Feeding issues

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Calli & Layla, Jun 26, 2017.

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  1. Calli & Layla

    Calli & Layla New Member

    Jun 25, 2017
    So our main issue with feeding seems to be our other kitty, Peach. My cats free fed on kibble for their entire 13 years. So not only are they not free feeding (unless I can find a dry food to leave out to munch on) but I was switching them both to wet. Our sugar kitty actually seems to prefer wet so that's not an issue. But Peach doesn't want her dry food at scheduled times, and while she ate some wet food, she vomited right after. To be fair she's been a barfy cat her entire life but I'm sure it was the change in food. But she hasn't eaten much at all since she doesn't seem to want the dry "at scheduled times" and I obviously can't leave it out for our diabetic cat. Suggestions?
  2. Kris & Teasel

    Kris & Teasel Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2016
    There are a couple of diabetic friendly kibbles out there that would be fine for both kitties. One is Young Again Mature Zero available in the US from their website online and they'll send a sample to try. The other is a new one from Dr. Elsey's (the cat litter folks). They, too, will send a sample. You could try those. It's best if your diabetic kitty eats mostly wet food but these kibbles could help with the grazing issue.
  3. Calli & Layla

    Calli & Layla New Member

    Jun 25, 2017
    Thanks I will try that. I think it's less the food and more the loss of control on the when. Peach hasn't been super finicky about the actual food in the past. Ideally I'll just get her on the wet food with Layla and it won't be an issue. I picked up some Friskies pate and Layla likes it, Peach ate it but then vomitted but maybe she'll get there with it. I can't afford the Hills prescription for both from my vet :p
    Kris & Teasel likes this.
  4. Squalliesmom

    Squalliesmom Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2015
    You don't need to feed Hill"s "prescription" food to your diabetic kitty! Most of it runs between 19-30 % carbs, and isn't even good for her! You can feed Fancy Feast, Friskies, Special Kitty, etc, they all make pates that are under 10% carbs. There are lots of readily-available, well-known brands that are cheaper and better for kitty than Hill's (which has nothing at all "prescription" in it!) HERE is a link to the newest version of one of the food charts that we use, compiled by a veterinarian with loads of experience in feline diabetes and feline nutrition.
  5. Yong & Maury GA

    Yong & Maury GA Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    You can also free feed wet food, just make sure sugar kitty, Layla doesn't eat 2 hours prior to pre-shot test time. Oh, are you home testing yet? Should've asked that first. I know you bought a meter from introduction post :). HERE is the Food chart many of use to find low carb wet foods, aim to stay under 10% carbs.

    This is the Spreadsheet template most of us use to track and share BG numbers: http://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/fdmb-spreadsheet-instructions.130337/
    Just need a Google account.

    Meanwhile, if you could set up your Signature for Layla: http://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/editing-your-signature-profile-and-preferences.130340/
    It's very helpful as you continue to post and helps those of us with bad memories :smuggrin:

    Lastly, I like to give this to new members to be prepared ahead of time but hope you never need: http://www.felinediabetes.com/FDMB/threads/how-to-treat-hypos-they-can-kill-print-this-out.15887/

    Should you have any insulin specific questions, feel free to create a thread over on Prozinc :cat:
  6. Yong & Maury GA

    Yong & Maury GA Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2017
    Whoops didn't see Lucy's post! Now you won't lose the Food chart link ;):smuggrin:
    Squalliesmom likes this.
  7. Calli & Layla

    Calli & Layla New Member

    Jun 25, 2017
    I know I don't need to feed Hill's and I won't be buying it in the future, but I've been giving it since it's what we have. Thankfully after being finicky about it, they are both eating their wet food twice a day with no issues!

    I did get a home monitor and her sugars have been running 120-400, which seems pretty typical for a new sugar kitty whose always had dry food. I did a mini curve and plan on doing a real one tomorrow when I'm home all day. She seems to be tolerating things well thusfar and it hasn't been too much of a struggle to shoot or test.

    I'm leery of leaving out wet food to free feed since hubby and I both work and Layla wolfs down her food much faster than Peach. Until she's better regulated I do want to monitor how much and maybe I will leave a little to graze on in case of hypos while no one is here - that also makes me nervous. But thankfully it appears the issue of my civvie not eating has been solved. She hasn't thrown up any of the wet food since I posted. I realized that maybe part of it was that it was cold too. I started warming it a bit for the evening feed that is usually leftovers and that seems to have fixed the issue there.

    Thanks for all the info. It's certainly a learning curve but we will get there! I'll update my sig when I can sit at a computer and my spreadsheet when we work on her curve tonight/tomorrow. Thanks!!
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