Unsure if I should shoot

Discussion in 'Feline Health - (Welcome & Main Forum)' started by Vegetable (GA), Aug 3, 2015.

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  1. Vegetable (GA)

    Vegetable (GA) Member

    May 28, 2015
    Vegetable is doing a little better today, she made it through the night & seems to be looking a little better.

    Now it's time for her morning shot but when I just checked her blood sugar she's at 5.2 I'm not sure if I should give her the morning shot or not? She's still not eating on her own but she tolerates being syringe fed baby food. I just fed her 2ml's & I'll give her some more in a few minutes.

    I seem to have a problem with me spread sheet so I can't update it right now. I'll try & play with it later & see if I can fix it.
  2. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    So she's at about 94 in U.S. #s, is that correct?
  3. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    Can you give me her #s from yesterday & last night?
  4. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    Jennifer, you mentioned on Saturday that you'd been out camping with Vegetable along... Is there any possibility that she ate/ drank anything unknown while you had her in the great outdoors? Just curious about that, since she'd been vomiting and is still off her feed ...
    Critter Mom likes this.
  5. Vegetable (GA)

    Vegetable (GA) Member

    May 28, 2015
    @Robin&BB last night pre-shot she was at 15.9 & just before we left the campsite she was at 10.2

    I was wondering if she ate or drank something that didn't agree with her but if she did I have no idea what it would be.
  6. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    Disregard what I'd written. If she's at a U.S. 94 this am, you can't shoot that.
  7. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    Meaning, I'd earlier written & asked if you'd shot her (duh, already knew you hadn't). then erased that from the post & rewrote. Sorry, not enough coffee yet ...
  8. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    And she's on Caninsulin, as per your signature line?
  9. Vegetable (GA)

    Vegetable (GA) Member

    May 28, 2015
    It's ok @Robin&BB your coffee deprived I'm sleep deprived. I have to update my signature line, she's on lantus now. I started the lantus on Wednesday last week. I'll work on updating things properly today.
    Robin&BB likes this.
  10. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    I can see your spreadsheet now, Jennifer.

    5.2 is in the normal range for a healthy cat. It's the lowest preshot she has had on Lantus to date. She had 0.5IU Lantus yesterday evening so there should still be some insulin in her system.

    Are you monitoring for ketones, Jennifer? On the basis that ketones aren't an issue, I'd skip the dose and check her BG when her next dose is due then report back.

    This is just my take on things. Other members may have a different view.

    I really would get Vegetable to a vet as soon as you can. She really needs to be checked out.

    Robin&BB likes this.
  11. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    Thanks, Jennifer! Glad you'll change that in your signature line, as Caninsulin works rather differently than Lantus. (I'm not well versed on Canisulin).
  12. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    I totally agree with everything Mogs said!
  13. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    @Critter Mom - Funny, I was just about to write to Jennifer, "Have you ck'd for ketones" (and the rest) when your post magically appeared! :cool:
  14. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    Robin&BB likes this.
  15. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    @Critter Mom Well, you know ... that old saying goes: "Great minds think alike.";)
    Brashworks likes this.
  16. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    And fools seldom differ. ;)

    Brashworks and Robin&BB like this.
  17. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    @Critter Mom - Yes, riding the Genius/Idiot roller-coaster always makes life more interesting!
    Critter Mom likes this.
  18. Vegetable (GA)

    Vegetable (GA) Member

    May 28, 2015
    image.jpg I just checked her urine & she's got keystones! She's going to the vet as soon as hubby is done I the shower. Would you read the strip as 4 or 8 for keystones? I atrached a pic. Either way she's still going to the vet soon!!
  19. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    I'd say somewhere in between - like 6. So glad you're going to vet right away! Keep us posted!
  20. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    Well done for testing, Jennifer. It's great that Vegetable's going to the vets - she really needs their help now.

    As best as I can judge from my monitor it does look like 4-6. Anything more than trace requires immediate veterinary intervention.

    Please send us an update when you get back.

    Fingers and paws crossed for Vegetable to feel much better really soon.


    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
  21. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    I've got a season ticket ... :oops:
  22. Vegetable (GA)

    Vegetable (GA) Member

    May 28, 2015
    So veg is in the hospital, the Dr said she is about 10% dehydrated & she is constipated. He is going to do some blood tests & urine test to see what's up. He said she's in critical condition. She's going to get IV fluids right now & they want to keep her at least overnight.

