Diabetic cat with pancreatitis

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Popsugar, Nov 24, 2019.

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  1. Popsugar

    Popsugar Member

    Nov 6, 2018
    Please help my cat is 12 years old and has been diabetic for over a year she seemed headed to remission but when I took her to the vet last Thursday she was fine when I dropped her off and then when I took her home she would not eat and she never does that this cat loves to eat. The vet examined her said her abdomen was tender and back was tender she said not to leave her there but she gave her fluids and a injection for nausea and blood work she said her pancreas reading was abnormal. When I brought her home she was herself perky and ate well but later on in the night I could she was sick because she was meatloaf postion in front of the water bowl not drinking water. I brought her back on Saturday she stayed for the day and the vet said her blood work for pancreatitis was 50 and that was high should be 25 they gave her IV fluids pain medication and nausea shot they gave me medication for pain and nausea and reduced her insulin to one unit twice a day She said to stick to the feeding schedule before she was sick 3 times a day I do not know what to do even though she is on the medication she has been in the meatloaf postion all day she does perk around feeding time but when she very little I put some low sodium chicken broth on her food and that helped some she has not slept for days please help me I do not know what else to do should take to the er vet what I am doing at home does not seem enough she does have a history of freaking out at the vet that is why I keeping using this vet they have a fear free approach
  2. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    Hi and welcome to the forum..
    I am sorry your kitty has pancreatitis.
    The treatment for pancreatitis is fluids, and injections for pain and nausea and sometimes an antibiotic, so it sounds as if she has received the correct care.
    Are you continuing the pain and anti nausea meds at home?
    It is important to continue them because pancreatitis is painful and makes cats nauseated. And cats who are nauseated and in pain won't eat.

    I would feed as many small meals as your cat will eat.
    Getting them to eat is often the hard thing, so only offering food a few times a day is counterproductive in my opinion.
    Giving low sodium broth is a good idea too

    I would post over on the Main health forum as there are many more eyes over there.
    Here is the link.
  3. Popsugar

    Popsugar Member

    Nov 6, 2018
    Yes she is on the pain and nausea medication I had it compounded and she has no prolbem taking it I agree I am going to feed her small meals several times a day how long do u think it will take for her to show improvement when I put the broth on her food she ate very well
  4. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    Just make sure the broth doesn't have much sodium. I make my own it's chicken bones and waterwmd nothing else.
    I would also give the meals spread out over the 24 hours not just during the day.

    With pancreatitis, the treatment is supportive, while the pancreas heals itself. So all. You can do is keep up the fluids, and the antinausea meds and the pain meds.
    Often the biggest hurdle is getting the cat to eat, so if your kitty is eating, that is a real plus.

    Some cats get over pancreatitis quickly and others can take much longer.
    My Sheba was mostly improving after a couple of days of treatment but a few times she took longer.
    I have seen some cats here on the forum take much longer to start eating again.
    So it is just a wait and see thing.

    What type of insulin is she on and the dose and are you home testing the blood glucose levels?
  5. Popsugar

    Popsugar Member

    Nov 6, 2018
    It is non fat low sodium chicken broth she is on Lantus insulin and I have been going to the vets for curves she was on two units twice a day now down to one unit twice a day since she got sick I have not been doing home testing I leave that to the vet . How many meals a day should I give her she is on the fancy feast classic chicken and her numbers went to very good once I got her off the prescription food. She is very legathric but she does perk up around feeding time she knows the times because before she got sick she was fed three times a day I really appreciate u helping me one advantage I have is the she has pet insurance and that helps thx
  6. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    I will answer on your post on the main forum
  7. Popsugar

    Popsugar Member

    Nov 6, 2018
    I thought I was on the right forum please let me know what to do sorry
  8. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    You are doing fine.
    This is just the intro page and as you have a problem with your kitty and pancreatitis it is better to transfer you to the main forum where those sort of questions will see more eyes.
    Dies that make sense?
  9. Popsugar

    Popsugar Member

    Nov 6, 2018
    Yes but how do I get there it’s is amazing she wants to eat again since I gave her the broth and I am going to feed her this info is really helping thx
  10. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    You have already posted on the main forum. Can’t you get back there?
    I have to leave for an hour but will be back. :)
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