Need to not panic and clean up after ourselves

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by RobbiesMom, Sep 7, 2010.

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  1. RobbiesMom

    RobbiesMom Member

    Jul 27, 2010
    Last night at +3 and no shot Robbie was at 183 - took the advice of a few here and gave him about .50 U - he seemed good - went to bed an hour later. Woke up around 2am - he seemed too sleepy, or I decided he did and he cried for food so I gave him a small handful of dry mix. Sat with him for a while and went back to bed. Heard a commotion in the living room - husband checked it out and said the cats were fighting over something or other. When I woke up this am I almost stepped on a dessert plate on the floor - not good. We'd had some cake from a friend for dessert - my husband put his finished plate on the TV when he got a business call - I noticed it there as I went to bed - SOME cat got up there and licked it clean - or both of them? It must have been around midnight. Guessing Robbie had been involved I was braced for his number (if he'd licked frosting off a plate???)
    He's 428 - now I know sugar doesn't hold the numbers up for long so maybe I can't yell at my husband about the dessert plate. I do think I am gun shy from that HYPO and was nervous about shooting on a 183 - so I second guessed my decision and compensated with some dry food. My mom used to say one of the worst feelings was that you'd not done right by your children... I know what she means now. I feel like a bad mother. I gave him 2 U's. I can't leave work today we have new owners coming in and I will be in meetings all day - so I pray this was the right move. I can't imagine him dropping too far from 428. He's had his wet breakfast.
  2. LynnLee + Mousie

    LynnLee + Mousie Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    to be brutally honest, you reacted to the number and shot more. that's how we get on rollercoasters. i personally would not have shot more. i would have assumed the circumstances (dry, frosting, commotion, etc....) caused that number and would have held steady.

    no one can say for certain what happened or what will happen but if the opportunity arises today to go home and test him around +5-+7, i would encourage you to.

    don't panic though as i know you are about to. :)
  3. RobbiesMom

    RobbiesMom Member

    Jul 27, 2010
    I only shot 2U's which is what he'd always get, that's the number the vet and I had come to for when he is 250+ and I've done 2U's each time he has been - pretty much - there is no chance of going home - but my hubby checked on him twice and he was fine - playing with his catnip mouse, lounging in the sun- right now he's crying for dinner so I'm guessing he's OK but I will not be able to check his number till I run home at 7pm to do so and give him a shot if needed (than have to come back to work). Thanks for the input
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