Pig 4/14 +11 145; amps 116

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by LuvinThisPig, Apr 14, 2018.

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  1. LuvinThisPig

    LuvinThisPig Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017

    The more he is regular, as in the Lev is doing an amazing job of keeping him flat and consistent, the more I can really get a feel for what it is, exactly, that is causing his wild BG swings. I am becoming more and more convinced that his poo issues play a significant role in them. When he is constipated, we creep to yellow. When he has recently cleaned out really well or passed a larger piece, then he creeps to green. I just wish he would or could pass more solid pieces, but Pig has had loose to runny stools his whole life. Nothing has ever changed that. Not raw, not probiotics, not dry food... nothing. This is just what he does and no one seems to know why.
    I do wonder if maybe it is stress related only because when we lived in the country, isolated from all noise, his poos were solid. That was the only time. But, then we lived in the country for a bit with my parents after I had my daughter and they were still runny. He has never had classic IBS symptoms and my vet does not think this is it. It has got to do with Manx. (??) If he is doing alright with no anal gland issues and, in fact, we have never had such issues, then it seems that is just what a Pig will do.

    Now, I am also wondering about this heavy sleeping. I have researched and researched. Everything I am finding says that if it is a seizure then you will not be able to awake them for about 5 minutes as the effects can last a bit. I can wake him, but with some work. It seems like 5 minutes, but in reality it is maybe 15 seconds. I do wonder if it is Acro related. However, last night when he did it, it corresponded to much lower BG number and an under the couch bout. So, I am thinking that 104 got him a little wonky feeling. However, this morning he was all pays, chirps, and head butts..

    I had to share my victory, though... Learning to take advantage of the deeper sleep stages and have managed to clip 3 of his large dog claws.. They grow very funny. They grow thick and down, not curved and out. This makes them press against his pads and I cannot imagine that it is comfortable.

    I have also found a bit of bone growth in his front, left wrist would explain his hesitancy lately to stand up or sit on his haunches. Is there another pain alternative that is not constipating like Bupe?
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Pig's numbers are looking really great lately! I think you are probably right about why his numbers creep up. I've heard others say the same.

    As for Pig feeling off in lower numbers, that's also normal. The first few times Neko was green she went to hide under the bed. I just let sleeping cats lie. Good news it gave you an opportunity to trim the claws!

    I remember someone else mentioning a bit of bony growth, but it's been a while and I can't remember who. Neko's bony growth was on her jaw - much harder to deal with. :( Gabapentin (already on it I see) and tramadol are mentioned as pain alternatives. Some people have been experimenting with canna oil. There is no research done on it in cats yet, just starting to be research at CSU on dogs. Results have been annectodotal for cats. Neko's acupuncture helped her pain. Some cats have had laser treatments. ECID on what works.
    LuvinThisPig likes this.
  3. LuvinThisPig

    LuvinThisPig Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
    I tend to want to shy entirely from the Tramadol. I have heard far to many stories and seen to many issues to really justify this as a route. I have toyed with adding the canna oil and MSM powder as well. The Adequan helps a ton, but his is already on weekly shots for this. I have heard of laser therapy and this will be something that I ask around about for sure.

    Yes. I know of other Acro owners who have had the same type growth and it does not seem as if it would be enjoyable. I am sorry Neko had to deal with this. Poor girl.. I wonder, did she start drooling excessively when this ramped up?
  4. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    I stayed away from Tramadol too. Fortunately I could manage the bupe effects with some pumpkin/Restoralax as needed.

    Neko had to go to a dental surgeon to have the growth removed. She started really grinding her teeth on the one side, and I could feel the bump. Came on pretty fast. Dental vet originally thought it was cancer. Thankfully not.
    LuvinThisPig likes this.
  5. LuvinThisPig

    LuvinThisPig Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
    Okay. Pig has started grinding the back of his teeth when he chews, but this was mainly when he was eating raw. I just noticed that when he is smacking in his sleep it is because he has been drooling. I cannot see or feel any type growth, but I do notice a bit of a gap in his top front teeth (in the middle) so I wonder if it is skull growth. I have kept measure on the distance of his fangs from the top to the bottom and see no difference there.
  6. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    If you look at pictures of acro kitties mouths, the growth is more sideways, a widening, not top to bottom. Not something Neko saw. Each acrocat is different.
    LuvinThisPig likes this.
  7. LuvinThisPig

    LuvinThisPig Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2017
    Yes. This is what I am afraid of. I have seen a lot with elongated lower jaws, which is why I keep measure on the fangs. But, his forehead is wider than a year ago, of that there is no doubt. Not by much at all, but it is there. I will begin to measure this space as well. I am hoping that SRT will stop this.

    Which, I have the dates almost set. I am awaiting confirmation from WSU and at that point I'll announce them.
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