Todd 2nd Opinion.. Possible Pancreatitis.

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by ToddyTiger, Aug 4, 2010.

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  1. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    *Past posts on this:

    So I took Todd in for a 2nd opinion at a cats only vet in the Seattle area. Not that I don't trust our vet office, they have always been good to us, but I wanted fresh eyes on this.

    The vet spent 3 hours with us. She was very nice, though seemed a bit confusing to talk with sometimes. She went over all of his records from the other vet, checked him all over, did a rectal and had a couple of the other doctors there check him out. We talked about food options and she told me to check out BinkysPage, which I have in the past and I hate to say, was a bit confused at what I should try from there. She said something about finding a canned food that has 8% calories from carbs? (high protein, low carbs is what she wrote on his paperwork) Maybe someone here can help me with this one. She thinks he needs to be on a canned food only diet and not necessarily D/M or MD. He is really a dry food only kind of guy, so this might be hard.

    Without doing extra blood work (just going off of the blood panel our vet did a couple of weeks ago) and without doing an ultrasound (which she seemed to think might not help) she says it could be aggressive Pancreatitis, but she also said she can't tell me that he doesn't maybe have a tumor someplace. Looking at his blood work, she said a few things that would normally be high (or low) with Pacreatitis, is normal.. but then she said, that is the funny thing about Pancreatits. Everything can look fine, but they can still have it. She said even if they did an ultrasound, it may look totally normal, but he could still have it. She also noted that when our vet did an ultrasound on him late last year, that his Pancreas looked inflamed and she was surprised no one did anything about it (it was when he was going in for surgery on his intestines) She said he is full of stool, just by feeling him, but when she did the rectal, she said it was soft and he should be able to pass it. She said he also seemed rather uncomfortable when she was pushing on his belly. I have him set up in our bedroom so I can see what his urine and BM habits are right now. He hates being locked in the bedroom though, but with the other kitties in the house, I can't keep track of who is doing what. I hope that isn't making him feel worse, being locked in the bedroom. :(

    So basically, what she did was give me EXTRA meds, as well as more of what we already have.

    Here is the list of meds she gave.. she felt bad giving me so much. I don't know if this is all too much for him though.

    Lactated Ringers Sub-Q 150ml once a day

    Buprenorphine 0.25 to 0.3 every 12 hours (up from the 0.2 our original vet gave him)

    Metronidazole One capsule (62.5mg) once a day. Starts today in the am

    Baytril 22.7mg Once a day (started last night)

    Mirtazapine 1/4 tab every 72 hours (due again on 8/5)

    Tumil-K Gel 3ml twice a day (our original vet suggested holding off on this. But he has low potassium and the new vet thinks this might be why he feels so tired and why he is having trouble having a BM)

    0.25 of B12 once a week for now

    and she gave him a shot of an anti nausea medication yesterday. I recall that she said if this helped, she could give me some and I can give it at home if need be. I can't tell if it's working though, because he still doesn't want to eat (aside from his treats)

    She said to check his BG in the afternoon, maybe 3ish and if it's in the 200's I should give him 1/2 unit of Lantus in the PM with food. She said he needs to eat the equivalent of one can of A/D once a day and if I have to force feed him, do it.

    I can't say she felt hopeful.. but I can't say she thinks he is gonna die tomorrow. She said he was a VERY sick cat. She said if he doesn't start looking a bit better by next week, I should let her know and we'll see what we an do from there. she was surprised to hear I was already giving him Sub-Q and that he had just over 100ML 2 hours before we arrived. She thought it was odd that he had already absorbed all of it by then, but was still a bit dehydrated AND is drinking water.

    So I just don't know.. this has been going on since roughly July 9th. He has lost weight as well.. back in April he was around 14lbs. On July 9th he was just over 13lbs. One July 21st he was 12 1/2lbs, and yesterday he was still at 12 1/2lbs. I guess it's good that he hasn't lost more weight. But I an REALLY feel his spine and that scares me a ton.

