the string in pieces and not in one long piece....his chances of pooping it out are greatly increased of course if he ate it in small bits...if not ...I was informed that the ribbon (plastic ) could do one of two things...come out on its own...or he will need emergency surgery ...so that is where we are at today...vet said it would be highly unusual that Beenie would show NO clinical signs of anything wrong and suddenly or rapidly go downhill...this was a bit of comfort knowing I will get a warning...

    welcoming any thoughts or experiences anyone has had here that may be in contrast to what I have learned in past 24 hrs...
    kimberbee and Sharon14 like this.
  57. Nan & Amber (GA)

    Nan & Amber (GA) Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2016
    Oh, I'm so glad you updated, I've been worried about you guys all day!

    OK, Beenie, you heard that-- we can do this the easy way and just poop it out.... or the other way. So, you know what to do! And, after this-- ribbons will be permanently off the menu!

    Will keep an eye on this thread for more news, crossing fingers, toes, and paws :nailbiting:.
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  58. Harley Baby & Michele

    Harley Baby & Michele Member

    Jun 3, 2018
    Hi Allison. I am thrilled to hear Beenie is currently stable. Wishing for a good outcome for you both.

    I don't have any suggestions but I can offer a bit of a funny story. I had a Pug named Fred; the absolutely most wonderful dog! One day he was barking out the door so I went to see what the issue was. He bounced when he barked. Pugs tails are upright so you could see his little bum. So put that visual in your head! Well, he was bouncing and a brown thing was hanging from his bum about 1 inch long and jiggling every time Fred bounced. I started yelling for my parents and screeching that worms were crawling out of Freds bum!!

    My dad grabbed a tissue to pull out the worms. Not worms.....a 3 inch rubber band! I still laugh when I think about that.

    I hope Beenie poops out his string and you can have a good laugh too! :rolleyes:
  59. Becky & Baby Girl GA

    Becky & Baby Girl GA Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Hector lived through several strands of tinsel. He just pooped his sparkliest & went on his merry way....
    Good luck & hopefully beanie will do some pretty poops for you! :bighug::bighug::bighug:
  60. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    thx Noah...Harley..Nan ..Becky...hope I didnt lve anyone out!

    this has been a ride thats for sure...i actually cant remember wen I last slept...going a bit off in the head...but got some solid advice which makes world of difference...hes not out of the woods yet but there is hope...my favorite emotion!

    he ate all night long which vet said he needs to do...oily foods...no laxatives tho...he really gave me hard time with iv ringers...but managed to distract him enough with food so he got half of what he needed...I have found that when you dont force things on cats and really expla to them what you are doing (cheery tone of voice) ...it works wonders...and if they start to struggle to get away always let them so then they know for next time they can get out of it if they want to....many yrs of iv ringers taught me this! thank you all for caring...sweet people..love you guys...you are my support!!!
  61. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    Sounds like you have a good plan. Glad Beenie is doing well today and sending positive poop vines!!!!:bighug:
  62. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    well so far so good folks...eating but no bm still since Monday 4 pm Pacific time....bit concerned ...waiting waiting waiting...he seems normal and playful but he is definitely not out of the woods...and there is a good chance he could still need this surgery...any thoughts about the lack of pooping?
  63. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Allison, could you re-right this, I'm missing something.
    Should it read "The vet said it would be highly unusual that Beenie would show absolutely NO clinical signs of anything wrong and then Beenie would suddenly and rapidly go downhill". It's when you say "this was a bit of comfort knowing I will get a warning" that has me concerned. That warning could come in the middle of the night and asking us what we think won't be an option. You'll be doing twice the speed limit to an emergency clinic.
    Please relax everyone, I'm not a mean old ogre. This could be a very serious matter and Allison knows three things; I don't communicate well, I want her to be happy, she cares deeply for Beenie.
    Personally I would not trust an online vet who cannot feel, poke and prod Beenie. They are good for consultations on less serious matters like medication but that is not the case here. Sometimes healing vines are not enough. We are here for each other and our cats, not for likes.
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  64. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    I apologize for the double post.
    For any late arrivals it was not string, it was synthetic ribbon.
    Allison has already lost two cats since she joined. I have followed her story from the start and know Allison cares deeply for her cats but has been hit with an emotional sledgehammer, spent a fortune just like any of would have and she lives in the most expensive city in Canada.
    I know you don't need defending Allison and the last thing I'm doing is trying to embarrass you. Being emotional is a prerequisite for loving a cat.
  65. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Always appreciate your input...ok ...let me rephrase...I am watching vigilantly for any signs of anything unusual ...namely vomiting or not eating...been up all night watching...Beenie has had a good Bm...so he is not blocked...he has also been eating ALOT....now yes I was worried about the same thing...I might be asleep at the time of onset of distress...but I was told by a vet here where I live that clinical signs may develop....yes...but that between the time of any bad signs I will have ample time to get Beenie in to surgically remove the ribbon...does that make sense?
  66. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    It is still a very very serious concern...that is why I do not sleep...since Monday I have slept a few hrs ...but nothing more...i am tired but not so tired that I dont understand the severity of these circumstances and stay awake to watch Beenie...your comments are always welcome Dickson ...bc you are bright and you care...thank you!
    Noah & me (GA) likes this.
  67. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Oh yak, I really am just the overly protective fatherly type. That's better than nagging or worse yet being condescending right?
    You need to win the 649 and move to the Salt Spring Island Allison. We all deserve some luck and now it's your turn. :bighug:
    JanetNJ and allison and Bubbles like this.
  68. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    I am surprised that I see no ribbon coming out...72 hrs later...but I was told that it could take some time...I still am considering surgery even with no clinical signs...as would you believe that a ribbon or string can remain in the gut for many months causing no apparent problems?? wow...but it can quite suddenly rear its ugly head ...I quite like your fatherly protective side...I could use it...as I am alone here in this!
    Noah & me (GA) likes this.
  69. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    My last time-waster. I have had unnecessary surgery on MYSELF and on cats. Some of it is a guilt trip. Our vet is a real Angel and told us regarding Kobiashi "No, I'm telling you guys it's a harmless cyst". Out came 2 mortgage payments and a teensy tiny benign piece of nothing.
    Remember Allison, you're not alone. You're just way over there.
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  70. Becky & Baby Girl GA

