Illumavein Report & Recommendation

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Robert and Echo, Apr 23, 2010.

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  1. Robert and Echo

    Robert and Echo Administrator Staff Member Moderator

    Dec 18, 2008
    I've been meaning to post about the Illumavein

    The inventor sent me one to try out and once I read the directions and used it correctly (LOL), I was very impressed. I tried it out on my diabetic dog, though we do have to shave her ear to get her blood sample anyway and also have to with the Illumavein. Miss Parker has very densely furred ears, inside and out. I also tried it on my very nervous older non-diabetic cat and it worked like a charm! I'm impressed.

    The price seemed a bit high to me also but the owner/inventor explained all involved in getting a product to market and the price seemed more reasonable after that. I would definitely recommend this product.

    By the way, the ad that has been at the top of the page was a paid ad to help us cover costs of this site but will be taken down soon. I hope at least some of you were curious enough to click through and I know at least one person ordered.

  2. Gwen and Morris

    Gwen and Morris Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I ordered one! Once the Canadian dollar hit par with the US dollar, I decided to give it a try. One of the biggest problems for me with Morris is that his ears are so dark, it is hard to see where the vein is. It did take awhile to reach me (probably got hung up in Customs or something), but I have now been using it for a couple of weeks. Although Morris won't sit still long enough for me to keep the illumavein on while the blood pools, just having the light behind his ear has been a WONDERFUL help in doing his testing! Since using the illumavein, I don't think I have had an occaision when the first poke did not produce a drop of blood (when I was doing it without the illumavein, I almost always had to poke 2-3 times in order to get blood). I would recommend this product!

    They are also in the process of improving the light they have on the illumavein.....once they have the new ones in stock, they plan on sending a new FREE illumavein to everyone who has already purchased one! Last I heard, I believe they were hoping to be able to start shipping these new ones sometime this month.
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