    So I don't know how long it usually takes before Pancreatitis starts getting better. Right now he just loafs on the bed. last night that was all he did after I gave him all his meds. He either loafed at the end of the bed or loafed next to me. He cuddled a bit with me during the night, but my husband tends to shift a lot, so he didn't stay next to us too long. I suppose with the pain meds, loafing is probably normal. I wouldn't expect him to be jumping all over the place, but it does scare me to see him just sitting there.. for hours. He still wouldn't eat last night. Well, he will eat those Hill's Hypoallergenic treats, but nothing else last night. I suppose with such a rough day at the vet and all the meds, that is normal. Today I will syringe feed him if he doesn't eat on his own.

    I'm super scared... I don't know how long it will take to get better, I don't know if these are the right meds for him, I don't know if how he is acting, is normal for Pancreatitis (he has some of the symptoms, but not all. No vomiting or diarrhea). I'm just so lost and worried.

    Oh, side note.. I picked up the ReliOn Micro. The new vet wasn't thrilled with it, because she thinks most of the cheaper ones aren't great. I brought it with me and they tested it against theirs. It was like a 6 number difference. So she seemed to trust it a bit more after that. heh
  2. pamela and tigger

    pamela and tigger Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I am sorry that you and Todd are going through all of this, still.

    Hopefully, the two antibiotics will help treat whatever is wrong with your boy and along with the appetite stimulant he will start eating again. The pain med hopefully will help too. The Flagyl (Metronidazole) is better tolerated if given with food and it also has a very bitter taste, at least that is what I remember reading when Tigger was on it. I am sure you already know this though.

    Here is a good link on ways to get an inappetant cat to eat. This is a CRF site but her suggestions can still apply in most cases like feeding baby food, the toppings to add extra flavor, etc. Plus she talks about the appetite stimulants:

    I am sure someone will be along to help with some suggestions. I hope you find some answers and he feels better soon. Please don't give up. Tigger was a very sick kitty a few years ago with liver disease/pancreatitis/IBD and he recovered and is healthy and fine today at 15 years. Please do keep us posted.
  3. housecats4

    housecats4 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2010
    So very sorry that your Todd is so sick all I can do is send Angels Prayers and tons of healing green light for your boy Hope he feels better and starts eating very soon Best of luck Kath
  4. Blue

    Blue Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    There is a test for pancreatitis; fPLI - that vet could easily have done that test and you would know for sure if it is pancreatitis or not. No blood tests were done? Can you call and ask if that test was done or if you can have it done? The thing with p-titis is that you have to test when the kitty is having the attack. I compare it to having a fever. If you have a fever now, why wait for a couple days to stick a thermometer in your mouth, yes?

    For the fluids the vet told you to give, it may be an idea to split that amount of 150ml a day to more like 75ml twice a day - it will be easier of Tiger I think.
    It's good you got the bupe because if he does have pancreatitis, he is likely in pain.

    When Shadoe had p-titis, confirmed with the fPLI blood test, we gave her the bupe pain meds and fluids every day for a week to 10days. After the first 2 days she started to act better, but I continued the fluids and she continued to improve.

    Now for the foods. Dry food is kitty crack. That dry food is causing alot of Tiger's problems, so you are not doing Tiger any favor by letting him keep eating the dry food. Seriously. There is another cat on this site who was getting 20+units of insulin and eating dry food. When they switched to wet food, hardly any need for insulin! That 20units dropped pretty quick as soon as those carbs from the dry food was out of the kitty's system.
    If Tiger eats some wet food, then take away the dry. I think of the dry food as jelly beans, and who would feed their child a steady diet of just jelly beans?

    On binky's list, find the foods you are feeding, or ones that are available in your area.