    Becky & Baby Girl GA Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    :bighug: Hi Allison: I’m glad he had a bm, I feel better now! Praying it all comes out soon & no vet trips are necessary. Keep us posted. I think you communicate well @Noah & me (GA). We definitely know that you care for all the kitties & as I am also alone like Allison, I like the input of others! Different opinions could save our babies lives.
  71. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Well, I missed the part about Beenie's BM. Drove straight through a red light.
    Opinions please. Modern medicine can scope anything now, even babies in the womb. Is there a reason Beenie wasn't scoped from "behind". I've had a Kodak in the wahzoo and it wasn't fun but it was not general anesthetic. It's not invasive surgery, the doctor is just having a look.
  72. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    Yay for poop! Allison you said the first vet said he thought most of the string was in Beenies stomach. Did he see it on an X-ray or just a guess? Can you even see string on an X-ray?:confused:
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  73. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Two more good points.
    Can you check this for accuracy please Allison? Could everyone have a look at whatever is in blue.
    >It was gift wrapping ribbon only, absolutely no string was involved. I'm assuming that kind of ribbon is either some kind of synthetic material or plastic but it might be entirely possible that someone makes environmentally friendly cotton or plant based ribbon. This could make a huge difference as far as how it breaks down in the GI tract and if you have to worry about any future liver or kidney damage.
    >Beenie ate the ribbon Monday night so we're coming up on 72 hours.
    >By Tuesday at 828AM he still had not had a BM.
    >On Tuesday the vet said after two hours of ingestion it would likely not be in his tummy anymore but meandering into his digestive tract.
    >On Wednesday at 10:45PM you said he had been eating but no BM.
    >Thursday/Today 10:17AM "Beenie has had a good BM so he is not blocked. He has also been eating a lot.
    Has he only had the one poop? Was it a nice solid poop? Did Beenie just suddenly start eating again or had he been fussy until today?
    >Today you said "Would you believe that a ribbon or string can remain in the gut for many months causing no apparent problems?" Who told you that?

    We'll worry about the orthopedic surgery later. That part of her intestines may need to be removed will not be the end of the world depending of course on how much is removed. If any other invasive surgery is involved on her tummy then once the vet has Beenie under sedation this should not be a hugely complicated procedure and I'm guessing it would be another hour or 90 minutes.

    Your are paying money for this so you have a right to ask the vet specific questions.
    Did he see the ribbon on an X-ray or was that just a guess or an assumption? We have all seen a vet or doctor hold up a x-ray and say "As you can see". No, I can't see that, show me.
    Can you even see ribbon on an X-ray?
    How long can something sit in a cat's stomach before it comes out one end or the other. This is gross but it is relevant and was confirmed by my family doctor. The last time I got really sick and vomited was 72 hours after eating a veggy stew with baby corn. That corn came up in the vomit 72 hours later.
    If you in any way are being shamed by your vet or are feeling guilty you still have a right to ask questions and as many as you want. This is not the time for someone to tsk tsk you and be judgemental.
    I find it odd that Beenie has been eating, had a poop and has not vomited.
    Jill asked if you needed some help and posted a link. That help is there for people who deserve it for giving a cat a better life. Some people spend more money on a handbag than what you might have to pay for surgery.

