Benny vomiting phlegm

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by girlboheme, May 27, 2015.

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  1. girlboheme

    girlboheme Member

    May 20, 2015
    When i got home tonight, everything was good. Normal amount of pee spots on pee pad and no blood, he seemed rather eager to eat. Held him, tested blood, he felt normal, prepared their meals...set his down in front of him and he didn't eat. I became worried. Never has he not eaten. He lives to eat. So I noticed he has thrown up little foamy bits. I wiped up two in kitchen and realized they weren't watery. Not to be disgusting, but the consistency and color was that of, well, snot or phlegm that we get when we have a bad chest cold. Not exactly bile yellow, but lighter, like pale gold/cream. Did not look like bile IMO. So, I watched him. He went down to use the litter. He left a beautiful, healthy turd that he promptly stepped in. Then I decided to put a few kibble in their bowls, and he ran over and ate it up. Tried to give him his canned goodness and he chowed for a few seconds then went back to kibble. Its the same thing he's eaten for several days. He barely touched the soft.

    First off I haven't ever had a cat vomit phlegm before. What causes that? His eye has been runny, could that be it? He hasn't lost weight, he's been eating great till tonight. I saw him vomit twice a few days ago but couldn't tell consistency. So should I be worried? Could the food be upsetting his stomach?

    And, i do have good news. Benny's BG is in my opinion, phenomenal. He has been below 200 for over 36 hours. I've not given him any insulin since Monday night, so for about 48 hours. I don't know where to get affordable syringes that do quarters or half units.

    And, of there are weird typos, its the autocorrect on my phone. So I apologize in advance, lol.
  2. BJM

    BJM Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    Generic upset stomach or a kitty bug, maybe. Watch him for dehydration (see my signature link Secondary Monitoring Tools).

    In the US, WalMart has 3/10 U-100 insulin syringes with half unit marks. We eyeball the 0.25 and 0.75 unit marks (a magnifier helps!)

    ADW has Utilicare syringes you may like. Depending on your state, your vet may need to write a prescription for them.
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