Ringworm stories?

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Gia and Quirk, Jun 17, 2010.

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  1. Gia and Quirk

    Gia and Quirk Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Has anyone treated ringworm successfully? Please share strategies.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. tuckers mom

    tuckers mom Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    We used Miconazole on the skin and Program (off label), a dose every two weeks. Also did a lot of laundry and sprayed surfaces with a bleach water solution, 1 part bleach to 10 parts water.

    Is the ringworm on you or just the cats? If on you, an athletes foot fungus type cream or spray could work however I had a script from my doctor for a small spot I got, it went away within a week on me, but I continued to use the cream for a full 10 days.

    I had two foster kittens that brought it into the house in December.

    ETA: probably doesn't need to be added, but just in case, don't use human anti-fungal meds on pets, get the liquid from your vet. Also, two vets told me it's best to shave the fur on your kitty where you'll be applying the meds, but another vet I spoke to said you don't.
  3. Donna & Buddha

    Donna & Buddha Member

    Dec 29, 2009
    I noticed what looked liked ringworm on my DS's leg a couple of days ago. Finally last night I remembered to go out to the store and buy some antifungal cream (picked up Lotrimin AF, it was what Kroger had, labeled for jock itch). When I went to smear it on my son's leg, the spot was mostly gone, and really, really hard to find. I think our day in the chlorinated swimming pool with lots of sunshine had something to do with it.
  4. Deanie and Boo (GA) and Scout

    Deanie and Boo (GA) and Scout Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    LOL, this is the only ringworm story i know, courtesy of Judy and Desmos.

    A Poem For Awr STUPID BEAN!

    (This is awr furst poem. Cat Astrophy (GA) taut us bout rymin' an we onner him for it. Its bout wat awr Very Stupid Bean went an did.)


    Once thayre wuz a alien
    With a little bare paw
    But the hares gru bak
    An we thot that wuz all

    But 3 little aliens
    The Vary nex day
    Got bare spots on thayr eers an feets
    An still thay played away

    The bean faun some medisin
    What she forced down thayr throats
    An all the little hares gru back
    For splendud little coats.

    The aliens went bak
    To the shelter place all tame
    Judy Bean wuz happy til
    She saw the mirror frame

    YIKES!! She skreemed
    Nearly bustin awt awr brayns
    Thayre patches on my face
    An my han looks mity strange!

    The bean used sum medusin
    What heeled up her fayce
    She thot her han wuz sompin else
    An diddnt treet the case.

    Her hand got worse!
    Like WE knu it wud’uv
    So she had to cee a dokter bean
    To see wat she shud’uv

    The dokter skraped her skin
    (Then washed his hans wif sope)
    An Fungus stayred rite back at him
    Rite thru the mikro skope

    The morul to the storee is
    We make it be a law!
  5. Lisa and Merlyn (GA)

    Lisa and Merlyn (GA) Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Ah Deanie, thanks for posting that classic!!!

    Gia, Janeway had a small circular spot in the back and just below her ear when I first took her home. First vet, different clinic than we go to now, looked at it and said "wonder what that is" and did nothing. This was in September after adopting her. first of November, it looked different so back to different (current clinic) we go. First words out of vettybeans mouth is RINGWORM! So we did like way too long with the cream, which didnt help. I think it was 2 months? It didnt spread but didnt go away either. Then we did Fulvicin (griseofulvin sp?) for 2 weeks, and nothing for 2 weeks waiting for DTM culture. Nope, still gotz it. So we did another course of it, and she was finally proclaimed clear on.. April 1st, but it wasnt a foolie. November thru April.

    In the shelter we used to use fulvicin, now we use sporanox and lyme sulphur dips. I think they dip them 2x a week. Now, all cats coming in from other shelters are quarantined for a week and get DTMs (cultures) for ringworm and black lighted (but blacklight only picks up on half of the types of RW types) It seems like every few years we have really bad ringworm outbreaks.
  6. Jess & Earl

    Jess & Earl Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Hi Gia

    I've had two litters of ringworm kittens in my house, and another kitten with ringworm on a separate occasion. I treated all kittens with Lyme-Sulphur dip. THat is my favorite, it's safe, and I think it's the best. I did use Program on one litter and it may have helped too. I know I adopted one kitten out before the others, and she missed a Program dose and a dip and was still struggling with ringworm after the others had cleared. The dip really stinks, but the cat doesn't stay stinky after s/he dries.

    I would be loathe to use oral anti-fungals for something like ringworm unless it was incredibly, unbelievably severe. They are tough on the liver and most cats get over ringworm on their own anyway.

    BTW, one of those litters of kittens developed their ringworm spots *after* they'd been running around my house for three days, and none of my cats nor my dog got ringworm. I even had Earl at the time, and he had about three white blood cells, so I think that many cats develop immunity after kittenhood exposure and adult cats just aren't that susceptible. I myself got ringworm once, years ago, and have been immune since, and it is the same with 99% of my coworkers. (There is always one person who ALWAYS gets ringworm.)
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