05/23 + 24 Eddie (not MIA)

Discussion in 'Lantus / Levemir / Biosimilars' started by Jodey&Eddie&Blue, May 24, 2024.

  1. Jodey&Eddie&Blue

    Jodey&Eddie&Blue Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2021
    Hello Everyone,

    Here is May 22:


    The 22nd involved a lot of coming and going. Getting Max to surgery in one clinic and then pick up and delivery to the 24hr clinic for post-surgery care. Then home to Eddie and all that comes from our journey.

    So, yesterday morning (23rd), the plan was for me to go to 24-hr clinic, pick up Max and bring him to the clinic where the surgery was done; leave him there and pick him up later.

    What happened was that Eddie was refusing to eat no matter what and so I just made the decision to bring him to the 24-hr clinic and get Max from there. Currently, Eddie has got the NG tube in place because he's not getting enough nutrition during food wars and is even losing weight.

    As I mentioned I am convinced his lack of appetite is more about really painful mouth (witness the way he twists his tongue around when he takes in food and his inability to eat properly on either side). I called the specialist vet clinic in Vancouver and pleaded with them to allow for an echo to be done here and to allow for it to be sent for interpretation. I told them I felt Eddie could not survive until July 22 the way were were going. Miraculously, they agreed to accept the echo from here and so it will be done early next week at the 24hr clinic. They did another test of Eddie re: pancreatitis and of course it shows that also the case.

    The most recent and to me kind of scary thing to come next is the attending vet wants to do--and will be doing today--an abdominal ultrasound to determine if there are any other causes of his food issues. Specifically, she mentioned lymphoma. You probably don't need to ask how I feel about this. I am basically awaiting an update from them re: the ultrasound. It will be sent out for "official" interpretation but the vet thinks they ought to be able to rule things in or out prior to sending out results.

    We are not MIA but just so caught up in this awful whirlwind of issues. Now Max is home and has eight weeks of recovery ahead and I have to keep him still and bring him outside for bathroom breaks. All the furniture here has stuff on it to prevent him from jumping.

    I just don't know what to say. I'm hopeful that I'm right re: dental firstly and pancreatic episodes.
  2. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012

    Sorry to hear Eddie's appetite tanked again. Sounds like the tube is the best for him now.

    I had been wondering when a GI ultrasound would be suggested. The ultrasound will tell you if there is IBD or small cell lymphoma present, but not which one. That requires even more testing. IBD can treated with novel proteins and a good probiotic and prebiotic like psyllium husk fiber, and possibly steroid, but he's already on one. SCL is treated with a mild chemo and a steroid to start, the best chemo protocol being a dose every couple weeks. Don't let SCL scare you, it's a mild cancer, and slow moving. Unfortunately GI problems are relatively common with acros. Both IBD and SCL often have pancreatitis as a companion. My current SCL kitty (third in a row :rolleyes:) is in remission 6 years after diagnosis and chemo was stopped so only on steroid - but that's because she has IBD too.

    Remind me, has Eddie ever had his B12 levels tested? That can also be low in IBD/SCL kitties and if so, supplementation can help.
    Jodey&Eddie&Blue likes this.
  3. Jodey&Eddie&Blue

    Jodey&Eddie&Blue Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2021
    Oh, gosh, thanks for this Wendy. It eased my anxiety somewhat. I just spoke with the vet after the ultrasound. Eddie came through the mild sedation just fine. The vet said the results would be sent out to radiologist and there is a very small area of thickening near duodenum. She emphasized very small as she said there could be any number of conditions: 1) IBD; 2) SCL; 3) thickening due to acromegaly; 4) nothing, just something specific to Eddie. She said though the ultrasound showed his pancreas to look "quite good", which is a relief given pancreatitis as the "companion" to IBD/SCL. She is going to call me around shot time for an update. She said Eddie is showing great interest in food again (he's taking an antacid; might be Omeprazole/Prisolec) and did eat. They are keeping him on the drip to recover from the ultrasound.

    So, they'll be sending the results to the specialist. She said if we are talking about SCL including mild chemo, I'll be dealing with the IM vet that we are already working with re: acromegaly. Apparently he has a lot of chemo experience. She said don't there yet. We are actively ruling things out.

    That's all I've got right now. Max had his first real recovery day and it doing ok. He put a little weight on that leg.

    Will update again at shot time.
  4. JL and Chip

    JL and Chip Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    I’m glad to see your update and also that Eddie has an NG tube. Sometimes the food wars just need a pause…for everyone’s sake. Multiple high-maintenance critters can suck the life out of you.

    As for Max, the recovery “rules” can take some getting used to but I’m sure you’ll work out the adjustments and get into a new routine soon. If he's crate trained, a small dog kennel can keep him safe while you’re out or sleeping. The not jumping on things is really important and it’s amazing just how resourceful dogs can be about getting where they want to go. Even my NOT crate trained dog adapted to being kenneled after her surgeries (I tried the couch blockade thinking it was better for her quality of life, only to find her grinning from ear to ear from the middle of the couch anyway :rolleyes:).

    Here’s hoping you get some answers soon about Eddie and can sleep and breathe a bit this weekend.
    Jodey&Eddie&Blue likes this.
  5. Wendy&Neko

    Wendy&Neko Senior Member Moderator

    Feb 28, 2012
    I've seen some people use playpens to keep cat/small dog on the horizontal - bit more room than a kennel.

    Any chance the vet had measurements of the duodenum thickening? I've seen varying qualities of ultrasound results. IM groups often are the ones taking care of SCL. I belong to an on line SCL group. The nice thing about IM vets is being able to juggle multiple balls at once. Neko's IM vet took care of her SCL/IBD. We weren't 100% it was SCL as it requires surgery she couldnt' have, though what I've learned since I understand why the IM vet was leaning that way.
  6. Jodey&Eddie&Blue

    Jodey&Eddie&Blue Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2021
    It's really weird but I was just thinking of playpens!! I'll see what I can find out re: measurements.
  7. Jodey&Eddie&Blue

    Jodey&Eddie&Blue Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2021
    The vet I've been talking to at the clinic is the emergency vet not the IM so we'll see the IM one way or another.
  8. Jodey&Eddie&Blue

    Jodey&Eddie&Blue Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2021
    I hear you about a pause in the food wars. I was beginning to feel totally wrung out.

    I laughed about your resourceful dog grinning on the couch. That's so like them. I've taken Max out about six times for short, slow strolls around the yard. I'm home now for the weekend so can better tend to his needs. I think, following Wendy's comment on the playpen, I'll see about getting something like that...
  9. Staci & Ivy

    Staci & Ivy Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2022
  10. carfurby (GA)

    carfurby (GA) Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    Sending prayers. :bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug::bighug:

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