Incontinence/ mobility issues advice

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Teresa & Cricket, Aug 5, 2019.

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  1. Teresa & Cricket

    Teresa & Cricket Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Hey everyone,
    I'm wondering what others do about kitties that become incontinent or lose mobility/neuro function and start not making to the box or pads?

    Cricket (Acrokitty) is in decline neurologically and the main issue is she sometimes pees herself laying down and sometimes doesn't make it to the box area, even if she's trying to.
    She also falls down when peeing or pooping, so there's no ideal situation here, just looking for damage control.

    She rarely uses the (very low) box and goes on pee pads outside of the box, when she's doing good. This has been a rough week with more bad days than good and it is ALOT to be cleaning up pee every day.

    Has anyone used cat diapers?

    (Not looking for dosing or testing advice)

  2. Idjit's mom

    Idjit's mom Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2018
    I am so sorry Cricket isn't doing so well this last week, and sorry for you going through this rough time with her. I haven't used diapers so I can't really comment on that question. The only thing that occurs to me is perhaps a space where she is safe and comfortable that wouldn't be difficult to clean. Poor little darling! It's so incredibly difficult to get through the last leg of the journey and my heart goes out to you both. :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Teresa & Cricket likes this.
  3. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    Hi. I'm sorry you are having these issues with Cricket.
    Could she have idiopathic cystitis? That can cause dribbling of urine and not liking to squat for peeing. Google FLUTD for more info. I haven't heard of cat diapers but they sound like a good idea.
  4. Teresa & Cricket

    Teresa & Cricket Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    This is an issue of declining mobility from her acromegaly.
    She isn't straining or dribbling, it is mainly that her legs don't work well and she has very little energy.
    But thanks for checking in
  5. Teresa & Cricket

    Teresa & Cricket Member

    Nov 5, 2018
  6. CandyH & Catcat

    CandyH & Catcat Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2019
    guess no one else has used cat diapers -- I have but not for that reason
    back in the day, I was showing, and occasionally breeding, Siamese and Balinese
    so my queens were not altered
    unlike some, I didn't have cages to put them in, they were our beloved house pets
    however, queens in heat, often spray ..... :oops::eek::banghead:

    to keep the house from reeking, I put diapers on them (intended for dogs, at the time no one made any particularly for cats)
    I am sure that any cat diapers made now, are far better, more effective, less bulky

    but Lou's idea also makes sense, what about getting one of those pet playpens, or one intended for babies, a safe place for her that's readily sanitized
  7. JL and Chip

    JL and Chip Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I have a cat who has been in diapers for probably going on 8-10 years now. He became incontinent due to a combination of a tail broken near the base, urinary blockages, and neurologocal issues related to those things.

    I also put my acrocat in diapers whenever we traveled to the vet as well as whenever he was having any procedures (he projectile pooped 100 percent of the time during X-rays, ultrasounds, his SRT treatments, etc).

    I use baby diapers and cut a hole for the tail, with the Velcro tabs on the cat's back (much easier than trying to flip the cat on his back and position the tabs on the belly side). TomTom wears size 2 Huggies Snug 'N 'Dry. My acro cat wore a larger size. Depending on volume, Nighttimes sometimes work better. I've used other brands but Luvs had a perfumy smell I didn't care for. I don't recall why I didn't continue using Pampers.

    I have to say diapers were a lifesaver for containing accidents and probably saved my mind. It's just impossible to keep up with cleanup and washing that many towels and it's so easy to become frustrated with the situation, even when you KNOW it's not the cat's fault. Watching the decline is painful enough but it can become exhausting when the accidents are piled on.

    The one thing I want to emphasize is that, as great as diapers can be, it's imperative that you change them promptly when they're wet or soiled. Soggy or dirty diapers are a breeding ground for bacteria and you definitely don't want to encourage UTIs in an already compromised kitty. I give my diaper dude a couple of hours of diaper-free "self time" in a large dog crate where he can "air out" his backside and groom and eat special treats for his inconvenience. :) He doesn't mind at all.

    I also use either a touch of warm water and a soft cloth or chemical-free baby wipes to clean the cat's backside. You want to keep things clean and dry back there so the cat doesn't end up with urine scalding.

    By the way, I've used diapers on several cats over the years and none if them really minded much. One fussed a little but got used to it pretty quickly.

    Don't be afraid to give it a try.

    ETA: you can also get washable cloth "bloomers" and line them with disposable pads (such as Poise pads if you don't want to use the expensive pet liners). I found these to be bulkier and less effective than baby diapers, but it's an option.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2019
  8. Bron and Sheba (GA)

    Bron and Sheba (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
  9. Lisa and Witn (GA)

    Lisa and Witn (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I tried using the diapers with Callie (GA). However she was a manx with no tail and was able to get out them very quickly.
  10. Bella & Liz

    Bella & Liz Member

    May 19, 2019
    When my older cat is having a particularly difficult time getting to the litter box or is constipated I place towels/blankets on the laundry room floor and set up a small little containment area with everything she loves/needs in there. I thought she would hate being in a small area, but with her being rather weak I think she was relieved that her food, water, and litter box are only a few steps away from her resting area. Plus the tile floor made it a lot easier for me to clean up the inevitable messes. I have only had to keep her in the laundry room for a handful of days at a time so I am not sure how practical it would be for longer periods of time, but it may be worth a try.
  11. Teresa & Cricket

    Teresa & Cricket Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Thank you everyone chiming in, especially @JL and Chip !
    Do you have leakages with the human diapers at the hole you cut out?