    Binky’s Food Lists
    Click on the link, then click on New Canned Food.
    In the table that is displayed, the first food brand is Authority. If you look to the right, to the 3rd column for the first flavor, Chicken, you see a 6. That flavor of that brand is a 6% carb food. That's a good one.
    Now, there are tons of choices on the list for old and new, so I gave up too, in a way. Instead of looking at the list and trying to remember what to get, I printed out the lists and took them to the store with me.
    That way, I could consult the list and pick a few to try. Some Shadoe LOVED, and some she gave me looks like 'Would YOU eat that? I bet not!' I made a note to never buy some of those flavors again!

    Feeding Your Cat: Know The Basics of Feline Nutrition

    the food matters, so see what you can do for Tiger's health.

    I sure hope the meds work well, and Tiger is up and around again, being his old kitty self.
  5. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    Thank you all so much!

    Gayle and Shadoe-

    I did call the vet to give her an update on Todd. She was busy, but they took everything down and I said they could call me back. I doubt I will here from them today, since it's going on 6pm. But if/when they call tomorrow I will ask about the fPLI test. If they dont want to do it, maybe our old vet will. Worth a try!!

    He is more interested in the canned food than the dry right now, which is good. But he isn't a huge fan of the canned, so he won't eat much. Just a few nibbles. For now, I will syringe feed the A/D, until we get a food he will eat on his own.

    that is a good idea about splitting up the fluids. I will give that a try tomorrow.

    He seems.. better today. Not a huge difference, but a bit more alert. I know he hates getting all of the meds though. Three pills, gels and other things that need to be put in his mouth. Poor guy.

    I checked his BG at 3:45pm (after poking him a few times with no blood) this afternoon and it was 269. So he will be getting the half unit of Lantus tonight.

    Also, he had a BM this morning! I was pleased. It looked totally normal to me, so that made me feel better. I was worried he may be blocked or something.

    I am hopeful, yet still VERY worried.
  6. Nina and KB

    Nina and KB Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I'm sorry to hear Todd isn't feeling well. From what I understand, Pancreatitis can be very painful, so I'm glad she gave you pain meds to give him.

    There are many canned foods on the chart Gayle sent you that are under 8 carbs. Several of the Friskies Special Diet are 7 carbs or less. I don't feed that solely, but mine like the Poultry Platter and the SD Turkey and Giblets - both of those list a meat ingredient first.

    Here is a link Jojo posted some time ago that you may find helpful:

    I hope your kitty is feeling better soon.
  7. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    Re: Todd 2nd Opinion.. Possible Pancreatitis. *Update

    I want to say he is feeling tons better, but I know that is kind of wishful thinking, because he is still not eating on his own (aside from the Hills Hypoallergenic treats). I'm going to go pick up some different low carb canned foods for him to try today. All I have is the A/D right now, and I'm just guessing that since I have been having to syringe feed that to him, he doesn't WANT to eat it on his own now.

    I just let him out of the bedroom for a bit. I know he hates being stuck in there all day long. The other kitties are leaving him be, so I feel good about him being out while I am at home.

    He seems perkier, but at times he seems tired and weak. I suppose that is simply because he is ill and gets tired faster. right now though, he is rolling around on the ground, giving me the happy twitchy tail, purring and wanting pets. So that makes me happy. :)

    Oh, the vet called today to check on him. She said if I want to, I can give him 5mg of Pepcid and see how he feels. So I'm gonna pick some up while I am out. She does want him getting the Lantus twice a day again, instead of just once. But she wants me to wait until Monday, when she is back in the office. She doesn't want him crashing over the weekend, UNLESS.. his numbers get above 300, then she said to give him the other half unit.