    That was one long post but I think it is all relevant and I hope it helps. Tomorrow is the last weekday before the long weekend and I do not want you spending it crying in an emergency clinic young lady.
  74. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    I wonder if that’s similar to something that can happen to horses. They ingest a foreign object that sits in their gut, causing no harm, but over time, bits of food collect on the object then one day they are completely blocked. It may seem sudden but has actually been coming on for a long time.
    Allison, I know you said you were sure Beenie had eaten the string and you seem pretty sure it’s in small pieces rather than one long peice. Have you looked absolutely everywhere for the string either uneaten or puked up? I have found things I’d rather not talk about under my bed when I’ve rearranged the furniture...:oops:
  75. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Oh yeah,
    Happy birthday Allison! It's your 29th right?
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  76. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    Happy birthday Allison!
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  77. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    I just checked for recent activity. Post 68 yesterday at 10:30AM was the last one in any thread, no messages or likes.
    :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug:
  78. Idjit's mom

    Idjit's mom Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2018
    I noticed that yesterday, it says 7:30 AM for me though. Isn't she in my time zone, on the West coast of BC? I wonder what has happened that she isn't updating.
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  79. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Thank you all so much...Beenie barfed up pieces of yes indeed THE DREADED PLASTIC RIBBON...I took the pieces out of the vomit...it measured a FOOT LONG... Beenie is doing great...but this does not necessarily mean he is out of thhe woods...some of it could have made its way into his intestines...so I am still on high alert...sorry I havent answered here for a day or two...lots going on...thank you all for your caring and support
  80. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    and in an important answer to your question Sharon and Dickson...no xrays show only hard things...for lack of a better way to put it...the vet only suspected it was the ribbon in Beenie's stomach bc Beenie had eaten only a tiny bit of food HOURS earlier and the vet said food empties out of the cats stomach in twenty minutes....so he could have done a barium xray which would have apparently defined a foreign body that is not made of metal or bone or something hard ...but he only did xrays...which does surprise me...in any case I got a blessing from above it appears so far...but I am still watching. .and yes foreign linear objects and I suspect other less ominous ones CAN remain in cats' bodies for many many months...static...I guess...odd but true...but they can very suddenly rear their ugly heads should something change and they can obstruct and destroy portions of your pets intestines...
    HereKittyKittyKitty likes this.
  81. Idjit's mom

    Idjit's mom Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2018
    Ok, I went back to the first post and Beenie ate the ribbon on Tuesday sometime in the morning, right? When did he vomit the pieces that amounted to a foot in length Allison? Were the ribbon pieces part of a craft project and would you have any idea how much Beenie might have ingested on Tuesday compared to the foot he has already vomited? I'm just inquiring as you are still concerned with the possibility of ribbon traveling down the entire alimentary canal, and possibly causing some type of obstruction.
  82. Noah & me (GA)

    Noah & me (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2016
    Were the pieces that he yakked up still intact as if his digestive juices had no effect on them?
    I know we're in the long weekend now so watch him constantly.
    Ask your vet if an enema is an option or..
    can he scope and grab the remainder? If they can put a coil and stent inside my brain they can pull ribbon from a cat's butt.
  83. Idjit's mom

    Idjit's mom Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2018
    Oh gawd, Dickson, what a picture in my mind now. o_O
  84. PussCatPrince - GA

    PussCatPrince - GA Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    To be clear for everyone.

    An xray should show up string or ribbon inside a body, be it a person, a dog or cat & its actual position.

    I am rather shocked that a vet would suggest risky invasive surgery when he only guessed this ribbon was in the stomach. To this end I am very pleased to read that the cat has finally vomited the ribbon out as per a hair ball. I think someone else here wrote that her pusscat did this quite often with regards to string.

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
  85. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Apparently it must be a barium xray...several vets told me this ribbon will not show on regular xray...?I am watching him very very carefully....thx Idjit...Noah...and Pusscat...for your concern...he threw it up in pieces which I am pretty sure means he ate it in pieces since it is entirely undigested...there were five pieces...I am seriously hoping that was all of it...does anyone think I should see another vet to ask for a barium xray? does anyone feel like this is still a major cause for concern? I am thinking that seeing as he chewed it any other amt of ribbon will likely be coming out in small pieces which is safer than longer pieces...I was also told it can stay in his intestines for several months...and yes I thought that procedure was highly invasive and it still scares me should he need it...I was told that if he was obstructed...I would get a warning ...like vomiting or not eating or feeling noticeably unwell...?
  86. PussCatPrince - GA

    PussCatPrince - GA Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    I would contest this from what I know, however anyone & everyone else is free to disagree. The ribbon and string is 'hard' . As you have stated pusscat ate two feet in five pieces and that it was wide at 75mls an xray would likely show this foreign body.