    I also looked at disposables made for cats, they're pricey but so are gallon jugs of Pure Ayre :joyful:

    I decided to purchase some re-usable cat diapers I found online that have nothing but good reviews.

    I do confine Cricket to one room plus bathroom when I go to work for the day, but that is not practical while I am home as it prevents her from being able to spend time with me.
    I plan on making it a smaller space, like 1/2 the room plus bathroom.
    I live in a one bedroom apt, so it isn't like she has to travel far, but i know walking helps her spread her legs.

    I'm going to try the diaper either while I'm gone to work or overnight while I'm sleeping.
    When I'm home I can tell when she's getting ready to go.

    Because she slips so easily from the acro and neuropathy, I have rugs and towels covering most of the floors. Cleaning up pee in the rugs is what is becoming too much.

    It is hard because I get frustrated but don't blame her at all, she has never had a history of peeing anywhere but the box or outdoors in her over 11 yrs of life before this disease set in.

    Anyway, thanks everyone!:rb_icon::bighug:
  12. JL and Chip

    JL and Chip Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Nope, no leakages. I poke a hole with the tip of a scissors then use my fingers or the scissors to enlarge the hole just enough for the tail to fit comfortably.

    Another thing I did was buy disposable underpads to put on top of the rugs so that I wasn't constantly doing laundry. The ones I used are Assurance brand and are found in the human pharmacy section of Walmart (they're similar to puppy pee pads but without pheromones ... you don't really want to attract the cat to use the pads). I even lined an entire room with them at one point just to try to contain the mess (a little tape to hold the pads in place helped).

    Tubby didn't have a history of missing the litterbox either, but as his belly grew larger, his legs grew weaker and more unsteady, and the acro progressed, he too began peeing outside the box, especially when he was having a bad day. I found that a large, rectangular tote with a large hole cut into the side helped, and I made sure the hole was cut so low that there was very little ledge that he had to step (or drag his belly) over. I also was careful to keep very little litter near the entrance point as I suspect that deep litter caused him instability. That all helped but he still had accidents. Sometimes I think he was just too tired to get up and traverse the room.

    Good luck and please post an update about how you fare with the cat diapers.
    Teresa & Cricket likes this.
  13. Teresa & Cricket

    Teresa & Cricket Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Thanks @JL and Chip !
    I'm going to go to the store and get some diapers tomorrow and try it out your way before
    i spend extra $ on re-usable cat diapers.

    Today, I'm dealing with the fact that she is constipated. She's now gone 3 full days with no poop, last time she had gone 3 days as well and it wasn't pretty when she did.
    So I have her on Miralax and am increasing water and may give her a little coconut oil or fish oil.

    She has zero energy, doesn't want to cuddle and yet has a good appetite.

    My guess is dehydration since she's on duiretics plus her BG has been staying pretty high, comparatively.
    She's clearly uncomfortable, tho I haven't even seen her try to go... like she's not getting the urge.

    If she doesn't poop tonight, I'm calling the vet first thing in morning.

    This might have something to do with her low energy and not making it to the box to pee.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
  14. Teresa & Cricket

    Teresa & Cricket Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Well I tried 2 sizes of diapers and they don't seem to fit so I think I'll try going up a size again. Hoping I can at least re-purpose the ones I bought and use them as pads for her, or just drape when I know she isn't moving.
    I wasn't paying attention to the sizes you said and I started with the newborn lol- waay too small for my big kitty and her pot belly. Size 2 even seems tight- as in I can get it to fasten but it won't stay on right.
    Next size up (but the cheap brand this time, these things are expensive!)

    I got the bed pads from the grocery store that are made to put on kid's beds for wetting. They are much better than the puppy pads and more affordable!
    Thanks for the tips, @JL and Chip , we're almost there.
  15. JL and Chip

    JL and Chip Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I remember standing in the diaper aisle staring at the wall of diapers and being absolutely clueless as to what size to try. It's not like you can tap the nearest mom on the shoulder and ask for advice. :)

    I should have mentioned that TomTom is now 10-11 lbs and wears a size 2 (a size 3 fit better when he had a few more pounds on him). Another cat I had in diapers was a long and lanky 16-17 lbs and wore size 3 comfortably. Tubby was 25-27 lbs and wore a size 5. It does depend on body shape to some degree, though, not just weight.

    If size 2 is that tight, I might suggest you jump straight to a size 4. It's a bit easier to snug the waist tighter if the fit is a bit loose than it is to wedge an oversized body into a tight space and get the tabs to stay put. And those tabs WILL tear if you pull too hard trying to attach them. As you said, diapers are expensive enough without ruining them by ripping the tabs.