    This might be a dumb question, but I forgot to ask the vet.. Maybe folks here know?.. I didn't keep track of this sort of thing before. But how often should an adult kitty (he is roughly 16 years) have a BM? He doesn't have IBD, but he COULD be slightly constipated. He had a 6 inch BM yesterday morning. Not too hard, but not super soft and normal in color. I just want to make sure he doesn't get blocked up.
  8. tuckers mom

    tuckers mom Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    The Flagyl (Metronidazole) and fluids that you are giving are going to help keep him from being constipated. I'd probably want to see him go again tomorrow, but I do have one cat that goes every third day. Actually I have multiple cats so I can't say how often they all go, my CH kitty is the only one that I know positively is every third day, but she's not mobile like the others so it doesn't get help moving downward.

    Your kitty may have pancreatitis, may not, but it seems to me that many cat with diabetes suffer some form of pancreatitis. It's the pancreas that produces insulin and if a cat is FD, often times the pancreas is a big part of that problem. I'm no vet or expert, but I do have a CP (chronic pancreatitis) cat.

    We used to go for PLI tests all the time. We didn't do fPLI because Tucker's PLI numbers were so high at that point and it was confirmed through and ultrasound and biopsies, that it was just cheaper to do the PLI. His numbers should be below 6, but often times they came back in the 20s.

    The meatloafing, at least for Tucker, is a sign for me that Tucker's belly hurts and he needs his bupe. Tucker also takes Pepcid, but the injectible kind. I find it easier since he's already taking other pills, one less is always better for him.

    B12 is great, we do it weekly and it's been very good for Tucker and helps keep his BGs lower.

    The Baytril is an antibiotic, but so is the Flagyl, does he need both? The Flagyl is geared to work mainly in the gut, it's an anti-biotic/anti-inflammatory.

    If his potassium is low, give the Tumil-K but have his potassium rechecked periodically because too much can also be a problem.

    Read the info that Nina linked to you, it's a very informative and may help you better understand what pancreatitis is and why the meds are needed.
  9. Blue

    Blue Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    For the pepcid, please cut the 5mg tablet into 2 pieces and give him no more than 5mg total a day; I think that is the max for a kitty. I had 10mg and cut them into 4 pieces and gave a 1/4 in the am and 1/4 in the pm.

    It's good to hear he is acting better; hopefully he will continue to feel better.

    For any constipation worries, you can pick up some miralax or I have Lax a Day or Reversa Lax, then just mix in 1/2 tsp and add water to the foods. It helps Oliver as his stool needs help to keep moving sometimes. If 1/2tsp is not enough, add more. Too much, cut back.

    And if he is eating wet food, take away all the dry. It is not good for him and he will just eat more wet food. You will also have less worries about constipation with the wet food.
  10. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    Re: Todd 2nd Opinion.. Possible Pancreatitis. *Update*

    I do think he is feeling better. He looks and acts much more alert, which makes me so happy. And actually, as I type this, he groomed his face for just a moment, which I haven't seen him do in days.

    I went to Mudbay (a fancy local pet store) and picked up about 12 different cans of food to try. I of course made sure they were less than 8 carbs. We KIND OF like the EVO Duck. Not so much a fan of the EVO Beef and everything else I have tried so far is a big fat NO! But I have several cans left to try. I also figure that he might not get his appetite back for a few more days, to even a week. So I shouldn't just give up on it. Now that I think about it, when he doesn't feel well, he really just won't eat. After his surgery last fall, it took about a week before he started eating again. So it might just take a few more days. He still of course wants the treats. I've been syringe feeding him the A/D as suggested by the vet.

    I also started him on the Pepcid AC last night. I got the 10mg tablets and cut them into 4 pieces. I gave one last night and another this morning. I know 5mg is the max total for a cat. I will give him another piece of the 10mb tablet tonight before his other meds.

