03/16 Raven AMPS 249 - PMPS 303

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by SophieFRA, Mar 16, 2023.

  1. SophieFRA

    SophieFRA Member

    Mar 14, 2023
    Hi all, not too much data for Raven today since I was at work all day. But his numbers definitely seem to be going up again after my 0.25 reduction of Lantus (from 2u to 1.75) on Wednesday (yesterday) morning. AMPS was 249 and PMPS 303. Actually unusual that his PMPS shot is higher -- it's usually lower (which I've been wondering about) but I imagine this means he still had some Lantus stored up?

    If I recall correctly, @Chris & China (GA) had recommended on FB to stick with that dose for 7 days and then do a curve. Would you still recommend that? The reason I reduced was because he dropped too fast on Tuesday night - but his lowest number ended up being 71 (after I intervened with high carb food).

    Thankfully he has more of an appetite again today -- so I'm sure that's also playing a factor. in his numbers being highter. He ate his chicken Tiki for his AM and PM meal and his 3 timed portions in between. His stool was also a tiny bit less soupy. Definitely still very mushy but not liquid.

    I received the Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS-5 probiotic @Margaret (and Pearl) had recommended and added 1 capsule each for breakfast and dinner. Is that too much?

    I ordered him some novel protein (rabbit) food and am looking forward to trying that once it arrives hopefully by early next week. I may see if I can get some in store sooner.

    Here's yesterday's post.

  2. Bandit's Mom

    Bandit's Mom Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2019
    He might still be bouncing after the lows of the night of 3/14. It's also possible he went lower last night or during the day today but you can't tell from preshots. Newly diagnosed, unregulated cats can be pretty bouncy. So they can start a cycle in the 300s, drop to below 100 and then head right back up to the 300s by the end of the cycle. Usually the AMPS is higher because of the dawn phenomenon where the BG rises as the body prepares for the day, but there is no hard and fast rule. Depending on whether the cat is bouncing or clearing a bounce, the AMPS could very well be lower than the PMPS.

    If you are following SLGS, doses are held for a week - unless a reduction is earned. If you can get at least 4 tests a day - 2 preshots and 2 mid-cycles - you could follow TR which has more agility in dose changes. However, since it is a more aggressive protocol, it requires more testing than SLGS. With SLGS you do a weekly curve, but we also recommend getting spot checks whenever possible - say a test before bed or on a day when you're off work etc. That will give you more info on what he is doing on a dose than just a weekly curve.

    This article has info on S. Boulardii including dosing: https://www.foodfurlife.com/my-cat-has-diarrhea---what-do-i-do.html#/
    I think the dose is half a 250mg capsule (5 billion CFU) twice a day.

    It's great that you he is eating better and hopefully the S. Boulardii and the rabbit will help with the soft stools :)
    SophieFRA likes this.
  3. SophieFRA

    SophieFRA Member

    Mar 14, 2023

    Thank you so much for your very helpful responses and resources. I really appreciate it!
    Bandit's Mom likes this.

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