    A final tip is to use a piece of tape across the tabs to hold them in place. Some cats aren't fazed by wearing a diaper and the tape isn't necessary. For those who challenge the diaper, tape can help hold things in place.

    I've been wondering how you were faring. Sometimes we just have to tinker until we find the right combination of tricks.

    Also, did the constipation resolve? Tubby had a huge problem with that as the acro progressed. The IM specialist called it "obstipation" in that the stool was perfectly normal consistency but the gut motility/peristalsis was impaired by the acro (sort of like neuropathy of the intestines, I guess you could say). At least that was the working theory. Tubby also had some impairment with emptying his bladder as we got late in the game, but that's another story.

    I'll be looking for more updates!
  16. Teresa & Cricket

    Teresa & Cricket Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Thanks, yeah it's all experimentation lol!
    Cricket is currently 12 lbs, back to her normal weight actually, she was up to 16.

    I brought her in for constipation about 2 weeks ago. Vet pulled out some large stool but said it wasn't dry or compacted, etc... just that her motility is slowing down. Like you said, not exactly constipation- she wasn't straining or vomiting, etc.
    It makes sense, she's barely mobile.

    She WAS dehydrated though. And she's drinking alot of water again (her BS rose for a bit, that may be part of it)

    I don't think she'll try and get out of the diapers, she's pretty low energy, has barely even walked today. It's actually hard to get the diaper on because she can't really stand up normal.

    Anyhow, trying again tonight.
  17. JL and Chip

    JL and Chip Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Actually, at that weight, Size 3 might be a better fit.

    Tubby had some large stools too ... he might have had megacolon, although the specialists didn't all agree. Apparently it's not uncommon in acros.

    Tubby had a hard time standing too. I've diapered cats using multiple methods. My most efficient method (takes me about 15 seconds) is to get on my knees, put the cat facing backwards between my legs, slip the tail through the hole in the diaper, then use one hand to hold the top of the diaper on the cat's back while reaching under the belly with my other hand to grab the tab and pull it up and attach it. I then switch hands and do the other side. Then I adjust the tabs as needed and run my hands around the leg holes to make sure the leakguards are in place. It actually works better if the cat remains in a lying position the whole time.

    Good luck. I'm sure you'll find your rhythm and be setting diapering speed records in no time. :)
  18. Teresa & Cricket

    Teresa & Cricket Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    One thing is that since Cricket has these neurological episodes (which are either seizures or vestibular events- hard to tell on a cat), she is recumbent for the whole recovery time.
    So using the size 2 on her for that is fine since she isn't moving and it does get on her, just won't stay up if she tries to walk.
  19. JoyBee&Ravan

    JoyBee&Ravan Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2018
    My Ravan had a problem with leaking urine constantly. I had a few dozen pads around the house,washing everything daily. My vet said it wasn't unusual for an older cat to have leakage. Ravan is 17.

    A few months ago I noticed blood in his urine. Vet put him on Clavamox for a UTI. After 10 days it cleared up. AND no more urine leaking not even a drop!

    Back 8 months ago Ravan had a seizure, 2 more after that. I do a Lot of research online & Put him on 3 drops Of Paws CBD Oil by Charlotte's Web. (It's a Very good brand) He didn't have another seizure for 6 months, Recently had one but it was mild only lasted 20 seconds.

    (CBD Oil is used for children that have seizures)

    There are Acro kitties on the Lantus forum. They are doing very well. The people that give advice there are VERY knowledgeable & can help you with the problems your cat is having. These "advisors" really do know more than most vets They've dealt with the problems on a daily basis for many years.

    Now I see she also has heart problems. So sorry she's having so many things going on. My other Kitty has oral cancer & the CBD OIl is helping her also. She still eats good & seems to be "Happy"

    Maybe it would be worth it to try it for your Cricket ? ( I had a calico that looked a lot like her , many years ago)

    Best wishes for you & Cricket!:bighug::bighug::bighug:
  20. Teresa & Cricket

    Teresa & Cricket Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Thanks, I've thought about cbd, but I'm at my edge financially and am in less of a position to just try stuff that is expensive.
    And yes, I've been on the acro forum for a while now, I just pop over here for more generalized issues.
  21. Karen&Rocket

    Karen&Rocket Member

    Feb 4, 2019
    Hello :) Just wanted to check in on you and your beautiful Cricket. How is she doing today?
  22. Teresa & Cricket

    Teresa & Cricket Member

    Nov 5, 2018
    Hi @Keskat&Rocket , thanks for checking in.
    I am planning on a more detailed post on Cricket's cabergoline thread, but the short of it is that she is not doing well. She's in decline for sure and it's hard.

    Thanks so much for thinking of us
  23. Karen&Rocket

    Karen&Rocket Member

    Feb 4, 2019
    I'm so sorry Teresa. I'm going to go read your other post now. Sending the biggest of hugs to you both. :bighug::cat::bighug:
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