Green! But a BIG drop

Discussion in 'Prozinc / PZI' started by Djamila, Mar 5, 2017.

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  1. Djamila

    Djamila Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2015
    Sam has gone from 386 to 84. We're at +5, which is probably his nadir (he stayed flat yesterday though, so I'm not positive about that at this higher dose. I'm so excited about the green - but does that mean he's going to bounce from such a big drop? And if anyone is around -- should I be worried? Or is it okay to go to bed since he has food available and is likely at the nadir?
  2. ShipsCat

    ShipsCat Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    I replied on your other thread, but posted here too in case I forget where I was posting ;)
  3. Djamila

    Djamila Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2015
    Now the next question: do I still give him 2u in the morning? He's typically been a bit higher during the day, but I won't be home to monitor him. He did seem to steer himself this evening, but that may be just because I woke him up for a test. 85 is a totally safe number, but the lack of monitoring does make me a little nervous.
  4. ShipsCat

    ShipsCat Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    If his preshot is lower - into yellow instead of purple - I would give a small reduction (skinny 2u) since you won't be home to monitor. But he also may bounce higher than usual since this was his first dip into the greens. If it's high, don't increase the dose.

    I tend to be a bit over-cautious, by the way, especially if no one is home to monitor.
    Rachel, MiCo and StephG like this.
  5. Rachel

    Rachel Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2013
    What a nice cycle last night! That green was a bit scary I'm sure...but that's the kind of numbers we're going for!
  6. Djamila

    Djamila Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2015
    AMPS 255, so it doesn't look like too much of a bounce. I did reduce a drop, and will be able to get a +3 right as I run out the door (fingers crossed for light traffic!). Thank you so much to @ShipsCat for hanging out with me last night!
  7. Kris & Teasel

    Kris & Teasel Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2016
    Hi Kimi! How are you and Hermione?
  8. ShipsCat

    ShipsCat Member

    Aug 23, 2016
    I'm glad I was able to help! Nice to see he didn't bounce much from the pretty green :)

    Hi Kris! We're keeping on keeping on - still bouncy but we're doing well and still on a pretty low dose. Nice to see Teasel doing well on Lantus!
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