    I am having a hard time giving him all of his oral meds, as well as the syringe feedings. I've been trying my best to not make it a traumatic experience for him. I do it in our bedroom, with just us. I clean off his mouth if he dribbles food or meds and I calmly talk to him. But he just seems so upset and grumpy for a while after I'm done, and he tosses his head around while I try to give the meds or food. I feel so bad about it. I think the worst one to give (aside from the syringe feedings, which he HATES) is the Tumil-K. I have the paste/gel.. I don't blame him for hating it. It smells awful!! I do have the pills as well, but they are huge and I can't seem to get them down his throat, so the gel is the best choice right now. :/

    I'm not sure how well the Mirtazapine (appetite stimulant) is actually working. The vet said there was another appetite stimulant we could try on Monday, if I don't see any improvement over the weekend. I expect that we will need to switch on Monday.

    No BM yesterday or today, however, I did let him come out into the rest of the house with the other kitties yesterday (and this morning), so he very well could have used the other litters boxes around the house. He seems to be urinating normally.

    I am still VERY hopeful, though in the back of my head, I do have that little voice saying.. "He won't get better. It'll be just like Nip and Sylvester." Aside from going to the vet and the pet store, I have just been sitting at home all day worrying and watching him. (I work from home) I know I should leave for a bit and do SOMETHING, but I feel horrible doing so. Like I'm abandoning him so I can have fun. I'm even more worried about the end of the month. We have to go out of state for 4 days and normally I would have a friend house/pet sit, but with him being so sick, I will have to board him at the vet. I know that I shouldn't worry about that. If anything goes wrong, he is AT the vet already and they can care for him, but again, I feel like I'll be abandoning him.

    Tucker's Mom- The new vet said she was giving him both antibiotics for a reason, but I honestly can't remember what the reason was. I did question her on that though.

    Anyway.. I just wanted to let everyone know how he is doing today. :)
  11. housecats4

    housecats4 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2010
    Sending Prayers & Angels to help your little Todd..maybe you could try some baby food just make sure there is no onion or garlic in it. Some cats really like the meat ones and so easy to just lick up .Maybe when you do some meds you could try wrapping him in a towel and be sure to tell him what a good job he is doing treats to follow.. They do understand that you are trying to help just they hate meds Have you tried pill pockets I cut the bigger pills in pieces and break off pieces of pill pockets to wrap them in...Then if I am lucky they will eat with treats but normally I just open their mouth and toss it to the back they just swollow pill gone....Sending lots of beautiful green healing light to help Todd.....Kath
  12. pamela and tigger

    pamela and tigger Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    Just wondering, are you sure he doesn't have IBD too? Did your vet positively rule this out? Pancreatitis oftentimes is accompanied by IBD problems too. Plus also maybe the reason for the Flagyl along with the Baytril combo, which if she doesn't really exactly know what she is dealing with bacteria-wise (or even if he actually does have an infection), it seems here she is using these two as broad spectrum antibiotics to deal with it. Again, I am not a vet just going by what I learned from my vet in a similar situation.

    The other appetite stimulant she might be considering is Cyproheptadine (Periactin). Here you can read about it on Tanya's site (if you aren't already, try and make it a habit to read up on all the medications your vet gives you so you can ask questions and be aware of any side effects - also always ask for copies of all bloodwork done): ... oheptadine

    I am glad he seems to be feeling better. I hope you will not need the appetite stimulant come Monday.
  13. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    She didn't mention possible IBD. Sylvester had horrible IBD for the last 4 years of his life. Todd doesn't seem to be having the same symptoms Sly was having, so I don't think it's IBD. But I'm not a vet either. haha

    Todd seems a lot better today, he has started eating on his own. Not tons, but far more than he has been. So I am pleased. I hope this means that he is starting to get better. :D
  14. chriscleo

    chriscleo Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    my cat cleo has pancreatitis often. it is terribly painful. her fPLIs are always negative but the pancreas is inflamed on the ultrasound.

    i'd shift those fluids to 75 ml twice a day (3-4 hrs after the insulin).

    bupe i'd shift to every 8 hours if he's in pain. it doesn't last 12 hrs in most cats.

