Tonka 15/3 AMPS 72 PMPS 101 (OTJ Trial Day 3)

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by jmalasiuk, Mar 15, 2015.

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  1. jmalasiuk

    jmalasiuk Member

    Nov 16, 2014

    Last night Tonka decided that he was famished and ate up all of his evening meal (and much of Teeger's) within the first 2 hours. So it was nice to see the 72 this morning - he seems to be keeping his sugars down even without spreading his food out. On the other hand, he spread his eating out more in his typical fashion today, finishing off the last of it around +10, and this is his highest reading since starting the trial. Oh well - maybe his pancreas is still just a little slow on the response and this is a result of him finishing off his food at +10.

    I'll test him before bed in 3 or 4 hours and see where he is then.

    He spent a bit of time scrabbling about outside in the cool air today, but most of his time today was spent in the coveted scratching post, snoozing.
  2. julie & punkin (ga)

    julie & punkin (ga) Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    everything under 120 is considered normal - a blip to 101 isn't a problem as long as he doesn't make a habit of it! ;)

    congrats on day 3! how exciting - we love an OTJ trial!:D:D:D
  3. jmalasiuk

    jmalasiuk Member

    Nov 16, 2014
    Still 101 at +3.5, but he did eat some more of his food less than an hour ago, so that might be keeping him in the border-line blues.
  4. Marje and Gracie

    Marje and Gracie Senior Member Moderator

    May 30, 2010

    Still a normal number ;)


  5. Vyktors Mum

    Vyktors Mum Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
  6. Deborah & Gadget

    Deborah & Gadget Member

    Jan 19, 2015
    Are there guide lines posted for getting kitty OTJ? Gadget is doing so well fingers crossed.....
  7. jmalasiuk

    jmalasiuk Member

    Nov 16, 2014
    Wendy and Chris both posted the instructions for me on separate days - it looks like these are the trial instructions (not sure where they live on the board, but here they are copied from our Day 1 post):

    Here are the OTJ Trial Instructions:
    Start the trial on the next green pre shot.

    If he/she is green at your normal test times, no need to test further until the next "PS" time; just feed small meals and go about your day. If he/she is blue at your normal "PS", feed a small meal and test again after about 3 or 4 hours. If his/her number is lower 3-4 hours after a meal, then the pancreas is working!

    Post every day so we can monitor your progress and see if any tweaks are needed. He/she may have a sporadic blue number. Don't panic but post before you decide whether to shoot so we can have a discussion.

    After 14 days of no insulin, we have a party!!

    Sometimes the trial doesn't work the first time and we have to give a little more support in the form of resuming insulin. It's not the end of the world if that happens; we just give him/her the support needed. Our goal is a strong remission and it's better to take our time to get that than to rush into remission just to have it fail later on.
    Good luck with the trial!!!

    Once he/she is through the trial successfully, you enter a new phase. Your cat is still diabetic but has now become diet-controlled. Continue feeding low carb food in the manner successful for your kitty. If you decide to change his/her feeding schedule, let your meter be your guide to the best times to feed. Avoid medications with sugar in them and steroid medications unless they are medically essential. Continue testing blood glucose weekly for the first month and then monthly forever. It's a good idea to weigh him/her monthly. Weight should remain stable. If he/she seems "off" or sick, or is showing signs of diabetes (excessive drinking, eating, urinating, weight loss), test his/her blood glucose right away. Keep the teeth and gums clean and healthy; dental issues can bring a cat out of remission. If you see rising blood glucose numbers, it's time for a visit to the vet!
  8. jmalasiuk

    jmalasiuk Member

    Nov 16, 2014
    Sorry, I misunderstood your question (thought you were asking if there were guidelines for the cats on the OTJ trial - didn't read carefully enough :oops:
    I know many on the board say that the Tight Regulation protocol that's posted as a sticky will give them the best chances of remission. From you spreadsheet, though, it looks like Gadget is on his way already. If you post daily here, some more knowledgeable, kind people will respond and help guide you better than I'm able to
    Deborah & Gadget likes this.
  9. Deborah & Gadget

    Deborah & Gadget Member

    Jan 19, 2015
    I appreciate both replys!!!! Thank you
  10. julie & punkin (ga)

    julie & punkin (ga) Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    I'm going to respond here to Deborah - I hope that's ok, Jordi.

    Deborah, you might want to delay taking a reduction until you actually catch Gadget under 50. You test plenty and it's safe to let him go under 50 as long as you're monitoring. The guidelines are there for a reason - that's what works best. Sometimes a cat does go down the dosing scale in leaps and bounds, but you're still catching enough higher numbers (over 120, which is considered out of the normal range) that Gadget would likely benefit from a little bit longer at each dose. When a cat is kept between 50-120 (human glucometer) that is the range that the pancreas can heal in. From experience, we know that cats will have the strongest remission if they are kept on insulin as long as they need any at all.

    Not sure if all of that makes sense, but feel free to open your own thread and we can explain more about it there. I just wanted to respond to your question about going OTJ - because I agree with Jordi, Gadget looks good. You just want to give him as much as he needs as long as he'll take it - and the signal that he's ready for a dose reduction is that he'll drop below 50.

    The OTJ directions aren't posted anywhere on the site. They're posted when a cat is ready for them. :D
    Deborah & Gadget likes this.
  11. julie & punkin (ga)

    julie & punkin (ga) Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2011
    I should add - a second method for taking a dose reduction for those following Tight Reg, is if a cat stays in normal numbers on a given dose for 7 days. So if everything is between 50-120 for an entire week, then you can try to reduce the dose. That's on the TR page under reducing the dose. There is also a section right under that about remission that might be helpful.
    Deborah & Gadget likes this.
  12. Deborah & Gadget

    Deborah & Gadget Member

    Jan 19, 2015
    That's great info! Thanks for posting!
    I am not wanting to take Gadget OTJ yet. But I do have my fingers crossed and I am getting curious about the protocol!
    I am writing a post right now for the Lantus Forum. But I only took him down to .50 because of his AMPS OF 57 this morning. I waited an hour, it came up to 74 but I was nervous to give full dose. I also did not want to skip a dose. So what would you have done? Meanwhile Gadget was acting completely normal all day.
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