    I'm hesitant to leave her there overnight as its so stressful for her & me! Plus the costs, today's visit is $370 plus any antibiotics she may need and of course the Dr is trying to tell me that if she needs antibiotics I have to get them from him. I said no enema as its to hard on her system right now & some pumpkin will fix her up & she could be plugged up cause she's dehydrated.

    I'm so worried about her & im trying to make the right decisions to get her better.
  23. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    Hi Jennifer.

    First up ... :bighug::bighug::bighug:

    Vegetable's in the best place she can be right now. The IV fluids will flush out the ketones and they'll be able to get some nutrition into her and also do something for her blood glucose levels. I'm sure Vegetable will feel much better when she's properly hydrated, too.

    @Meya14 - is there anything else that Jennifer should be aware of? (Saoirse has never had ketones so I don't know much about the practicalities.)

    Robin&BB likes this.
  24. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    Gee, I'm sorry, Jennifer - my IP server was down (again!) so only now saw your update. Believe me, Mogs is right: your fur-baby is in the very BEST place for her condition & they'll get her turned around with those IV fluids & nutrition. You've done everything right: Took her to the vet for proper veterinary care, right away! Will be thinking good thoughts & sending healing vibes to Vegetable. (So do not beat yourself up, ok?) Keep the faith, sweetie! :bighug::bighug::bighug:
    Critter Mom likes this.
  25. Vegetable (GA)

    Vegetable (GA) Member

    May 28, 2015
    Thanks for the support, I sure need it right now.
  26. Meya14

    Meya14 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2015
    For home care after she comes home from the vet, ask for the following stuff:

    - Potassium blood test and supplement if she's low: The constipation can be due to low potassium and its common in DKA and very important to supplement.
    - SubQ fluids: Get a bag and line set and have them show you how to do it, and how much to give each day if she's not eating/drinking well.
    - Cerinia: For nausea. This really helps them eat.
    - Food: Ask for Iams Max Cal or Royal Canin Recovery or whatever critical care food they have. I don't know what's available in Canada. Get about 10-14 cans.
    - Syringes for syringe feeding if you don't have any.
    - Antibiotics for any infection.

    Good job on switching to the lantus. Any cat who is ketone prone needs a basal insulin and not an in and out insulin like caninsulin.

    When she gets home, it's important that you -don't skip ANY shots-. If her sugars are low, even if you have to feed her pure sugar to get them up, that's what you need to do. You still gotta shoot. Honey and syrup can absorb through the gums you can syringe a small amount at a time into the corner of the mouth. Try to feed at least one 5.5-6oz can a day. More is better.
  27. Vegetable (GA)

    Vegetable (GA) Member

    May 28, 2015
    Can I get a prescription for cerinia & the antibiotics or do I have to get them from the vet? I already tried to tell the vet I would like a prescription for antibiotics if she needs them but he's fighting me on it & saying I can get them from him.

    Also the food you mentioned, why do I need it & not just give her the low carb stuff she's already on now? I currently feed her wellness wet food & im trying to wean her off the dry stuff.

    Sorry but I have a million questions right now & to much time on my hands to think of more.
  28. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    It's very, very frightening when our little ones are so poorly. I nearly lost my mind when Saoirse had the bad pancreatitis flare last year.

    One important thing I'd like to share about that time is that sometimes our little ones can look extremely ill (I thought I might be losing Saoirse last year). However, time and again since I have joined this community I have seen the most amazing recoveries as soon as our little ones get the medical / nutritional support they need.

    Hang in there, Jennifer. I know it's lousy when our little ones are sick in hospital and we can't be beside them to hold their paw, but try to concentrate on the fact that little Vegetable is getting the medical help she needs. I hope she will be feeling much better in the morning.


    Robin&BB likes this.
  29. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    @Meya14 - Would it be an idea for Jennifer to also ask the vet for some cyproheptadine for appetite stimulation? Or is that contraindicated when treating for ketones?

    (I'm learning so much from you. Thank you. :) )

  30. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Jennifer, I know you can get Royal Canin Recover RS in Canada - don't know about the Iams Max Cal. Both are diabetic friendly and very pureed and easy to syringe feed. The Iams Max Cal is better if you can get it, because it's higher calorie and you want more calories in her now. Also, assist feeding a food they don't normally eat is best. They can develop an aversion to whatever food you assist food. (been there done that - my guy stopped liking anything with chicken).