    A barium meal test is to look for abnormal soft tissue which the ribbon is not. Veins, ulcers, tumours, polyps etc. It is true however that a barium will enhance xray results which is why it is used for soft tissue.

    If parts have passed into his intestines then yes it could stay there for a while and maybe cause problems with the bowel bunching. That in itself does not cause septic shock. It will cause huge pain, spasms and discomfort. I gather nothing was found wrapped around the base of the tongue which is the usual large concern.

    It is a bit confusing which doesn't help any of us to support you.
    Did the vet see anything at all in the xrays he took or not.
    How do you know exactly what the lovely Beenie ate?

    Your cat has now vomited. Your vet said if that happened to bring him in for invasive surgery to his stomach even though from what is written , he does not know the ribbon is in there from the xrays he took - Vomiting foreign material is normal to cats.

    Is the pusscat still eating, drinking, moving, playing, pussing, sleeping in normal repose?
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  87. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    thx Idgit...Dickson and Pusscat...omgosh it takes me so long to type on this phone and I wrote a very long message answering each of your questions and somehow managed to erase the whole dang thing...basics are...he is doing everything normal...two vets said a ribbon like that could absolutely NOT be seen on an xray (present ribbon...plasticy material)....and he is the "top" vet in my city...I saw the xray and I saw material in his stomach...but nothing in intestine...wish he had done a barium xray...he even told me THAT would have shown he ribbon...and before I could say a thing he wisked Beanie off to an xray room...I think I should get a barium xray...that makes the most sense...it came out in six pieces...NONE of it was even partially digested but vet did say it could go into his intestines within hrs of swallowing it...he swallowed the ribbon Monday at four pm ...he threw it up on Wednesday...I have heard pieces like this can get into his intestines and wreak havoc..but I will get a warning before he will require emergency surgery. .vomiting...lethargy...no pooping...have to keep close eye on him...does anyone know if corn oil in his food is similar to the effects of the suggested mineral oil?...
  88. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    Pusscat ...just noticed your previous note about the difference in xrays...hmmm...its a bit confusing but you explianed it so well I understood...will find out about this and I want to have a barium xray done asap...just so I know if there is still cause for concern...
  89. PussCatPrince - GA

    PussCatPrince - GA Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    If this were my pusscat, I wouldn't put him/her through that procedure unless absolutely necessary, more especially if pusscat is showing no signs for concern . It isn't pleasant at all & there can be side effects.
    If the vet had felt it necessary he would have wanted it done at the time of the visit.

    It is tough when one cares and loves very much but try to relax and observe . If Beenie shows signs of feeling unwell , then rethink it. At the moment he isn't showing any signs of this and has healthily barfed up said ribbon as a good cat should.

    Anyway, let us have a pic of the day.
  90. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    ok...thx Pusscat...I am trying to figure out how to post a photo...i have done it before...but cant remember ...I thank you for the advice...!
  91. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    You just hit upload a file right next to post reply.
  92. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018

    Attached Files:

  93. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  94. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    This is Beanie ....thx Janet...I would not have figured that out anytime soon...he needs extensive hip surgery ...both of his hips looks like have been broken or malformed...he cant walk much...I was wondering why...xrays showed...his pelvis is out of order too...
  95. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    Poor baby. Adequan might give him some relief in the meantime.
  96. Becky & Baby Girl GA

    Becky & Baby Girl GA Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2017
    Beautiful babe! Beanie is adorable...:bighug::bighug:
  97. Sharon14

    Sharon14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2015
    Beanie is so cute! Glad he’s doing well. For the hips, check out the adequan that Janet mentioned also MSM. Not a cure, but may give him some relief until the surgery can be done.
  98. PussCatPrince - GA

    PussCatPrince - GA Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    Yup. Adequan .

    He's gorgeous . Bright eyed and bushy tailed.
    allison and Bubbles likes this.
  99. allison and Bubbles

    allison and Bubbles Member

    Mar 7, 2018
    where can I get adequan?
  100. JanetNJ

    JanetNJ Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2016
    You need a perscription but it's cheaper to buy online. Chewy.com has it. It's an injectable.
    Sharon14 likes this.
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