    we like low carb canned food here for diabetics. canned food is really the best thing for all kinds of issues. but if you have lo carb you have higher protein and usually higher fat. you might want to explore getting low carb food that also has a lower fat content (check janet & binky's old and new canned food charts for this). higher fat food can aggravate the pancreatitis.

    get an anti-emetic of some kind (ondansetron, anzemet, cerenia -- whichever the vet feels is safe for his other issues too). it stops the vomiting reflex if it is given 2 hours or so away from food (doesn't work well if given too close to eating).

    low potassium i can't help you with but it's serious. maybe PM tucker's mom if you need more help there. she just went thru lo potassium with tucker. ask her about how potassium can be affected by giving subQ fluids -- i think there's a connection.

    see if you can get a prescription for injectable B complex, too, to put in the tubing about halfway thru administration of subQ fluids. between the B12 and B complex it helps the body absorb the nutrition it needs. if you need a cheaper source, i can dig one up.

    see if you can get injectable pepcid instead. i get a large vial of it for about $13. some cats are hard to pill, and the injectables cut down on the amount of pilling you have to do.

    dr lisa was mentioning that rolling the pill in fortiflora makes it palatable to lots of cats. otherwise, mine do pretty well with pill pockets. i don't usually use the whole pill pocket with the pill -- just enough to cover the pill so i can pop it into the back of the throat.

    dusting the top of his food with fortiflora (get from vet or get prescription to buy thru petfooddirect or another online supplier) will encourage lots of cats to eat. they just love the stuff.

    hope this is helpful.
  15. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    I just wanted to give a little update.

    Over this weekend, Todd appears to actually be getting better! On Saturday, he started eating on his own, not tons, but more than usual.. today he ate three helpings of his food! I did not syringe feed him at all today (Sunday). I am so very pleased. He's a little grumpy right now because he just got all of his PM meds, but I am sure once we go snuggle in bed, he'll be happy again. He has been so much more active and happy today. I really hope this means he is going to be ok. But we will have to see what tomorrow brings. He took more of the appetite stimulant this morning, so it could very well just be the meds doing this to him. My husband and mom say he looks better though. :D

    He took the last of the Buprenorphine tonight. I am not sure if the vet will want to give him more or not, but I would guess he will need at least a couple more days, just to play it safe.

    Also, when it comes to the food.. so far, the only wet food he will eat (that has 8 carbs or less) is the EVO duck, mixed with a good amount of water. He likes it to be like a thin soup. *shrug* So I hope that is a good food for him to be on.
  16. housecats4

    housecats4 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2010
    So happy to hear Todd is feeling a bit better..No advice but any food is better then no food Have a great day sending Angels & Prayers coming to help Kath
  17. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    He was doing so well, but now he seems rather blah today. Didn't wake me up for breakfast and he is just loafing in the living room. It's almost time for his meds, so hopefully that will help. I just gave him .75ml of fluids to see if that would help. The vet told me a couple of days ago to back off on the fluids a bit if he is doing better, so I did. But since he seems blah today, I thought maybe I should give him a bit. We also started him back on half a unit of Lantus twice a day, rather than once a day, since his numbers were in the upper 300's on Monday.

    I was a bit worried though, because while I was giving the fluids today, I saw two air bubbles go down the tube and I couldn't stop them. I hope that won't hurt him. :(
  18. chriscleo

    chriscleo Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    have you tested for ketones? i'd suggest you get ketone diagnostic strips at the pharmacy so you can test him the next time he pees. his symptoms could be from the pancreatitis, or they could suggest ketones if insulin hasn't been regular and appetite is bad. definitely get more bupe from the vet if you can.
  19. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    I already started him back on the Bupe. So he is good there. I'll go pick up those strips in a bit. Now that he has had all of his medications, he seems better. I also gave him the appetite stimulant, which brings him around pretty fast. He's bright eyed, talking, purring and such. He did eat some as well, so that is good. We're not out of the woods yet, I guess. I hope to see him get a lot better within the next week. I hope, I hope.. :/
  20. chriscleo

    chriscleo Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    that makes me suspect the lethargy/meatloafing WAS connected to the pancreatitis.