    You can get cerenia and antibiotics from a vet, I don't think you can get them elsewhere. I don't know if you are at your regular vet or the emergency vet, but I think that's where you have to get them. If she has ketones, it's very important to treat any infection or inflammation.

    BTW, we've had several kitties here get enemas if they need them. Better to have one if they need them. That will also make her feel icky.
  31. Meya14

    Meya14 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2015
    The appetite stimulants cyproheptadine and remeron sometimes make cats sleepy/more lethargic, and also take some time to work (days to weeks). They won't do much for nausea either. They are not a bad idea to have if appetite is a chronic issue and lead to the DKA, and could be used, but only if an anti nausea is used as well.

    I know it's expensive, but I really would get all the medications from the vet. Some of the medications are vet only medications so aren't available at pharmacies. Some are different dosages than what humans have and if you got from the pharmacy, you'd have to be converting and cutting pills, and it's safer not to do those things.

    The foods are very thin texture which makes it easier for syringe feeding. They are also very calorie dense (the Iams has 333 cals per can - highest you can get, almost twice as much as most foods). They also use very digestible proteins which aid healing. There are some over the counter type foods that you could use that are comparable if you don't want to pay $ for the Rx. Innova cat and kitten, Evo cat and kitten, Iams kitten, Nurto kitten, wellness kitten. Anything with 200-250+ calories per 5.5oz can basically and a pate texture. As you can see, most of these are kitten foods. Again, I don't know what is available.
    Robin&BB and Critter Mom like this.
  32. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    Cerenia comes as injectible and a pill. Getting the vet to give the first Cerenia as a shot is best, then you don't have to worry about getting a pill down a cat that doesn't want to eat. If you don't have a pill cutter, I'd get one of those from a people pharmacy.

    Of Meya's list above, I have seen Innova cat and kitten and Wellness kitten in the pet stores. Evo no longer sells food in Canada. Wellness kitten is expensive because they only sell the very small cans.
    Robin&BB and Critter Mom like this.
  33. Vegetable (GA)

    Vegetable (GA) Member

    May 28, 2015
    Vegetable is at a regular vet that is open 24hrs but not our regular vet. my goal is to get her stabilized hopefully today & bring her home later tonight. If that doesn't work then I would like to transfer her to my regular vet clinic tomorrow. Either way we're going to go see her later this evening, not having her home is such s strange feeling it's like a piece of me is missing.

    I'll make a list of everything that was suggested & start collecting supplies on a priority basis starting with the high calorie food.
    Critter Mom and Robin&BB like this.
  34. Cat Ma

    Cat Ma Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
    So glad you checked Vegetable for ketones and got her to the vet today. Keeping fingers and paws crossed for a speedy recovery.
  35. Vegetable (GA)

    Vegetable (GA) Member

    May 28, 2015
    I'm happy to report vegetable is doing better tonight!! I just got home from a visit with veg at the vet clinic. I got to feed her some & check her blood sugar & give her the evening shot of insulin. She looks much better & is warmer to the touch then she was this morning. Now we wait for the test results to come back tomorrow & make a plan from there. She's still on IV fluids but I figured that's a good thing to flush the yucky toxins out of the kidneys, she was a good girl & even went pee while I was visiting.

    Of course she's not very happy with me that she's stuck in a cage but she looks much better tonight, I think now I'll be able to get some sleep.

  36. Robin&BB

    Robin&BB Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2013
    Awww ... precious little thing! Good to hear that Vegetable is looking better tonight; here's hoping that you sleep soundly. (As you've had QUITE the stressful day.) Thanks so much for posting that adorable photo! :bighug:
  37. Critter Mom

    Critter Mom Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2014
    Wonderful news, Jennifer. I'm glad you had a good visit with Vegetable. Well - as good as any visit to the vetty bean's can be ;) ). Vegetable may be a bit miffed with you, but she'll get over that. (Cats are incredibly forgiving of those that love them!)

    So chuffed to read that Vegetable is eating, too. And I agree with Robin: that's an adorable photo of your darling girl. :) (Been giving her some cyber scritches with my mouse pointer. ;) )

    I hope that by the time you read this, Jennifer that you and your hubby will have had a decent, refreshing sleep. Ye did great today.

    Robin&BB likes this.
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