    really, better safe than sorry. diabetics can get ketones, so it always helps to have those strips on hand just in case. lethargy and inappetance can be signs of pancreatitis, but they can also be signs of ketosis.

    pancreatitis is such a funny thing. we see quite varied responses to it. with cleo, i see vomiting and wandering around crying with a toy in her mouth. i don't generally see higher blood glucose values when she's having an active pancreatitis flare. other cats' blood glucose values shoot up during a flare up.

    i usually give fluids when cleo is acting hinky. i'd mostly worry about giving them to a cat with potential heart/respiratory issues but otherwise they really help perk up many cats who aren't feeling well.
  21. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    I really hope it's just Pancreatitis. I'm so scared it's something far worse, something we can't fix or won't have the money to fix. He only vomited once, about a month ago. His symptoms are as follows..

    Not eating (acting like he wants to eat, but doesn't)
    Not drinking enough
    Appears to be in pain (not to the touch, just looks uncomfortable)
    Weight loss
    Wanting more attention than usual (wants to snuggle more at night and not be alone)
    Eyes look off... like, not as bright as usual

    I need to say though, some of the things listed he is doing better with. He seems to have more energy, he is drinking more now and he does eat, just not tons of food. His eyes look better too! The weight loss does scare me. Our two older kitties, who have now passed on, they started to lose weight pretty fast. I mean scary fast and then they just went down hill even further and were gone. Within a month for both of them. One had cancer and the other was 20 years old with IBD. I don't want to see this happen to Todd. He isn't boney.. well, his hips are (he also has a lion cut right now, so he looks worse because of that) You can't feel his ribs though, just his hip bones and the back of his spine. Like I said, the haircut doesn't help.

    I think he is getting better, but it's so hard to tell, honestly.

    I just weighed him, but my home (made for people) scale is probably not the best way to weigh him. I weigh myself, then weigh myself again while holding him and see what the difference is. If this is indeed correct, he is down to exactly 11lbs, and was at 12.5 last week on Tuesday. However, he has been eating and drinking more on his own and he doesn't feel like he has lost more weight. So I just hope it's wrong.. :/

    I know he doesn't have thyroid issues, they checked that. I suppose it could be because of not being on insulin for so long ( He was off insulin for about a month and has just started back on half a unit once to twice a day. original dose was 2.5 units twice a day before getting sick a month ago) I am not sure if being off the insulin for a month can cause major weight loss... can it?

    Anyway.. I need to call the vet and see when they want him to come back in for a follow up.

    Thanks folks!
  22. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    I did the weight thing a couple of more times, just to be sure. I got 12.4lbs a couple of times. So that is probably more like it, he is about the same as he was last week at 12.5lbs. I didn't think he really lost another pound. He doesn't look it or feel it. I mean, it could be that he did indeed lose more weight, I just hope he didn't. I'm going to drive him to the vet tomorrow morning to get weighed and see if he is truly the same. I hope for the same or some weight gain.
  23. ToddyTiger

    ToddyTiger Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    Just a thought...

    So, it's pretty hot today. Low 80's outside, so about the same inside. Stuffy and such..

    Does anyone else have issues with their Diabetic kitty (or a kitty having Pancreatitis issues) not wanting to eat and seeming rather blah when it's hot outside (or inside)?? It was cool and rainy over the weekend and Todd REALLY perked up over the weekend, but I'm noticing when it gets hot out, that is when he starts having issues again. I don't know if the heat is just making him feel worse or if maybe the heat is what is causing the Pancreatitis attack. Back in early July we had several days where it was in the mid to upper 90's, and that is when he first started getting sick and not eating. So I am wondering if there is a connection here?..

    Just a thought. heh
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